Formatting of strings
Syntax for string formatting: 's%'% str1
str1 = "version" num = 1 print("str:%s" % str1) print("num:%d str1:%s" % (num, str1))
String operation on it
word = "version3.0" print( #Output 5 spaces on both sides of variable print(, "*")) #Output 5 on both sides of variable* print(word.ljust(0)) #Output left justified print(word.rjust(20)) #Output 20 characters with 10 spaces on the left
Escape character to string
word = "\thello world\n" print("Direct output:", word) print("strip()", word.strip()) #Remove escape characters print("lstrip()", word.lstrip()) #Remove left escape character print("rstrip()", word.rstrip()) #Remove right escape character
String merging
python uses "+" to connect strings. python will decide to perform connection or addition operations according to the types on both sides of "+". If both sides are strings, the join operation will be performed; if both sides are numeric types, the addition operation will be performed; if both sides are different types, an exception will be thrown.
str1 = "hello" str2 = "python" result = str1+str2 print(result)
python also provides the join() function for string merging
strs = ['hello',"python"] print(" ".join(strs))
String truncation
Use index to intercept substring
word = "python" print(word[4])
Special slice truncation substring
s1 = 'hello python' print(s1[0:3]) print(s1[::2]) print(s1[1::2])
split() get substring
sentence = "Bob said:1,2,3,4" print(sentence.split()) #Space truncation substring print(sentence.split(",")) #Comma truncation substring print(sentence.split(",", 2)) #Both are good at intercepting substrings
String comparison
In python, use "= =" and "! ="Compares the contents of two strings
str1 = 1 str2 = '1' if str1 == str2: print("Equal") else: print("Unequal") if str(str1) == str2: print("Equal") else: print("Unequal")
startwith() and endwith()
word = "hello world" print("hello" == word[0:5]) print(word.startswith("hello")) print(word.endswith("ld", 6)) print(word.endswith("ld", 6, 10)) print(word.endswith("ld", 6, len(word)))
Inversion of strings
Output strings in reverse order by slicing
for i in range((len(word)), 0, -1): print(word[i-1])
Finding and replacing strings
The find() method is used to find the string and return the index of the first occurrence of the character
word1 = "this is a apple" print(word1.find("a")) print(word1.rfind("a"))
python uses replace() to replace strings
sentence = "hello world,hello china" print(sentence.replace("hello", "hi")) print(sentence.replace("hello", "hi", 1))