Android Custom Load Animation - Rotating Leaves

Keywords: github Android Mobile

Android Custom Animation Series 3, today to share the third custom Loaidng animation, the same as the first name of a rotating leaf, or the old rules first introduced, then the picture above.

In the end, GIF is a little big. Please think twice about mobile traffic.


First of all, it is still a statement that the original intention of making these animations is to learn and share, so I hope you can point out mistakes, so that I can make better progress. From here on, I do a series of loading animations (deadline: when I give up).
Last animation link: Android Custom Animation - Star Loading View


Today, this animation is made by me when I was making a jumping star, and I inadvertently drew the figure. It feels good. I made it out. Some codes are as follows:

First initialization, the parameters are defined with the following annotations

    protected void initParams(Context context)

         //Outermost radius
        mStarOutR = getAllSize();
        //Intermediate Value of Outer Bessel Curve
        mStarOutMidR = mStarOutR * 0.9f;
        //Inner radius
        mStarInR = mStarOutR * 0.7f;
        //Intermediate Value of Inner Bessel Curve
        mStarInMidR = mStarOutR * 0.3f;

        //Central circle radius
        mCenterCircleR = dip2px(context, 3);
        //Rotation angle
        mRotateAngle = 0;

     * Initialization Brush
    private void initPaint()
        mFullPaint = new Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG);
    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas)
        canvas.rotate(mRotateAngle, getViewCenterX(), getViewCenterY());
        Path starPath = createStarPath(5, -18);
        //The path joins the central circle
        starPath.addCircle(getViewCenterX(), getViewCenterY(), mCenterCircleR, Path.Direction.CW);
        //It's crucial to choose the path filling method.
        canvas.drawPath(starPath, mFullPaint);

Following is the drawing method, and animation three stages of switching, is critical. This time, I got an animation stage to enrich the content of the animation, and it still feels good. A kind of

     * Drawing Pennisetum
     * @param num        Angle number
     * @param startAngle Initial angle
     * @return
    private Path createStarPath(int num, int startAngle)
        final Path path = new Path();
        int angle = 360 / num;
        int roundSize = 5;//Rounded arc
        int offsetAngle = angle / 2;
        path.moveTo(getViewCenterX() + mStarOutMidR * cos(startAngle - roundSize), getViewCenterY() + mStarOutMidR * sin(startAngle - roundSize));
        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
            int value = angle * i + startAngle;
            path.lineTo(getViewCenterX() + mStarOutMidR * cos(value - roundSize), getViewCenterY() + mStarOutMidR * sin(value - roundSize));
            path.quadTo(getViewCenterX() + mStarOutR * cos(value), getViewCenterY() + mStarOutR * sin(value), getViewCenterX() + mStarOutMidR * cos(value + roundSize), getViewCenterY() + mStarOutMidR * sin(value + roundSize));
            path.lineTo(getViewCenterX() + mStarInR * cos(value + offsetAngle - roundSize), getViewCenterY() + mStarInR * sin(value + offsetAngle - roundSize));
            //Inner corner
            path.quadTo(getViewCenterX() + mStarInMidR * cos(value + offsetAngle), getViewCenterY() + mStarInMidR * sin(value + offsetAngle), getViewCenterX() + mStarInR * cos(value + offsetAngle + roundSize), getViewCenterY() + mStarInR * sin(value + offsetAngle + roundSize));
        return path;

    protected void computeUpdateValue(@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) float animatedValue)
        switch (mCurrAnimatorState)//The following is divided into three stages
            case 0://The first stage, rotation and amplification
                mStarOutMidR = getAllSize() * animatedValue;
                mRotateAngle = (int) (360 * animatedValue);
            case 1://The second stage, counterclockwise rotation
                mRotateAngle = (int) (360 * (1 - animatedValue));
            case 2://The third stage, narrowing down
                mStarOutMidR = getAllSize() * (1 - animatedValue);

    public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animation)
        if (++mCurrAnimatorState > FINAL_STATE)
        {//Restore to the first stage
            mCurrAnimatorState = 0;


Young friends, animation should still be possible, if you want to see more details, you can go to the Github link at the bottom of the article, if you think ok, hope to give a like, the most desirable is to give a star on Github. Thank you.


Animation Demo

Github: zyao89/ZCustomView

Author: Zyao89; Reprint please keep this trip, thank you.

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Posted by Ree on Tue, 16 Jul 2019 11:31:23 -0700