Mysql process control
From the programming languages I have come into contact with at present, C, R, VB, Python, Javascript..., we can see that variables, expressions, process control (sequence, branch, loop) encapsulate some more advanced data structures, but the difference is that the application scenarios and language characteristics, in fact, the logic is the same, only familiar.
Select structure if-else; case
-- if-esle grammar IF search_condition THEN statement_list; [ELSEIF search_condition THEN statement_list; ....] ELSE statement_list; END IF;
-- CASE grammar CASE case_value WHEN when_value THEN statement_list [WHEN when_value THEN statement_list]... [ELSE statement_list] END CASE; OR: CASE WHEN search_condition THEN statement_list [WHEN search_condition THEN statement_list] ... [ELSE statement_list] END CASE
-- Push a statement at random drop procedure if exists sayLove; delimiter // create procedure sayLove() begin declare num int default 0; -- Generate a 1-5 Random Numbers Between set num := round(rand()*5); -- judge case num when 1 then select "If time could stop at the moment when we first met"; when 2 then select "Ten miles of spring breeze is not as good as you"; when 3 then select "Loving you is like loving life."; else select "The moonlight tonight is beautiful."; end case; end // delimiter ; call sayLove(); -- out mysql> call sayLove(); +----------------+ | The moonlight tonight is beautiful. | +----------------+ | The moonlight tonight is beautiful. | +----------------+ 1 row in set (0.09 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> call sayLove(); +----------------+ | Loving you is like loving life. | +----------------+ | Loving you is like loving life. | +----------------+ 1 row in set (0.14 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> call sayLove(); +----------------+ | Ten miles of spring breeze is not as good as you | +----------------+ | Ten miles of spring breeze is not as good as you | +----------------+ 1 row in set (0.11 sec)
CASE can achieve, IF-ELSE can also fully, but only provides more options.
-- use if-esle Realization drop procedure if exists sayLove; delimiter // create procedure sayLove() begin declare num int default 0; -- Generate a 1-5 Random Numbers Between set num := round(rand()*5); -- judge if num=1 then select "If time could stop at the moment when we first met"; elseif num=2 then select "Ten miles of spring breeze is not as good as you"; elseif num-3 then select "Loving you is like loving life."; else select "The moonlight tonight is beautiful."; end if; end // delimiter ; call sayLove();
MySql cycle
- WHILE... DO... END WHILE is called a "Dang" type cycle, satisfying conditions to enter the circulatory body.
- LOOP... LEAVE... END LOOP "Up to Type Cycle"
While... do... loop
while search_condition do statement_list; end while;
Repat... until... loop
repeat statement_list; until search_condition; end repeat;
Loop... leave loop
[begin_label:] loop statement_list; leave [begin_label]; end loop [end_label];
Cycle - Case 1+2+...n
-- while Achieve 1+2+3+..n and -- What's easy for you to mix up: Forget at the end; end; Variable forget set; -- Afferent parameter: in Incoming value; out: Input variable to receive the returned value; inout Input and Output drop procedure if exists sumN_while; delimiter // create procedure sumN_while(in n int) begin declare total int default 0; declare i int default 0; -- while .... while i <= n do set total := total + i; set i := i + 1; -- Print out the results end while; select concat("1+2+..", n, "The sum is:", total) as 'Output'; end // delimiter ; call sumN_while(100); -- out call sumN_while(100); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) +----------------------+ | Output | +----------------------+ | 1+2+..100 The sum is:5050 | +----------------------+ 1 row in set (0.10 sec)
Similarly with repeat... until... implementation, by the way, practice out type parameters
-- repeat Achieve 1+2+..n And drop procedure if exists sumN_repeat; delimiter // -- Set in out Type parameter variable, Used to receive output values create procedure sumN_repeat(out total int) begin xxxx end // delimiter ;
drop procedure if exists sumN_repeat; delimiter // -- Settings re-entry out Type parameter variable, Used to receive output values create procedure sumN_repeat(in n int) begin declare i int default 0; declare total int default 0; -- repeat ... until ... repeat set total := total + i; set i := i + 1; -- Exit conditions until..True Just quit., Pay attention to while Difference until i > n end repeat; -- Print out the results internally select total; end // delimiter ; -- out call sumN_repeat(100); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) +-------+ | total | +-------+ | 5050 | +-------+ 1 row in set (0.09 sec)
Use out type parameters.
-- repeat Achieve 1+2+..n And drop procedure if exists sumN_repeat; delimiter // -- Settings re-entry out Type parameter variable, Used to receive output values create procedure sumN_repeat(in n int, out total int) begin declare i int default 0; set total := 0; -- order: before decalre Again set, Can not be confused,Brother -- repeat ... until ... repeat set total := total + i; set i := i + 1; -- Exit conditions until..Note that the condition is True Time to quit until i > n end repeat; end // delimiter ; -- set @ret := 0; -- call sumN_repeat(100, @ret); -- select @ret; -- out mysql> set @ret := 0; -- This global variable @ret Used for receiving processes. total Value oh Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> call sumN_repeat(10000, @ret); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec) mysql> select @ret; +----------+ | @ret | +----------+ | 50005000 | +----------+ 1 row in set (0.08 sec)
Then use loop....leave to complete the wave.
-- loop ...leave ... Realize 1+2+..n And drop procedure if exists sumN_loop; delimiter // create procedure sumN_loop(in n int, out total int) begin declare i int default 0; set total := 0; -- loop, Take a label name first, Rewriting exit conditions, if-then... myLoop: loop if i > n then leave myLoop; end if; set total := total + i; set i := i + 1; end loop; end // delimiter ; -- out mysql> set @ret := 0; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> call sumN_loop(100, @ret); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) mysql> select @ret; +------+ | @ret | +------+ | 5050 | +------+ 1 row in set (0.11 sec)
Summary of MySql Control Flow
Supplementary: Parameter declarations for stored procedures
- in type: Requires that when invoked, a value be received from outside.
- out type: Requires that when invoked, a variable be passed in to receive the "return value" of procedure
- inout type: input-output type
Supplement: MySql variable definition
- Within a stored procedure, use: declare variable name type [default value]; similar to "local variable"
- Running outside, use: @ variable: = value; similar to "global variable", note that MySql's standard assignment symbol is ":=", and "=" only means assignment when update and set, and the rest of the scenarios are "equal sign".
- Selection structure (if, case):
- if - elseif- esle -end if;
- case value when value1 then ; when value2 ...then .. else .. . end case;
- Loop structure (while, repeat, loop)
- while .... do .... end while;
- repeat ... until .... end repeat;
- myLoop: loop ..... if ... then leave myLoop; end if ; ..... end loop;