This article of Hongyang God is very clear, but with the revision of OKhttp, some methods no longer exist.
for instance:
There is no such method.
But as long as OKhttp still supports HTTPS parsing, there must be similar methods to use.
Then we look at the source code of OKhttpClient: found this method
public Builder sslSocketFactory(SSLSocketFactory sslSocketFactory)
We know that OKhttp is usually created through builder during initialization, so that we can set
Builder(OkHttpClient okHttpClient) {
this.dispatcher = okHttpClient.dispatcher;
this.proxy = okHttpClient.proxy;
this.protocols = okHttpClient.protocols;
this.connectionSpecs = okHttpClient.connectionSpecs;
this.proxySelector = okHttpClient.proxySelector;
this.cookieJar = okHttpClient.cookieJar;
this.internalCache = okHttpClient.internalCache;
this.cache = okHttpClient.cache;
this.socketFactory = okHttpClient.socketFactory;
this.sslSocketFactory = okHttpClient.sslSocketFactory;
this.certificateChainCleaner = okHttpClient.certificateChainCleaner;
this.hostnameVerifier = okHttpClient.hostnameVerifier;
this.certificatePinner = okHttpClient.certificatePinner;
this.proxyAuthenticator = okHttpClient.proxyAuthenticator;
this.authenticator = okHttpClient.authenticator;
this.connectionPool = okHttpClient.connectionPool;
this.dns = okHttpClient.dns;
this.followSslRedirects = okHttpClient.followSslRedirects;
this.followRedirects = okHttpClient.followRedirects;
this.retryOnConnectionFailure = okHttpClient.retryOnConnectionFailure;
this.connectTimeout = okHttpClient.connectTimeout;
this.readTimeout = okHttpClient.readTimeout;
this.writeTimeout = okHttpClient.writeTimeout;
Then we can see this.sslSocketFactory, so we can change the method to:
Because the 12306 interface is nowSo I haven't found a website to test yet. You can test and use what you are interested in.