1. Question Settings
1. Data cleaning for column G is classified as None, 2000-3999, 4000-5999, 6000-7999, 8000-9999, and more than 10,000.
2. Data cleaning for AA columns requires three categories: Photoshop, CorelDRAW,AI; Contains one or two of them; Not at all.
3. The job applicant information can be classified into 4-5 categories according to the degree of matching and try to interpret the classification results verbally according to the data in columns G, AA, E and X after cleaning.
2. Getting data
2.1 Importing data
# Import data import pandas as pd df = pd.read_excel('data.xlsx')
2.2 Viewing data
# View data types and total data for each column df.info()
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 1430 entries, 0 to 1429 Data columns (total 27 columns): Resume number 1430 non-null int64 Applicant position 1430 non-null object Gender 1430 non-null object Birth date 1430 non-null datetime64[ns] Age 1430 non-null int64 Residence 1430 non-null object Expected salary 1407 non-null object Location 1409 non-null object Function/position 1430 non-null object Industry 1149 non-null object Working type 1430 non-null object School 1430 non-null object Type 1430 non-null object Professional 1420 non-null object Working experience 1348 non-null object Working time 1430 non-null object Company name 1430 non-null object Company size 1430 non-null object Company Industry 1430 non-null object Property 1430 non-null object Department 1430 non-null object Position 1430 non-null object Number of working companies 1430 non-null int64 Working life 1430 non-null object s Working stability 1430 non-null int64 Is 1430 non-null object stable Skill/Language 578 non-null object dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), int64(4), object(22) memory usage: 301.7+ KB
The results of the query show that there are 1430 rows and 27 fields, of which 6 are missing.
3. Data Processing
3.1 Question 1:
Data cleaning for column G is classified as None, 2000-3999, 4000-5999, 6000-7999, 8000-9999, and more than 10,000.
3.1.1 Duplicate Value Processing
# Remove duplicate values print('Size before deleting duplicate values',df.shape) # Delete duplicate records df = df.drop_duplicates() print('Size after deleting duplicate values',df.shape)
Indicates that there are no duplicate values for the dataset.
3.1.2 Missing Value Handling
According to df.info() query result: expected salary is missing 1430-1407=23, missing rate 23/1430=1.6%
Column G does not meet the criteria for Nan and None, so fill in column G Nan with'None', so there will be no missing values.
new_data = df.fillna({'Salary Expectation':'nothing'}) new_data['Salary Expectation']
3.1.2 Unification Processing
First look at each unit type:
# Convert salary formats from different units into a unified format print(new_data['Salary Expectation'].str[-6:].value_counts())
Query found that there are unit types: yuan/month, ten thousand yuan/year, none, less than ten thousand yuan/year, less than ten thousand yuan/month
print(new_data['Salary Expectation'].str[-10:].value_counts())
# Convert irregular salary formats to uniform formats new_data.loc[new_data['Salary Expectation'].str[-6:]=='Ten thousand yuan or less/year','Salary Expectation']= '0-2 Ten thousand yuan/year' new_data.loc[new_data['Salary Expectation'].str[-5:]=='The following Yuan/month','Salary Expectation']='0-1500 element/month'
Unit into four units: yuan/month, yuan/month, yuan/year, none
# Unify the above four units into an average monthly salary (Yuan/Month) import re def salary_p(salary): if salary == 'nothing': return 0 elif re.search('element/month',salary): s = re.findall('(\d+)-(\d+)element/month',salary) # s=[('1000','10000')] mi,ma = int(s[0][0]),int(s[0][1]) return (mi+ma)*0.5 elif re.search('Ten thousand yuan/year',salary): s = re.findall('(\d+)-(\d+)Ten thousand yuan/year',salary) mi,ma = int(s[0][0]),int(s[0][1]) return (mi+ma)*0.5*10000/12 elif re.search('element/year',salary): s = re.findall('(\d+)-(\d+)element/year',salary) mi,ma = int(s[0][0]),int(s[0][1]) return (mi+ma)*0.5/12 else: return -1
# New column saves average monthly pay new_data['mean_salary'] = new_data['Salary Expectation'].apply(salary_p) # Make a slice bins = [0,2000,4000, 6000, 8000,10000,1000000] labels =['0-2000','2000-3999','4000-5999','6000-7999','8000-9999','>10000'] new_data['salary_class']=pd.cut (new_data['mean_salary'], bins, labels=labels, right=False) new_data['salary_class'].value_counts()
The results are as follows:
3.2 Question 2:
Data cleaning for AA columns requires three categories: Photoshop, CorelDRAW,AI; Contains one or two of them; Not at all.
3.2.1 Missing Value Handling
new_data['Skill/language'].fillna('nothing',inplace=True) new_data.info()
3.2.2 Skill keyword processing
new_data['skill'] = new_data['Skill/language'].str.findall('[a-zA-Z0-9\s#.\+/]+') # Handle spaces before and after skill words and convert them to lowercase new_data['skill2']='' for i in new_data['skill'].index: new_data.loc[i,'skill2']=",".join(map(lambda x:x.strip().lower(),new_data.loc[i,'skill']))
3.2.3 Skill Statistics
new_data['skill_class']=0 s = ['photoshop','corel draw','ai'] for i in new_data['skill2'].index: skill = new_data['skill2'].iloc[i] b = 0 for j in s: if j in skill: b+=1 new_data.loc[i,'skill_class']=b new_data['skill_class'].value_counts() new_data['skill_class'].map({0:'Include None',1:'Include one or two of them',2:'Include one or both of them',3:'All three skills are included'})
The results are as follows:
3.2.4 Visual Display
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #Define the label for the pie chart, the label is a list labels =[ '0','1 Or 2','3'] x = [1120,307,3] explode = (0.3,0,0.1) # Draw pie chart plt.pie(x,labels=labels,autopct='%.0f%%',explode=explode) plt.axis('equal') plt.show()
The results show that 78% of them are not included at all, 21% are included at 1 or 2, and 0% are all included at all.
3.3 Question 3:
The job applicant information can be classified into 4-5 categories according to the degree of matching and try to interpret the classification results verbally according to the data in columns G, AA, E and X after cleaning.
3.3.1 Data cleaning
G/AA/E, numeric type after cleaning, column X needs cleaning
def work_proc(work_y): if work_y == 'No work experience yet': return 0 elif re.search('year',work_y): s = re.findall('(\d+)year',work_y) # s=['8'], converting data types s=int(s[0]) return s new_data['work_years'] = new_data['Work life'].apply(work_proc) new_data['work_years']
# Wages are replaced by average pay new_data = new_data.rename(columns={'Age':'age'}) new_data2 = new_data[['work_years','age','mean_salary','skill_class']] new_data2
3.3.2 Modeling Analysis
# Introducing kmeans algorithm model from sklearn.cluster import KMeans # Call KMeans algorithm for clustering, set to 4 categories clf = KMeans(n_clusters=4,random_state=0) # Fitting the data, training the model clf.fit(new_data2)
# View classification results print(len(clf.labels_)) se = pd.Series(clf.labels_) print(se.value_counts())
The results are as follows:
3.2.3 Visual Display
new_data2['label']=clf.labels_ new_data2.head()
Column chart:
xl_cnt2 = new_data2.groupby('label')['label'].count() xl_cnt2 = xl_cnt2.sort_values() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,5)) plt.bar(xl_cnt2.index,xl_cnt2.values) plt.xlabel('clusters') plt.xticks(rotation=90) plt.title('K-means')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt labels =[ '0','1','2','3'] x = [818,504,3,105] explode = (0.3,0,0,0) plt.pie(x,labels=labels,autopct='%.0f%%',explode=explode) plt.axis('equal') plt.show()
The results show that:
Matching degree 0 is 818, accounting for 57%;
Matching degree 1 is 505, accounting for 35%;
Matching degree 2 accounts for about 0% of the total.
Matching degree 3 of 105 accounts for about 7%.