Alipay small program crawl Road [1]

Keywords: Javascript JSON

Alipay creates personal identity
[if you want to become a small program administrator of the company's project, do not become = = self-developed developer = =]

It can't be set
The cache mechanism of Alipay
setStorageSync [Set local storage]

    key: 'park_id',
      data: {
        park_id: 1,


[Suggested that getStorageSync Encapsulation, because of Alipay. getStorageSync,Very different]

const getStorageSync = (key) => {
  return my.getStorageSync({ key: key }).data || null

getStorageSync('park').park [Get local storage]
③ custom components
Do not set long name for custom components

  "defaultTitle": "my",
  "usingComponents": {
    "c-yuhistory": "/component/c-yuhistory/c-yuhistory",
    "chs": "/component/c-parkingHistory/c-parkingHistory"

A name as long as c-parkingHistory cannot be used to activate a custom component. You need to change it to a shorter name like 'chs'.
④ file name
    xx.axml  xx.acss xx.json  xx.js
`"window": {
    "defaultTitle": "Alipay",            //Page title
    "titleBarColor": "#d05021 ", / / navigation bar background color
    "pullRefresh":true,                 //Allow drop-down refresh default false
    "allowsBounceVertical": yes,       //Whether the page supports vertical pull beyond the actual content. Default YES                
 "tabBar": {
    "textColor":"#000 ", / / no font color selected
    "selectedColor":"#d81e06 ", / / selected font color
    "backgroundColor":"#fff ", / / background color
    "items": [{
      "pagePath": "pages/index/index" ,   //Page path
      "name": "home page",                     //Page title
      "icon": "pages/icon/index.png",    //Select icon for
      "activeIcon": "pages/icon/index_1.png" //Select Icon
⑥ difference of events
    on event binding does not prevent bubbling events from bubbling up,
    The catch event binding prevents the bubbling event from bubbling up.


⑦ http request [data request]
Alipay http The request is  my.httpRequest({})

//If you need to set up header, Alipay is headers WeChat is header, the parameters are different.

//If it is a post request, you need to add JSON.stringify to the value of data   

//Ultimately for

    url: options.url,
    data: (options.method == 'POST' ? JSON.stringify( :,
    method: options.method,
    headers: {
        Authorization: `wxatoken ${getStorageSync('tokenAndId').Token}`,
        "content-type": "application/json"
    success(res) {
    fail(err) {

Posted by biznickman on Fri, 06 Dec 2019 12:14:01 -0800