Matlab uses BUGS Markov regime to transform Markov switching random volatility model, sequential Monte Carlo and M-H sampling to analyze time series data

Keywords: Machine Learning AI Deep Learning Data Mining

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In this example, we consider Markov transformation stochastic volatility model.

statistical model

Give Way    Are dependent variables and    Unobserved log volatility  The stochastic volatility model is defined as follows  

Zone variable    Following a two-state Markov process with transition probability

  Represents the normal distribution of the mean    And variance  .

BUGS language statistical model

Contents of file "ssv.bug":

file = 'ssv.bug'; % BUGS Model file name

  x\[1\] ~ dnorm(mm\[1\], 1/sig^2)
  y\[1\] ~ dnorm(0, exp(-x\[1\]))

  for (t in 2:tmax)
    c\[t\] ~ dcat(ifelse(c\[t-1\]==1, pi\[1,\], pi\[2,\]))
    mm\[t\] <- alp\[1\] * (c\[t\]==1) + alp\[2\]*(c\[t\]==2) + ph*x\[t-1\]


  1. Download the latest version of Matlab
  2. Unzip the archive into a folder
  3. Add program folder to Matlab search path

General settings


% Seed the random number generator for repeatability
if eLan 'matlab', '7.2')
    rnd('state', 0)

Load models and data

model parameter

tmax = 100;
sig = .4;

Parse and compile BUGS model and sample data

model(file, data, 'sample', true);
data = model;

Draw data

figure('nae', 'Lrtrs')
plot(1:tmax, dt.y)

Biips sequence Monte Carlo SMC


n_part = 5000; % Particle number
  {'x'}; % Variables to monitor
 smc =  samples(npart);

Algorithm diagnosis.

diag   (smc);


Drawing smoothing ESS


plot(1:tmax, 30*(tmax,1), '--k')

Paint weighted particles

for ttt=1:tttmax
    va = unique(outtt.x.s.vaues(ttt,:));

    wegh = arrayfun(@(x) sum(outtt.x.s.weittt(ttt, outtt.x.s.vaues(ttt,:) == x)), va);

    scatttttter(ttt\*ones(size(va)), va, min(50, .5\*n_parttt*wegh), 'r',...
        'markerf', 'r')

Summary statistics

summary(out, 'pro', \[.025, .975\]);

Mapping filter estimation

mean = susmc.x.f.mean;
xfqu = susmc.x.f.quant;
h = fill(\[1:tmax, tmax:-1:1\], \[xfqu{1}; flipud(xfqu{2})\], 0);

plot(1:tmax, mean,)
plot(1:tmax, data.x_true)

Mapping smoothing estimation

mean = smcx.s.mean;
quant = smcx.s.quant;

plot(1:t_max, mean,  3)
plot(1:t\_max, data.x\_true, 'g')

Marginal filtering and smoothing density

kde = density(out);
for k=1:numel(time)
    tk = time(k);
    plot(kde.x.f(tk).x, kde.x.f(tk).f);
    hold on
    plot(kde.x.s(tk).x, kde.x.s(tk).f, 'r');
    box off

Biips particle independent metropolis Hastings

PIMH parameters

thi= 1;
nprt = 50;

Running PIMH

init(moel, vaibls);
upda(obj, urn, npat); % Pre burn iteration
    nier, npat, 'thin', thn);

Some summary statistics

summary(out, 'prs');

Post mean and quantile

mean =;
quant = su.x.qunt;

hold on
plot(1:tax, man, 'r', 'liith', 3)
plot(1:tax, xrue, 'g')

Trace of MCMC samples

for k=1:nmel(timndx)
    tk = tieinx(k);
    sublt(2, 2, k)
    plot(outm.x(tk, :), 'liedh', 1)
    hold on
    plot(0, d_retk), '*g');
    box off

A posteriori histogram

for k=1:numel(tim_ix)
    tk = tim_ix(k);
    subplot(2, 2, k)
    hist(o_hx(tk, :), 20);
    h = fidobj(gca, 'ype, 'ptc');    hold on
    plot(daau(k), 0, '*g');
    box off

A posteriori kernel density estimation

pmh = desity(otmh);
for k=1:numel(tenx)
    tk = tim_ix(k);
    subplot(2, 2, k)
    plot(x(t).x, dpi.x(tk).f, 'r');
    hold on
    plot(xtrue(tk), 0, '*g');
    box off

Biips sensitivity analysis

We want to study the sensitivity to parameter values  

Algorithm parameters

n= 50; % Particle number
para = {'alpha}; % We want to study the parameters of sensitivity
 % Value grid of two components
pvs = {A(:, B(:';

Run sensitivity analysis using SMC

smcs(modl, par, parvlu, npt);

Plot log marginal likelihood and penalty log marginal likelihood rate

surf(A, B, reshape(ouma_i, sizeA)
box off

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Posted by msandersen on Thu, 02 Dec 2021 16:04:31 -0800