Analysis of Three Object-Oriented Characteristics of PHP

Keywords: PHP Attribute Programming

class BenHang extends Card{
     /*Constructors and Inheritance of Constructions*/
     function __construct($cardno,$pwd, $name,$money){
         parent::__construct($cardno,$pwd, $name,$money);
     function take($money){
         echo "Bank withdrawal{$money}No handling fee·····<br>";
    function zhuan($money){
         echo "Bank Transfer{$money}·····<br>";
$benhang=new BenHang(123,344,444,444);

/*Classes of other bank cards*/
class Qita extends Card{
    function __construct($cardno,$pwd, $name,$money){
         parent::__construct($cardno,$pwd, $name,$money);
    function take($money){
         echo "Non-bank withdrawals{$money}There is a handling fee of 2 yuan.·····<br>";
$qita=new Qita(123,344,444,444);

PHP's three object-oriented features: inheritance, encapsulation and polymorphism


1. How to realize inheritance?

Use extends keywords for subclasses, and let subclasses inherit parent classes.

        class Student extends Person{}

2. Notices for Achieving Inheritance?

(1) Subclasses can only inherit non-private attributes of the parent class.

(2) After the subclass inherits the parent class, it is equivalent to copy ing the attributes and methods of the parent class to the subclass, which can be invoked directly with $this.

(3) PHP can only inherit single class, and does not support one class inheriting multiple classes. But a class has multiple inheritances.

        class Person{}

         class Chengnian extends Person{}

         class Student extends Chengnian{}

// Student class has the properties and methods of Chengnian class and Person class at the same time.

3. Method Coverage (Method Rewriting)

Conditions 1. Subclasses inherit the parent class.

Conditions 2. Subclasses override existing methods of parent classes.

The two conditions mentioned above are called method coverage. After overwriting, the subclass calls the method, which calls the subclass's own method.

Similarly, in addition to method coverage, subclasses can also have attributes with the same name as the parent class for attribute coverage.

4. If the subclass overrides the parent method, how do you call the parent method with the same name in the subclass?

Parent:: Method name ();

Therefore, when a subclass inherits a parent class, the first step in the construction of a subclass is to call the parent class construction to replicate.

       function __construct($name,$sex,$school){


             $this->school = $school;


Example 1:

class Person{
        protected $name;
        public $sex;
        function __construct($name,$sex){     //Declare constructor
            $this->name = $name;
            $this->sex = $sex;
        function say(){
            echo "My name is{$this->name},I am{$this->sex}Life!<br>";
    class Student extends Person{                       //Subclasses inherit parent classes
        public $school;                                           function __construct($name,$sex,$school){          //Constructors of subclasses
            parent::__construct($name,$sex);        //Call the parent class construct for replication
            $this->school = $school;
        function program(){
            echo "PHP What fun! I love PHP!PHP The best programming language in the world!<br>";
        function say(){
            parent::say();                      //Override the Homonymous Method of the Parent Class
            echo "I am{$this->school}Of";
    $zhangsan = new Student("Zhang San","male","Set sail");


II. Packaging

1. What is encapsulation?
Access modifiers privatize attributes and methods that do not require external access in a class to achieve access control.
[Note] Implementing access control, not denying access. That is to say, after we privatize attributes, we need to provide corresponding methods for users to process attributes through the methods we provide.
2. The role of packaging?
(1) Users only care about the functions that the class can provide, not about the details of the implementation of the functions! (Packaging method)
(2) Control the user's data to prevent the setting of illegal data and control the data returned to the user (attribute encapsulation + set/get method)
3. Encapsulation operation?
(1) Encapsulation of methods
For some methods that are used only within a class, rather than outside. So, in this way, we can use private for privatization.
private function formatName(){} // This method can only be invoked within a class using $this
         function showName(){
          $this -> formatName();
(2) Attribute encapsulation + set/get method
In order to control the setting and reading of attributes, attributes can be privatized and users are required to set them through the set/get method we provide.
         private $age;
         function setAge($age){
         $this->age = $age;
        function getAge(){
           return $this->age;
Object - > getAge ();
SetAge (12);
(3) Attribute encapsulation + magic method
      private $age;
       function __get($key){
            return $this->$key;
      function __set($key,$value){
The magic method of _get() is automatically invoked when $object - > age; // when accessing the private property of the object, and the name of the accessed property is passed to the _get() method;
The magic method of _set() is automatically invoked when $object - > age = 12; // when setting the private property of the object, and the name and value of the property set are passed to the _set() method.
[Note] In the magic method, you can use branching structure to judge the difference of $key and perform different operations.
4. Magic methods of encapsulation:
__set($key,$value): When assigning private attributes to a class, it is called automatically, and two parameters are passed to the method when invoking: the attribute name and the attribute value that need to be set;
(2) _get($key): Called automatically when reading private attributes of a class, and passed a parameter to the method when calling: the name of the attribute to be read;
(3) _isset($key): When using isset() function to detect private attributes externally, it is called automatically.
isset() is used outside the class; private attributes are detected by default, which is undetectable. false
So we can use _isset(); function, which returns the internal test results when calling automatically.
       function __isset($key){
              return isset($this->$key);
When isset($object name - > private property) is used externally, the result returned by the above _isset() will be automatically called when detecting!
(4) _unset($key): When unset() function is used to delete private attributes, it is automatically called.
       function __unset($key){
When unset($object name - > private attribute) is used externally, the attribute name is automatically passed to _unset() when the attribute is deleted and handled by this magic method.
Example 1
class Person{
        public $name;
        public $age;
        public $sex;
        function __construct($name, $age,$sex){
        function setAge($age){
            return $this->age=$age;
                die("Error in age input!!!");
        function setSex($sex){
            return    $this->sex=$sex;
                die("Error in gender input!!!");
        function say(){
            echo "My name is{$this->name},My age{$this->age},My gender is{$this->sex}<br>";
class Work extends Person{private $position;
        function __construct($name, $age,$sex,$position){
            parent::__construct($name, $age,$sex);
        function setPosition($position){
            $arr=['Chief inspector','Chairman','Programmer','Cleaner'];
            if(in_array($position, $arr)){
                return $this->position=$position;
                die("There is no such position.");
        function __set($key,$value){
                return    parent::setAge($value);
                return    parent::setSex($value);
                return $this->setPosition($value);
            return $this->$key=$value;
        function say(){
            echo "My position is{$this->position}";
    $zhangsan=new Work("Zhang San",22,"male","Chief inspector");
//  $zhangsan->setPosition("Chairman");


3. Polymorphism
3.1. What is polymorphism?
The premise of polymorphism is to realize inheritance.
1. A class is inherited by multiple subclasses. If a method of this class performs different functions in multiple subclasses, we call this behavior polymorphism. Method rewriting in PHP
2. Necessary ways to achieve polymorphism:
(1) Subclasses inherit parent classes;
(2) Override the parent method;
(3) Parent references point to subclass objects;
/*Cartridge Interface
 * Paper interface*/
 interface InkBox{
     function color();
interface Paper{
     function sizes();
class Computer{
    function fangfa(InkBox $a,Paper $b){     //Parent Class Reference
    echo "Printing is about to begin····<br>";    
    echo "Print End···<br>";    

class Color implements InkBox{
    function color(){
    echo "Loading color cartridges<br>";
    echo "Realization of color cartridge<br>";
class White implements InkBox{
    function color(){
    echo "Loading black and white cartridges<br>";    
    echo "Implementing black and white ink cartridges<br>";
class A4 implements Paper{
    function sizes(){
    echo "Loading A4 paper<br>";
    echo "Realization A4 paper<br>";
class A5 implements Paper{
    function sizes(){
    echo "Realization A5 paper<br>";

$com=new Computer();//create object
$com->fangfa(new Color(),new A4());//Subclass object


Posted by Langridge on Sun, 23 Jun 2019 14:06:57 -0700