Alibaba cloud Centos7 builds elastic search and kibana

Keywords: ElasticSearch vim Linux Java


Now Elasticsearch is used by more and more companies. I have learned some simple operations of Elasticsearch before, but I haven't recorded them carefully, so I forgot them soon after I learned them. Now let's take this time to learn again. This article will mainly introduce how to build a single node Elasticsearch 7.2 on Alibaba cloud server Services, the system uses Centos7, the purchase of alicloud server will not be described here. If you need to check it on alicloud official website, please make sure the java environment is ready before installation. Please refer to your notes for java environment installation

Install Elasticsearch

Step 1: Download elastic search 7.2 package


Step 2: extract to the specified directory

tar -zvxf elasticsearch-7.2.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz -C /home/yuhao/apps/

Step 3: enter the elasticsearch-7.2.0 directory and edit the config/elasticsearch.yml configuration file

vim config/elasticsearch.yml

Create the data folder in the elastic search-7.2.0 directory

mkdir data

Add the following configuration at the bottom of the file:

#Cluster name pid 
#Node name pid_node_1 
#Storage directory for data and logs ./data
path.logs: ./logs
##After setting the bound ip to, any computer node can access it
http.port: 9200 #port
##Set the names of all nodes in the cluster. This node name is the one previously modified. Of course, you can also use the default one. The item > is a stand-alone node. Just put one node in it
cluster.initial_master_nodes: ["pid_node_1"]

Step 4: modify the memory used when Elasticsearch starts according to the memory size of the server

Edit config/jvm.options

vim config/jvm.options

My server memory is 8G, so the default startup memory is used, as follows (lines 22 and 23):


Step 5: create an es user, because Elasticsearch does not allow root user to start, otherwise an error will be reported

#Create es user
adduser es
#Set password for es user
passwd es

Step 6: change the user name and user group of all files in the elastic search-7.2.0 directory

chown -R es:es /home/yuhao/apps/elasticsearch-7.2.0/

As shown in the figure after modification, the user names and user groups of all files, folders and all files under the elasticsearch-7.2.0 directory are es:

Step 7: limit the maximum number of files, threads, memory and other resources available to es users

vim edit vim /etc/security/limits.conf, and add:

es soft nofile 65536
es hard nofile 65536
#No one in the es group can have more than 4096 processes and will issue a warning if they have 4096 processes
es soft nproc 4096 
es hard nproc 4096

vim edit vim /etc/security/limits.d/20-nproc.conf, change * to user name (es):

vim edit vim /etc/sysctl.conf and add:

vm.max_map_count = 655360

Finally, make the modified configuration file effective:

 sysctl -p

Step 8: switch to es user and start elastic search

#Switching users
su es
#Enter the elastic search-7.2.0 directory
cd /home/yuhao/apps/elasticsearch-7.2.0
#Start elasticsearch
#To start in the background, execute the following command
./bin/elasticsearch -d

Check whether the start is successful after the start

[root@iZ8vb1ouommg0vq7m7amfgZ download]# curl localhost:9200
#The output in the following json format indicates that the startup is successful
  "name" : "pid_node_1",
  "cluster_name" : "pid",
  "cluster_uuid" : "KeILcjJxTXi6lRFDc5uNPQ",
  "version" : {
    "number" : "7.2.0",
    "build_flavor" : "default",
    "build_type" : "tar",
    "build_hash" : "508c38a",
    "build_date" : "2019-06-20T15:54:18.811730Z",
    "build_snapshot" : false,
    "lucene_version" : "8.0.0",
    "minimum_wire_compatibility_version" : "6.8.0",
    "minimum_index_compatibility_version" : "6.0.0-beta1"
  "tagline" : "You Know, for Search"

For public ip access, please pay attention to the port release, as shown in the figure:


Install kibana

Step 1: download the corresponding version of IK word breaker according to the version of Elasticsearch. Download address:

The Elasticsearch we installed this time is 7.2.0, so choose

Step 2: create ik directory in / home/yuhao/apps/elasticsearch-7.2.0/plugins directory, and extract it to ik directory

#Create ik folder
mkdir /home/yuhao/apps/elasticsearch-7.2.0/plugins/ik
#Ignore if already installed
yum install -y unzip zip
#Unzip to ik folder
unzip -d /home/yuhao/apps/elasticsearch-7.2.0/plugins/ik/
#Change the user name and user group of ik directory and all subfolders under the directory to es
chown es:es -R  /home/yuhao/apps/elasticsearch-7.2.0/plugins/ik/

Step 3: restart elasticsearch (note that it is started by es user). You can see in the log that the plug-in has been loaded:


Step 4: download the kibana7.2 installation package and extract it to the directory / home/yuhao/apps. Finally, set the user name and user group of the extracted directory to es

#Download kibana 7.2 installation package
#Extract the installation package to the specified directory
tar -zxvf kibana-7.2.0-linux-x86_64.tar.gz -C /home/yuhao/apps/
#Change user name and user group
chown -R es:es /home/yuhao/apps/kibana-7.2.0-linux-x86_64/

Step 5: modify the configuration file

Release comment on line 2
 Line 7 release the comment and change to ""
Line 28 (change to your virtual machine IP)elasticsearch.hosts: [""]
113 release the comment and change to I18N. Locale: "zh CN"

Step 6: switch users and start kibana

#Switching users
su es
#Enter kibana-7.2.0-linux-x86_directory
cd /home/yuhao/apps/kibana-7.2.0-linux-x86_64
#Create log folder
mkdir logs
#Start kibana
nohup ./bin/kibana >> logs/kibana-start.log 2>&1
#view log
tail -100f logs/kibana-start.log

The browser access management interface is as follows:

Public IP access to kibana requires the release of port 5601 in the security group


This installation is carried out in accordance with the steps in this article, and there is no error for the time being. You will continue to learn how to use it in the future. Please look forward to it.

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Posted by jnerotrix on Sun, 23 Feb 2020 02:03:25 -0800