AAChartKit is an extremely elegant iOS open source graphics library

Keywords: Javascript Programming Java Swift Python


AAChartKit project is based on the popular open source front-end graph library Highcharts, encapsulated object-oriented, a group of simple, easy-to-use, extremely beautiful chart drawing controls.
  1. Adapt iOS 7, support ARC, support OC language, simple configuration.

  2. Powerful, support columnar graph, bar graph, polyline graph, filling graph, radar chart, sector chart, bubble chart and other graphics

  3. The animation effect is delicate and delicate, smooth and graceful.

  4. Support Masonry Chain Programming Syntax

  • AAChartView + AAChartModel = Chart, in the AAChartKit package library, follows a minimalist formula: Chart View Control + Chart Model = the chart you want.

  • Honey, if you feel satisfied when using it, please reward a star, your encouragement will be a great motivation for me to continue to work hard.


    Usage method

    Dead work

    1. Drag the folder AAChartKitFiles in the project demo into the required project.

    2. Add in your project's. pch global macro definition file

    #import "AAGlobalMacro.h"

    Official Start

    1. Add it to your View Controller file

    #import "AAChartView.h"

    2. Create view AAChartView

    AAChartView *chartView = [[AAChartView alloc]init];
    self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor whiteColor];
    chartView.frame = CGRectMake(0, 60, self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame.size.height-220);
    chartView.contentHeight =self.view.frame.size.height-220;//Set the content height of the chart view (the default content height is the same as that of the AChartView)
    [self.view addSubview:chartView];

    3. Configuration view model AAChartModel

    AAChartModel *chartModel= AAObject(AAChartModel)
    .chartTypeSet(AAChartTypeColumn)//Set the type of chart (for example, bar chart)
    .titleSet(@"Programming language heat")//Setting the title of the chart
    .subtitleSet(@"Virtual data")//Setting Subtitle of Chart
    .categoriesSet(@[@"Java",@"Swift",@"Python",@"Ruby", @"PHP",@"Go",@"C",@"C#",@" C++"]// Set the contents of the horizontal axis of the chart
    .yAxisTitleSet(@"Centigrade")//Units that set the y axis of a chart

    4. Drawing Graphics

    [chartView aa_drawChartWithChartModel:chartModel];//Chart View Object Calls Chart Model Object to Draw Final Graph

    5. Special description

    In AAChartKit, fan and bubble diagrams belong to special types, so if you want to draw fan and bubble diagrams, the setting of AAChartModel is slightly different. Examples are as follows.

    AAChartModel *chartModel= AAObject(AAChartModel)
            .titleSet(@"Programming language heat")
            .subtitleSet(@"Virtual data")
            .dataLabelEnabledSet(true)//Whether to display sector chart data directly
                         .nameSet(@"The proportion of language fever")
                                    @[@"Java"  , @67],
                                    @[@"Swift" , @44],
                                    @[@"Python", @83],
                                    @[@"OC"    , @11],
                                    @[@"Ruby"  , @42],
                                    @[@"PHP"   , @31],
                                    @[@"Go"    , @63],
                                    @[@"C"     , @24],
                                    @[@"C#"    , @888],
                                    @[@"C++"   , @66],
     AAChartModel *chartModel= AAObject(AAChartModel)
            .titleSet(@"Programming language heat")
            .subtitleSet(@"Virtual data")
                                    @[@97, @36, @79],
                                    @[@94, @74, @60],
                                    @[@68, @76, @58],
                                    @[@64, @87, @56],
                                    @[@68, @27, @73],
                                    @[@74, @99, @42],
                                    @[@7,  @93, @87],
                                    @[@51, @69, @40],
                                    @[@38, @23, @33],
                                    @[@57, @86, @31]
                                    @[@25, @10, @87],
                                    @[@2, @75, @59],
                                    @[@11, @54, @8],
                                    @[@86, @55, @93],
                                    @[@5, @3, @58],
                                    @[@90, @63, @44],
                                    @[@91, @33, @17],
                                    @[@97, @3, @56],
                                    @[@15, @67, @48],
                                    @[@54, @25, @81]
                                    @[@47, @47, @21],
                                    @[@20, @12, @4],
                                    @[@6, @76, @91],
                                    @[@38, @30, @60],
                                    @[@57, @98, @64],
                                    @[@61, @17, @80],
                                    @[@83, @60, @13],
                                    @[@67, @78, @75],
                                    @[@64, @12, @10],
                                    @[@30, @77, @82]

    A graphical example of some important AAChartModel attributes after configuration is as follows

    AAChartModel Property Configuration List

    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(copy, AAChartModel, NSString *, title);//Title Content
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(copy, AAChartModel, NSString *, subtitle);//Subtitle content
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(copy, AAChartModel, NSString *, chartType);//Chart type
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(copy, AAChartModel, NSString *, stacking);//Accumulation Style
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(copy, AAChartModel, NSString *, symbol);//Curve point types: "circle", "square", "diamond", "triangle","triangle-down", default is "circle".
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(copy, AAChartModel, NSString *, zoomType);//Scale type
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(assign, AAChartModel, BOOL, inverted);//Is the x-axis vertical?
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(assign, AAChartModel, BOOL, xAxisReversed);// x-axis inversion
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(assign, AAChartModel, BOOL, yAxisReversed);//y-axis inversion
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(assign, AAChartModel, BOOL, crosshairs);//Whether to display the quasi-star line (default display)
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(assign, AAChartModel, BOOL, gradientColorEnable);//Do you want to be gradient?
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(assign, AAChartModel, BOOL, polar);//Whether or not the polarization pattern (converted to radar pattern)
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(assign, AAChartModel, BOOL, dataLabelEnabled);//Whether to display data or not
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(assign, AAChartModel, BOOL, xAxisLabelsEnabled);//Does the x-axis display data?
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(strong, AAChartModel, NSArray *, categories);//Names corresponding to each point in the abscissa of a chart
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(strong, AAChartModel, NSNumber *, xAxisGridLineWidth);//Width of x-axis gridlines
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(assign, AAChartModel, BOOL, yAxisLabelsEnabled);//Does the y-axis display data?
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(copy,   AAChartModel, NSString *, yAxisTitle);//y-axis headings
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(strong, AAChartModel, NSNumber *, yAxisGridLineWidth);//Width of y-axis grids
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(strong, AAChartModel, NSArray *, colorsTheme);//Chart Topic Color Array
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(strong, AAChartModel, NSArray *, series);
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(assign, AAChartModel, BOOL, legendEnabled);//Whether to display legend or not
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(copy,   AAChartModel , NSString *, legendLayout);
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(copy,   AAChartModel , NSString *, legendAlign);
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(copy,   AAChartModel , NSString *, legendVerticalAlign);
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(copy,   AAChartModel, NSString *, backgroundColor);//Chart Background Color
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(assign, AAChartModel, BOOL, options3dEnable);//Whether 3D graphics are available (bars only, bars only)
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(strong, AAChartModel, NSNumber *, options3dAlpha);
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(strong, AAChartModel, NSNumber *, options3dBeta);
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(strong, AAChartModel, NSNumber *, options3dDepth);//Depth of 3D Graphics
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(strong, AAChartModel, NSNumber *, borderRadius);//Cylindrical bar head radius (which can be used to set the shape of the head)
    AAPropStatementAndFuncStatement(strong, AAChartModel, NSNumber *, markerRadius);//Radius Length of Broken Connection Points

    More graphical effects

    Posted by celavi on Thu, 11 Jul 2019 14:34:52 -0700