1, Continuous problem
The following data are the low carbon emissions received by users in ant forest
id dt lowcarbon 1001 2021-12-12 123 1002 2021-12-12 45 1001 2021-12-13 43 1001 2021-12-13 45 1001 2021-12-13 23 1002 2021-12-14 45 1001 2021-12-14 230 1002 2021-12-15 45 1001 2021-12-15 23 ... ...
Find out the users who have received low carbon emission of more than 100 for 3 consecutive days or more
Suppose you create a table named test1:
(1) Calculate the low carbon emission received by each user in a single day by grouping according to the user ID and time fields → t1 table
select id, dt, sum(lowcarbon) lowcarbon from test1 group by id,dt having lowcarbon>100;
id dt lowcarbon 1001 2021-12-12 123 1001 2021-12-13 111 1001 2021-12-14 230
Arithmetic sequence method: if two arithmetic sequences have the same arithmetic difference, the result of subtracting the data at the same position will be the same
(2) Group according to users and sort according to time, and calculate the Rank value of each data → t2 table
select id, dt, lowcarbon, rank() over(partition by id order by dt) rk from t1;
id dt lowcarbon rk 1001 2021-12-12 123 1 1001 2021-12-13 111 2 1001 2021-12-14 230 3
(3) Subtract the Rank value from the date in each row → t3 table
select id, dt, lowcarbon, date_sub(dt,rk) flag from t2;
id dt lowcarbon flag 1001 2021-12-12 123 2021-12-11 1001 2021-12-13 111 2021-12-11 1001 2021-12-14 230 2021-12-11
(4) Group according to users and flags, find out how many pieces of data there are in each group, and find data greater than or equal to 3 pieces
select id, flag, count(*) ct from t3 group by id,flag having ct>=3;
The final result is:
id flag ct 1001 2021-12-11 3
Overall execution statement:
select id, flag, count(*) ct from (select id, dt, lowcarbon, date_sub(dt,rk) flag from (select id, dt, lowcarbon, rank() over(partition by id order by dt) rk from (select id, dt, sum(lowcarbon) lowcarbon from test1 group by id,dt having lowcarbon>100)t1)t2)t3 group by id,flag having ct>=3;
2, Grouping problem
Group the following data according to the results shown in
id ts 1001 17523641234 1001 17523641256 1002 17523641278 1001 17523641334 1002 17523641434 1001 17523641534 1001 17523641544 1002 17523641634 1001 17523641638 1001 17523641654
For the same id, if the time interval is less than 60 seconds, they are divided into the same group
1001 17523641234 1 1001 17523641256 1 1001 17523641334 2 1001 17523641534 3 1001 17523641544 3 1001 17523641638 4 1001 17523641654 4 1002 17523641278 1 1002 17523641434 2 1002 17523641634 3
Suppose you create a table named test2:
(1) Move the time data of the previous row down → t1 table
lead: Leader
lag: delay
select id, ts, lag(ts,1,0) over(partition by id order by ts) lagts from test2;
id ts lagts 1001 17523641234 0 1001 17523641256 17523641234 1001 17523641334 17523641256 1001 17523641534 17523641334 1001 17523641544 17523641534 1001 17523641638 17523641544 1001 17523641654 17523641638 1002 17523641278 0 1002 17523641434 17523641278 1002 17523641634 17523641434
(2) Subtract the time data of the previous row from the time data of the current row → t2 table
select id, ts, ts-lagts tsdiff from t1;
id ts tsdiff 1001 17523641234 17523641234 1001 17523641256 22 1001 17523641334 78 1001 17523641534 200 1001 17523641544 10 1001 17523641638 94 1001 17523641654 16 1002 17523641278 17523641278 1002 17523641434 156 1002 17523641634 200
(3) Calculate the total number (group number) of tsdiff greater than or equal to 60 from the first row to the current row within each user range
select id, ts, sum(if(tsdiff>=60,1,0)) over(partition by id order by ts) groupid from t2;
The final result is:
id ts groupid 1001 17523641234 1 1001 17523641256 1 1001 17523641334 2 1001 17523641534 3 1001 17523641544 3 1001 17523641638 4 1001 17523641654 4 1002 17523641278 1 1002 17523641434 2 1002 17523641634 3
Overall execution statement:
select id, ts, sum(if(tsdiff>=60,1,0)) over(partition by id order by ts) groupid from (select id, ts, ts-lagts tsdiff from (select id, ts, lag(ts,1,0) over(partition by id order by ts) lagts from test2)t1)t2;
3, Interval continuity problem
Daily login data of users recorded by a game company
id dt 1001 2021-12-12 1002 2021-12-12 1001 2021-12-13 1001 2021-12-14 1001 2021-12-16 1002 2021-12-16 1001 2021-12-19 1002 2021-12-17 1001 2021-12-20
Calculate the maximum number of consecutive login days for each user, with an interval of one day. Explanation: if a user logs in to the game on 1, 3, 5 and 6, it is regarded as logging in for 6 consecutive days
Suppose you create a table named test3:
(1) Move the time data of the previous row down → t1 table
select id, dt, lag(dt,1,'1970-01-01') over(partition by id order by dt) lagdt from test3;
id dt lagdt 1001 2021-12-12 1970-01-01 1001 2021-12-13 2021-12-12 1001 2021-12-14 2021-12-13 1001 2021-12-16 2021-12-14 1001 2021-12-19 2021-12-16 1001 2021-12-20 2021-12-19 1002 2021-12-12 1970-01-01 1002 2021-12-16 2021-12-12 1002 2021-12-17 2021-12-16
(2) Subtract the current row time from the previous row time data (datediff(dt1,dt2)) → t2 table
select id, dt, datediff(dt,lagdt) flag from t1;
id dt flag 1001 2021-12-12 18973 1001 2021-12-13 1 1001 2021-12-14 1 1001 2021-12-16 2 1001 2021-12-19 3 1001 2021-12-20 1 1002 2021-12-12 18973 1002 2021-12-16 4 1002 2021-12-17 1
(3) Group according to users and sort according to time, and calculate the total number of data (sum (if (flag > 2,1,0)) greater than 2 from the first row to the current row. If it is less than 2, it means that it meets the "continuous" → t3 table required in the title
select id, dt, sum(if(flag>2,1,0)) over(partition by id order by dt) flag from t2
id dt flag 1001 2021-12-12 1 1001 2021-12-13 1 1001 2021-12-14 1 1001 2021-12-16 1 1001 2021-12-19 2 1001 2021-12-20 2 1002 2021-12-12 1 1002 2021-12-16 2 1002 2021-12-17 2
(4) Group according to the user and flag, calculate the maximum time minus the minimum time → t4 table
select id, flag, datediff(max(dt),min(dt)) days from t3 group by id,flag;
(5) Take the maximum number of consecutive login days and + 1
select id, max(days)+1 from t4 group by id;
Final result:
id _c1 1001 5 1002 2
Overall execution statement:
select id, max(days)+1 from (select id, flag, datediff(max(dt),min(dt)) days from (select id, dt, sum(if(flag>2,1,0)) over(partition by id order by dt) flag from (select id, dt, datediff(dt,lagdt) flag from (select id, dt, lag(dt,1,'1970-01-01') over(partition by id order by dt) lagdt from test3)t1)t2)t3 group by id,flag)t4 group by id;
4, Discount date cross problem
The following is the platform commodity promotion data: the fields are brand, discount start date and discount end date
brand sdt edt oppo 2021-06-05 2021-06-09 oppo 2021-06-11 2021-06-21 vivo 2021-06-05 2021-06-15 vivo 2021-06-09 2021-06-21 redmi 2021-06-05 2021-06-21 redmi 2021-06-09 2021-06-15 redmi 2021-06-17 2021-06-26 huawei 2021-06-05 2021-06-26 huawei 2021-06-09 2021-06-15 huawei 2021-06-17 2021-06-21
Calculate the total discount days of each brand and pay attention to the cross dates. For example, for vivo brand, the first activity time is from June 5, 2021 to June 15, 2021, and the second activity time is from June 09, 2021 to June 21, 2021. The 9th to 15th are the repetition days. Only once is counted, that is, the total discount days of vivo are 17 days from June 05, 2021 to June 21, 2021
Suppose you create a table named test4:
(1) Place the largest edt in the previous data of the current row into the current row → t1 table
select brand, sdt, edt, max(edt) over(partition by brand order by sdt rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING and 1 PRECEDING) maxEdt from test4;
(2) Compare the start time with the moved data. If the start time is large, there is no need to operate. On the contrary, the moved data needs to be added with one to replace the start time of the current row. If it is the first row of data and maxEDT is null, there is no need to operate → t2 table
select brand, if(maxEdt is null,sdt,if(sdt>maxEdt,sdt,date_add(maxEdt,1))) sdt, edt from t1;
brand sdt edt huawei 2021-06-05 2021-06-26 huawei 2021-06-27 2021-06-15 huawei 2021-06-27 2021-06-21 oppo 2021-06-05 2021-06-09 oppo 2021-06-11 2021-06-21 redmi 2021-06-05 2021-06-21 redmi 2021-06-22 2021-06-15 redmi 2021-06-22 2021-06-26 vivo 2021-06-05 2021-06-15 vivo 2021-06-16 2021-06-21
(3) Subtract the start date from the end date in each row of data → t3 table
select brand, datediff(edt,sdt) days from t2
brand days huawei 21 huawei -12 huawei -6 oppo 4 oppo 10 redmi 16 redmi -7 redmi 4 vivo 10 vivo 5
(4) Group by brand and calculate the sum of each data plus one
select brand, sum(if(days>=0,days+1,0)) days from t3 group by id;
Final execution result:
brand days huawei 22 oppo 16 redmi 22 vivo 17
Overall execution statement:
select brand, sum(if(days>=0,days+1,0)) days from (select brand, datediff(edt,sdt) days from (select brand, if(maxEdt is null,sdt,if(sdt>maxEdt,sdt,date_add(maxEdt,1))) sdt, edt from (select brand, sdt, edt, max(edt) over(partition by brand order by sdt rows between UNBOUNDED PRECEDING and 1 PRECEDING) maxEdt from test4)t1)t2)t3 group by brand;
5, Simultaneous online problems
The following is the opening and closing time of the anchor of a live broadcast platform. According to the data, the number of anchors online at the peak of the platform is calculated.
id stt edt 1001 2021-06-14 12:12:12 2021-06-14 18:12:12 1003 2021-06-14 13:12:12 2021-06-14 16:12:12 1004 2021-06-14 13:15:12 2021-06-14 20:12:12 1002 2021-06-14 15:12:12 2021-06-14 16:12:12 1005 2021-06-14 15:18:12 2021-06-14 20:12:12 1001 2021-06-14 20:12:12 2021-06-14 23:12:12 1006 2021-06-14 21:12:12 2021-06-14 23:15:12 1007 2021-06-14 22:12:12 2021-06-14 23:10:12
Suppose you create a table named test5:
(1) For data classification, add a positive 1 after the start data to indicate that the anchor is online. At the same time, add - 1 after the close data to indicate that the anchor is offline → t1 table
select id,sdt dt,1 p from lives union select id,edt dt,-1 p from lives;
(2) Calculate the cumulative number of people in chronological order → t2 table
select id, dt, sum(p) over(order by dt) sum_p from t1;
id dt sum_p 1001 2021-06-14 12:12:12 1 1003 2021-06-14 13:12:12 2 1004 2021-06-14 13:15:12 3 1002 2021-06-14 15:12:12 4 1005 2021-06-14 15:18:12 5 1002 2021-06-14 16:12:12 3 1003 2021-06-14 16:12:12 3 1001 2021-06-14 18:12:12 2 1001 2021-06-14 20:12:12 1 1004 2021-06-14 20:12:12 1 1005 2021-06-14 20:12:12 1 1006 2021-06-14 21:12:12 2 1007 2021-06-14 22:12:12 3 1007 2021-06-14 23:10:12 2 1001 2021-06-14 23:12:12 1 1006 2021-06-14 23:15:12 0
(3) Find out the maximum number of people online at the same time
select max(sum_p) from t2;
Final result:
Overall execution statement:
select max(sum_p) from (select id, dt, sum(p) over(order by dt) sum_p from (select id,sdt dt,1 p from test5 union select id,edt dt,-1 p from test5)t1)t2;
Reference video: [Shangsi Valley] 2021 latest Hive advanced course - 33 ~ 42