Advanced Play of Cloud Functions in Small Programs-Routing

Keywords: Mobile npm SDK

In general, a cloud function completes a single logical function, which is the same method as a class, as shown in the figure:

However, limited free users can only use 20 cloud functions at most. To realize multiple complex functions in a single cloud function, it is necessary to distinguish them by parameters, which is not easy to read and manage. By routing, we try to categorize requests. A cloud function handles certain types of requests, such as those dealing with users or paying. As shown in the picture:

In order to facilitate your trial, Tencent Cloud Base team developed tcb-router, cloud function routing management library for your use.

Developing lightweight routing libraries of cloud functions based on koa-style small programs and cloud, which are mainly used to optimize service-side function processing logic


npm install --save tcb-router

Cloud function end

// index.js of cloud function
const TcbRouter = require('./router');

exports.main = (event, context) => {
    const app = new TcbRouter({ event });

    // app.use indicates that the middleware will be applicable to all routes
    app.use(async (ctx, next) => { = {};
        await next(); // Execute the next Middleware

    // Routing is represented as an array, and the middleware is suitable for both user and timer routes.
    app.router(['user', 'timer'], async (ctx, next) => { = 'Tencent';
        await next(); // Execute the next Middleware

    // Routing is a string, and this middleware is only applicable to user routing
    app.router('user', async (ctx, next) => { = 'heyli';
        await next(); // Execute the next Middleware
    }, async (ctx, next) => { = 'male';
        await next(); // Execute the next Middleware
    }, async (ctx) => { = 'Foshan';
        // ctx.body returns data to the small program side
        ctx.body = { code: 0, data:};

    // Routing is a string, and this middleware is only suitable for timer routing
    app.router('timer', async (ctx, next) => { = 'flytam';
        await next(); // Execute the next Middleware
    }, async (ctx, next) => { = await new Promise(resolve => {
        // Wait 500 ms to execute the next Middleware
        setTimeout(() => {
        }, 500);
        await next(); // Execute the next Middleware
    }, async (ctx)=>  { = 'Taishan';

        // ctx.body returns data to the small program side
        ctx.body = { code: 0, data: };

    return app.serve();


tips: The node environment of the applet cloud function supports the async/await grammar by default. It is recommended that the asynchronous operations involved be used as in demo.

Small program end

// Call a cloud function called router and route it with the name user{
    // The name of the cloud function to be invoked
    name: "router",
    // Parameters passed to cloud functions
    data: {
        $url: "user", // The path of the route to be invoked, passing in the exact path or wildcard character*
        other: "xxx"

For a complete example, please refer to my other blog: Share SDK, a cloud function short message platform developed with tcb-router routing, Please add link description

Posted by cli_man on Sat, 20 Apr 2019 10:24:33 -0700