A case of blockchain based on PoS consensus algorithm

A case of blockchain based on PoS consensus algorithm

Zero. Preface

Previously, we wrote a case using PoW consensus algorithm, but we found that generating a block using PoW consensus algorithm requires a lot of sha256 encryption operations, which consumes a lot of resources. Our PoS can better solve this problem.

1, Define blocks and blockchains

type Block struct {
	Index     int
	TimeStamp string
	BPM       int
	HashCode  string
	PrevHash  string
	Validator string

var Blockchain []Block

Similar to the block in the previous case, we added a Validator to record who generated the block. Blockchain is to put blocks into a block array. Because there are records of hash values and previous block hash values, they are linked together.

2, Generate new block

func GenerateNextBlock(oldBlock Block, BPM int, address string) Block {
	var newBlock Block
	newBlock.Index = oldBlock.Index + 1
	newBlock.TimeStamp = time.Now().String()
	newBlock.PrevHash = oldBlock.HashCode
	newBlock.BPM = BPM
	newBlock.Validator = address
	newBlock.HashCode = GenerateHashValue(newBlock)
	return newBlock

Here, the height Index of the new block is set to the previous block plus one, the TimeStamp is set to the string of the current time, the previous block hash value PrevHash is set to the hash value of the previous block, the block data BPM is set to the incoming data, and the Validator is the address of the node that generates the current block. HashCode is the hash value of the current block.

3, Compute hash

func GenerateHashValue(block Block) string {
	var hashcode = block.PrevHash +
		block.TimeStamp + block.Validator +
		strconv.Itoa(block.BPM) + strconv.Itoa(block.Index)
	var sha = sha256.New()
	hashed := sha.Sum(nil)
	return hex.EncodeToString(hashed)

This step is also included in previous PoW cases. The steps are the same. If you are unclear, you can see my previous articles on PoW cases.

4, Several data structures for this project

type Node struct {
	tokens int
	address string

//Several nodes are stored and several users are participating
var n [2] Node

//Used to record the mining address
var addr [6000] string

The structure Node is used to describe a Node, including the number of currencies and the address of the Node. n is the Node array, which is used to store nodes. The string array addr is used to store mining addresses. The more token s a Node has, the more space it occupies in this array.

5, Main logic

func main() {
	n[0] = Node{tokens: 1000, address: "abc123"}
	n[1] = Node{tokens: 5000, address: "bcd321"}

	var count = 0
	for i := 0; i < len(n); i++ {
		for j := 0; j < n[i].tokens; j++ {
			addr[count] = n[i].address

	var rd = rand.Intn(6000)
	var adds = addr[rd]

	var firstBlock Block
	firstBlock.BPM = 100
	firstBlock.PrevHash = "0"
	firstBlock.TimeStamp = time.Now().String()
	firstBlock.Validator = "abc123"
	firstBlock.Index = 1
	firstBlock.HashCode = GenerateHashValue(firstBlock)

	Blockchain = append(Blockchain, firstBlock)
	var secondBlock = GenerateNextBlock(firstBlock, 200, adds)
	Blockchain = append(Blockchain, secondBlock)

First create two blockchain participants, that is, two nodes, and then pass in the currency and node address to the two nodes respectively.

The following double for loop is used to allocate the location in the addr array according to the number of tokens of each node. If node 0 has 1000 tokens, then

The addr array has the address "abc123" of 1000 node 0. Similarly, node 1 has 5000 token s. Starting from addr[1000], the next 5000 elements are used to store the address "bcd321" of node 1.

The next step is to randomly select one of the 6000 addresses, which may be node 0 or node 1, but the probability of node 0 is 1 / 6 and the probability of node 1 is 5 / 6.

var rd = rand.Intn(6000)
var adds = addr[rd]

The next step is to generate the creation block and put it into the blockchain. It is similar to the example of PoW consensus algorithm, so it will not be described.

Then, the second block is generated and put into the blockchain. This addr is the node address randomly selected above.

Posted by abc123 on Wed, 17 Nov 2021 00:53:32 -0800