Achieve Baidu paging effect

Keywords: JQuery JSON Javascript angular

This time, we mainly use: jquery+angularjs+bootstrap to achieve paging effect

Test tool: HBuilder

First of all, we need to analyze the principle of Baidu paging. Here is my screenshot of paging

First, create a project, create a page, and add json data

Import corresponding js and cs

Start writing

First, import js and cs, and import Baidu paging css Style

		<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
		<title>Simulated Baidu paging</title>

		<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript" src="js/bootstrap.js"></script>
		<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.css" />
		<script type="text/javascript" src="js/angular.min.js"></script>
		<!-- Baidu paging style-->
		<style data-for="result" type="text/css" id="css_newi_result">
			#page a,
			/* Cancel button wrap */
			#page strong {
				display: inline-block;
				vertical-align: text-bottom;
				text-align: center;
				line-height: 34px;
				text-decoration: none;
				overflow: hidden;
				margin-right: 9px;
				background: #fff
			/*Previous and next page styles*/
			#page .n {
				height: 34px;
				padding: 0 18px;
				border: 1px solid #e1e2e3
			/*Display on the same line*/
			#page span {
				display: block
			/*Page border*/
			#page .pc {
				width: 34px;
				height: 34px;
				border: 1px solid #e1e2e3;
			/*Current icon style*/
			#page .pc-c {
				border: 0;
				width: 36px;
				height: 36px;
				line-height: 36px;
			/*Distance between icon and page number*/
			#page .fk {
				width: 24px;
				height: 24px;
				margin-bottom: 6px;
				margin-left: 6px;
			/*Icon location*/
			#page .fkd .c-icon-bear-pn {
				top: 3px;
				position: relative
			/*Icon connection*/
			.c-icon {
				background: url(img/Icon.png) no-repeat 0 0;
			/*Split out icons*/
			.c-icon {
				display: inline-block;
				vertical-align: text-bottom;
				font-style: normal;
				overflow: hidden
			/*Icon size*/
			.c-icon-bear-pn {
				width: 24px;
				height: 24px
			/*Baidu Icon*/
			.c-icon-bear-p {
				background-position: -96px -288px
			/*Footprint Icon*/
			.c-icon-bear-pn {
				background-position: -144px -288px
			#page div,
			#page strong {
				display: inline-block;


Here is the body code

		<!--Establish ng-app Scope of action-->
		<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myController" class="col-xs-8 col-xs-offset-2">
			<!--Tabular data-->
			<table class="table table-bordered">
					<th>Serial number</th>
					<th>Commodity number</th>
				<!-- Traverse all products -->
				<tr ng-repeat="product in products">
					<td>{{ $index + 1 }}</td>
					<td>{{ }}</td>
					<td>{{ }}</td>
					<td>{{ product.price }}</td>
			<!--Tabbed Toolbar -->
			<div id="page">
				<!--Previous page-->
				<a href ng-click="prev()" class="n" ng-hide="prevStatus">&lt;Previous page</a>
				<!-- Page number -->
				<div ng-repeat="page in pageList" ng-class-even="'fkd'">
					<a href ng-click="selectPage(page)">
						<span class="fk">
									<i class="{{isActivePage(page)?'c-icon c-icon-bear-p':'c-icon c-icon-bear-pn'}}">
						<span class="{{isActivePage(page)?'pc-c':'pc'}}">{{page}}</span>
				<!--next page-->
				<a href ng-click="next()" class="n" ng-hide="nextStatus">next page&gt;</a>

			var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
			myApp.controller('myController', function($scope, $http) {
                // Current page
				$scope.currentPage = 1;
				// Current page data
				$scope.selectPage = function(page) {

					// Get current page data
					$http.get("json/6_" + page + ".json")
						.then(function(result) {
							// Update the currently displayed page number 
							$scope.currentPage = page;
							// Page data
							$scope.products =;
							// Total number of records
							$scope.pageSum =;
							// Maximum number of pages
							$scope.maxPage = Math.ceil($scope.pageSum / 10);

							// Show page numbers in page toolbar 
							var begin; // Show first page number
							var end; // Show last page number 

							// Previous page
							$scope.prevStatus = false;
							// next page
							$scope.nextStatus = false;

							// Load page number toolbar
							// 1. The total number of pages in the display paging toolbar must be greater than 1 page
							if($scope.maxPage > 1) {
								if(page == 1) {
									// If the current page number is the first page, the previous page is not displayed
									$scope.prevStatus = true;

								// First page number
								begin = page - 5;
								if(begin < 1) {
									// The first page number cannot be less than 1
									begin = 1;

								// Maximum page number
								end = begin + 9;
								if(end > $scope.maxPage) {
									// The last page number cannot be greater than the total number of pages
									end = $scope.maxPage;

								// Modify the value of begin. Theoretically, begin is end - 9
								begin = end - 9;
								if(begin < 1) { // The first page number cannot be less than 1 
									begin = 1;

								// To display all page numbers in the page toolbar 
								$scope.pageList = new Array();

								// Add page numbers to the PageList set
								for(var i = begin; i <= end; i++) {

								if(page == $scope.maxPage) {
									// If the current page number is the maximum, the next page is not displayed
									$scope.nextStatus = true;


				// Is it the current page
				$scope.isActivePage = function(page) {
					return page == $scope.currentPage;

				// Previous page
				$scope.prev = function() {
					$scope.selectPage($scope.currentPage - 1);

				// next page
				$ = function() {
					$scope.selectPage($scope.currentPage + 1);

				// First start initialization page


Here is the screenshot after completion

Source download project address:


Posted by Imothep on Mon, 30 Dec 2019 09:41:38 -0800