Algorithm medium | 33. N queen problem
Title Description
N queen problem is to place n queens on n*n chessboard. Queens can't attack each other (any two Queens can't be in the same row, same column, same diagonal).
Given an integer n, returns the solution to all the different N Queens problems.
Each solution contains a clear n queen placement layout, where "Q" and "." represent a queen and an empty location, respectively.
Example 1
Input: 1 Output: [["Q"]]
Example 2
Input: 4 Output: [ // Solution 1 [".Q..", "...Q", "Q...", "..Q." ], // Solution 2 ["..Q.", "Q...", "...Q", ".Q.." ] ]
java solution
Violent search, try to place places, and return to each scheme
class Solution { List<List<String>> solveNQueens(int n) { List<List<String>> results = new ArrayList<>(); if (n <= 0) { return results; } search(results, new ArrayList<Integer>(), n); return results; } /* * results store all of the chessboards * cols store the column indices for each row */ private void search(List<List<String>> results, List<Integer> cols, int n) { if (cols.size() == n) { results.add(drawChessboard(cols)); return; } for (int colIndex = 0; colIndex < n; colIndex++) { if (!isValid(cols, colIndex)) { continue; } cols.add(colIndex); search(results, cols, n); cols.remove(cols.size() - 1); } } private List<String> drawChessboard(List<Integer> cols) { List<String> chessboard = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < cols.size(); i++) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = 0; j < cols.size(); j++) { sb.append(j == cols.get(i) ? 'Q' : '.'); } chessboard.add(sb.toString()); } return chessboard; } private boolean isValid(List<Integer> cols, int column) { int row = cols.size(); for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < cols.size(); rowIndex++) { if (cols.get(rowIndex) == column) { return false; } if (rowIndex + cols.get(rowIndex) == row + column) { return false; } if (rowIndex - cols.get(rowIndex) == row - column) { return false; } } return true; } }
C++ solution
Violent search, try to place places, and return to each scheme
class Solution { public: vector<vector<string> > solveNQueens(int n) { // write your code here vector<vector<string> > result; if( n <= 0 ) { return result; } vector<int> cols; search(n, cols, result); return result; } void search(int n, vector<int> &cols, vector<vector<string> > &result) { if(cols.size() == n) { result.push_back(drawResult(cols, n)); return; } for(int col = 0; col < n; col++) { if(!isValid(cols, col)) { continue; } cols.push_back(col); search(n, cols, result); cols.pop_back(); } } bool isValid(vector<int> &cols, int col) { int row = cols.size(); for(int i = 0; i < row; ++i) { if(cols[i] == col) { return false; } if(i - cols[i] == row - col) { return false; } if(i + cols[i] == row + col) { return false; } } return true; } vector<string> drawResult(vector<int> &cols, int n) { vector<string> result; for(int i = 0; i < cols.size(); ++i) { string temp(n, '.'); temp[cols[i]] = 'Q'; result.push_back(temp); } return result; } };
python solution
It is a depth first search algorithm with permutation.
class Solution: def solveNQueens(self, n): results = [], [], results) return results def search(self, n, cols, results): row = len(cols) if row == n: results.append(self.draw_chessboard(cols)) return for col in range(n): if not self.is_valid(cols, row, col): continue cols.append(col), cols, results) cols.pop() def draw_chessboard(self, cols): n = len(cols) board = [] for i in range(n): row = ['Q' if j == cols[i] else '.' for j in range(n)] board.append(''.join(row)) return board def is_valid(self, cols, row, col): for r, c in enumerate(cols): if c == col: return False if r - c == row - col or r + c == row + col: return False return True