There is no way to program design far away from the morning wind.- Jeffrey James
The purpose is to exercise the DOM.Write down the layout of the html first.
Full name:<input type="text"> Age:<input type="text"> Gender:<input type="text"> <input type="button" value="Add to">
Create a few basic pieces of information and start adding JS.
var aInput = document.getElementsByTagName('input'); //Get Input on Page
var len = aInput.length; //Define a fixed number for the initial input, otherwise the following loops will be messy
var oTable = document.getElementsByTagName('table')[0]; //Read the table of the page, [0] because getElementsByTagName gets the representation as an array
aInput[aInput.length-1].onclick = function(){ //Submitted Click Events
var oTr = document.createElement('tr'); //Create a tr node
for(var i=0; i<len-1;i++){ //Start reading the value of input, -1 is to remove the Add button that follows
var oTd = document.createElement('td'); //Create a td node
oTd.innerHTML = aInput[i].value;
oTr.appendChild(oTd); //Add a td to the end of a tr child element
var oBtn = document.createElement('input'); //This is where you add a delete button after each TR to delete the tr
oBtn.type = 'button';
oBtn.value = 'delete';
oBtn.className = 'delBtn';
oTable.appendChild(oTr); //Add this tr to the table
var oDelBtn = document.getElementsByClassName('delBtn'); //Extract deletions from tr
for(var i=0; i<oDelBtn.length; i++) { //Make the delete button in each tr loop to
oDelBtn[i].onclick = function () { //Add a click event to each tr's delete button
oTable.removeChild(this.parentNode); //Delete the parent of the button Delete tr
This is a simple add-delete function, but it's not the best way to do it, because creating a tr is a cycle that is not conducive to page optimization. You can use the bubbling nature of events to do this, which is just a small demo.(ps: Event delegation will be analyzed later)