angular picture upload

Keywords: angular Attribute

html code:

When the input departs from the change event, the touchUpdateImg method will be called. The file object will be passed in and the imgsmall property will be displayed. The file object will be read through the FileReader object. I used apply to monitor. I didn't use apply to monitor before. When I didn't use apply before, I didn't display the picture in real time.

<div class="imglist">
            <div class="imglist-title">
                Merchandise album
            <div class="imglist-content">
                <div class="imglist-item">
                    <input class="oneimg" type="file" name="oneimg" onchange="angular.element(this).scope().touchUpdateImg(this.files,'imgSmall1')" ng-model="imgSmall1">
                    <img class="handle-inp" id="imgSmall1" ng-src="{{imgSmall1}}" />
                    <div class="mast-delete" ng-if="deleteImg[0]">
                      <div class="delete-img" ng-click="touchDeleteImg(0,'imgSmall1')">x</div>
                <div class="imglist-item">
                    <input class="oneimg" type="file" name="oneimg" onchange="angular.element(this).scope().touchUpdateImg(this.files,'imgSmall2')" ng-model="imgSmall2">
                    <img class="handle-inp" id="imgSmall2" ng-src="{{imgSmall2}}" />
                    <div class="mast-delete" ng-if="deleteImg[1]">
                      <div class="delete-img" ng-click="touchDeleteImg(1,'imgSmall2')">x</div>
                <div class="imglist-item">
                    <input class="oneimg" type="file" name="oneimg" onchange="angular.element(this).scope().touchUpdateImg(this.files,'imgSmall3')" ng-model="imgSmall3">
                    <img class="handle-inp" id="imgSmall3" ng-src="{{imgSmall3}}" />
                    <div class="mast-delete" ng-if="deleteImg[2]">
                      <div class="delete-img" ng-click="touchDeleteImg(2,'imgSmall3')">x</div>
                <div class="imglist-item">
                    <input class="oneimg" type="file" name="oneimg" onchange="angular.element(this).scope().touchUpdateImg(this.files,'imgSmall4')" ng-model="imgSmall4">
                    <img class="handle-inp" id="imgSmall4" ng-src="{{imgSmall4}}" />
                    <div class="mast-delete" ng-if="deleteImg[3]">
                      <div class="delete-img" ng-click="touchDeleteImg(3,'imgSmall4')">x</div>

js code

The code of the model. I did the initialization operation in the model, that is, the default picture when there is no selection

service.goodsObj['imgArr'] = {
In the controller is to get the array defined in the model and make the initial assignment

$scope.imgObj          = AddGoodsModel.goodsObj['imgArr'];
        $scope.file            = AddGoodsModel.goodsObj['file'];
        $scope.imgBig     		= $scope.imgObj['imgBig'];
        $scope.imgSmall1    	= $scope.imgObj['imgSmall1'];
        $scope.imgSmall2    	= $scope.imgObj['imgSmall2'];
        $scope.imgSmall3    	= $scope.imgObj['imgSmall3'];
        $scope.imgSmall4    	= $scope.imgObj['imgSmall4'];
// Upload pictures
        function _touchUpdateImg(obj,imgobj){
            var file = obj[0];
            // Determine the type of document
            var name = file['name'];
            var postfix = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf(".")+1).toLowerCase();
            if(postfix !="jpg" &&  postfix !="png" && postfix != "jpeg" && postfix != "gif"){
                $scope.toast('The type of uploaded file can only be jpg,png,jpeg,gif');
                return false;
            // Judge whether it is a big picture
            if(imgobj == 'imgBig'){
                AddGoodsModel.emptyFile = false;
                $scope.emptyFile = false;
            // Get file read object
            var reader = new FileReader();

            reader.onload = function (e) {   
                $scope.$apply(function () {
                    // Determine file size
                    if(file['size'] > 1048576){
                            $scope[imgobj] = base64;
                            $scope.imgObj[imgobj] = encodeURI($scope[imgobj]);
                            $scope.file[imgobj]['size'] = file['size'];
                            $scope.file[imgobj]['type'] = file['type'];
                        $scope.toast('The file is too large, please wait a moment!');
                        return false;
                    $scope[imgobj] =;
                    $scope.imgObj[imgobj] = encodeURI($scope[imgobj]);
                    $scope.file[imgobj]['size'] = file['size'];
                    $scope.file[imgobj]['type'] = file['type'];

        // Drawing pictures with canvas
        function dealImage(path, obj, callback){
             var img = new Image();
             img.src = path;
             img.onload = function(){
              var that = this;
              // Default scale compression
              var w = that.width,
               h = that.height,
               scale = w / h;
               w = obj.width || w;
               h = obj.height || (w / scale);
              var quality = 0.8;  // The default picture quality is 0.7
              //Generate canvas
              var canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
              var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
              // Create attribute node
              var anw = document.createAttribute("width");
              anw.nodeValue = w*1.5;
              var anh = document.createAttribute("height");
              anh.nodeValue = h*1.5;
              ctx.drawImage(that, 0, 0, w*1.5, h*1.5);
              // image quality
              if(obj.quality && obj.quality <= 1 && obj.quality > 0){
               quality = obj.quality;
              // The smaller the quality value, the more blurred the image is drawn
              var base64 = canvas.toDataURL('image/jpeg', quality );
              // The callback function returns the value of base64

Posted by SouThPaw09 on Sat, 04 Apr 2020 10:47:05 -0700