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Exercise point design: fuzzy query, delete, add
1, Language and environment
- Implementation language: JAVA language.
- Environment requirements: MyEclipse/Eclipse + Tomcat + MySql.
- Use technology: Jsp+Servlet+JavaBean or spring MVC + Spring + mybatis.
2, Realize function
Develop the logistics system - company information management module using SSM (Spring + spring MVC + mybatis) framework, and realize the following functions:
1. The home page displays all company information, as shown in Figure 1.
2. Realize the fuzzy query function by company name: enter the company name to be queried in the input box, and click the "search" button to display the relevant company information.
3. The deletion function is realized. A prompt of "delete confirmation" pops up before deletion, and the latest data is displayed after successful deletion. The effect diagram is shown in Figure 3.
4. Realize the function of adding company information: click "add company information" on the home page to jump to the page of adding company information. The page effect is shown in Figure 4. To complete the function, the company number and company name must be entered.
3, Database design
1. Create a database (logisticsDB).
2. Create a company information (tb_company) table. See Table 1 for the structure.
Table 1 company information structure
4, Recommended implementation steps
Establish database and data table, and add test data (add at least 5 test data).
Open Eclipse or Idea, create a Web project, and create the corresponding package.
Add Spring, Spring MVC, and MyBatis support to the project.
Create the entity class and the MyBatis mapping file corresponding to the entity in the project, and correctly configure the SQL mapping file of MySQL.
Create Mapper mapper, business class. Write SQL statements in the Mapper or mapping file to query and add operations.
Create the Controller class and correctly configure the configuration file of spring MVC.
Correctly configure Spring's configuration file and effectively manage SQLSessionFactory.
5, Implementation code
1. mysql code
1. Create a database (logisticsDB).
2. Create a company information (tb_company) table.
/* Date: 25/07/2021 22:02:55 */ SET NAMES utf8mb4; SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0; -- ---------------------------- -- Table structure for tb_company -- ---------------------------- DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tb_company`; CREATE TABLE `tb_company` ( `Company_id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `Company_name` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL, `Company_city` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL, `Company_phone` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL, `Company_fax` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL, `Company_adress` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL, `Company_remark` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`Company_id`) USING BTREE ) ENGINE = InnoDB AUTO_INCREMENT = 1006 CHARACTER SET = utf8 COLLATE = utf8_general_ci ROW_FORMAT = Dynamic; -- ---------------------------- -- Records of tb_company -- ---------------------------- INSERT INTO `tb_company` VALUES (1001, 'Changsha Feima Media Co., Ltd', 'Xiangtan, Hunan', '0731-2784651', '0731-2784651', 'Wangcheng', NULL); INSERT INTO `tb_company` VALUES (1002, 'Changsha Changben automobile', 'Zhuzhou, Hunan', '0731-2784555', '0731-2784555', 'Chaling', NULL); INSERT INTO `tb_company` VALUES (1003, 'Hunan Huitong Technology Co., Ltd', 'Changsha, Hunan', '0731-2784777', '0731-2784777', 'Changsha', NULL); INSERT INTO `tb_company` VALUES (1004, 'Changsha Science and technology', 'Changsha, Hunan', '0731-2784651', '0731-2784651', 'Xiangtan', NULL); SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;
2. Project Java code
directory structure
JAR package:
package com.controller; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.Resource; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.Model; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import com.entity.TbCompany; import com.service.CompanyService; @Controller public class CompanyController { @Resource CompanyService companyService; // Query and fuzzy query @RequestMapping("/CompanysList") public String CompanysList(Model model, String Company_name) { List<TbCompany> companyList = companyService.selectAll(Company_name); model.addAttribute("companyList", companyList); return "/company"; } // Jump to add page @RequestMapping("/insertInto") public String insertInto() { return "/addCompany"; } // add to @RequestMapping("/insertCompany") public String insertCompany(TbCompany tbCompany) { int insertCompany = companyService.insertCompany(tbCompany); return "redirect:/"; } // delete @RequestMapping("/delCompany") public String delCompany(int companyId) { int delCompany = companyService.delCompany(companyId); return "redirect:/"; } }
package com.dao; import com.entity.TbCompany; import java.util.List; import org.apache.ibatis.annotations.Param; public interface TbCompanyMapper { int deleteByPrimaryKey(Integer companyId); int insert(TbCompany record); List<TbCompany> selectAll(@Param("Company_name")String Company_name); }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" "" > <mapper namespace="com.dao.TbCompanyMapper" > <resultMap id="BaseResultMap" type="com.entity.TbCompany" > <id column="Company_id" property="companyId" jdbcType="INTEGER" /> <result column="Company_name" property="companyName" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> <result column="Company_city" property="companyCity" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> <result column="Company_phone" property="companyPhone" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> <result column="Company_fax" property="companyFax" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> <result column="Company_adress" property="companyAdress" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> <result column="Company_remark" property="companyRemark" jdbcType="VARCHAR" /> </resultMap> <delete id="deleteByPrimaryKey" parameterType="java.lang.Integer" > delete from tb_company where Company_id = #{companyId,jdbcType=INTEGER} </delete> <insert id="insert" parameterType="com.entity.TbCompany" > insert into tb_company (Company_id, Company_name, Company_city, Company_phone, Company_fax, Company_adress, Company_remark) values (#{companyId,jdbcType=INTEGER}, #{companyName,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{companyCity,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{companyPhone,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{companyFax,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{companyAdress,jdbcType=VARCHAR}, #{companyRemark,jdbcType=VARCHAR}) </insert> <select id="selectAll" resultMap="BaseResultMap" > select Company_id, Company_name, Company_city, Company_phone, Company_fax, Company_adress, Company_remark from tb_company <where> <if test="Company_name!= null">Company_name like "%"#{Company_name}"%" </if> </where> </select> </mapper>
package com.entity; public class TbCompany { private Integer companyId; private String companyName; private String companyCity; private String companyPhone; private String companyFax; private String companyAdress; private String companyRemark; public Integer getCompanyId() { return companyId; } public void setCompanyId(Integer companyId) { this.companyId = companyId; } public String getCompanyName() { return companyName; } public void setCompanyName(String companyName) { this.companyName = companyName == null ? null : companyName.trim(); } public String getCompanyCity() { return companyCity; } public void setCompanyCity(String companyCity) { this.companyCity = companyCity == null ? null : companyCity.trim(); } public String getCompanyPhone() { return companyPhone; } public void setCompanyPhone(String companyPhone) { this.companyPhone = companyPhone == null ? null : companyPhone.trim(); } public String getCompanyFax() { return companyFax; } public void setCompanyFax(String companyFax) { this.companyFax = companyFax == null ? null : companyFax.trim(); } public String getCompanyAdress() { return companyAdress; } public void setCompanyAdress(String companyAdress) { this.companyAdress = companyAdress == null ? null : companyAdress.trim(); } public String getCompanyRemark() { return companyRemark; } public void setCompanyRemark(String companyRemark) { this.companyRemark = companyRemark == null ? null : companyRemark.trim(); } }
package com.service; import java.util.List; import com.entity.TbCompany; public interface CompanyService { //query List<TbCompany> selectAll(String Company_name); //add to int insertCompany(TbCompany tbCompany); //delete int delCompany(int companyId); }
package com.serviceImpl; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.Resource; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import com.dao.TbCompanyMapper; import com.entity.TbCompany; import com.service.CompanyService; @Service public class CompanyServiceImpl implements CompanyService { @Resource TbCompanyMapper mapper; @Override public List<TbCompany> selectAll(String Company_name) { List<TbCompany> selectAll=mapper.selectAll(Company_name); return selectAll; } @Override public int insertCompany(TbCompany tbCompany) { int insertCompany=mapper.insert(tbCompany); return insertCompany; } @Override public int delCompany(int companyId) { int delCompany=mapper.deleteByPrimaryKey(companyId); return delCompany; } }
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE configuration PUBLIC "-// Config 3.0//EN" ""> <configuration> <!-- alias --> <typeAliases> <package name="com.entity" /> </typeAliases> </configuration>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xmlns:p="" xmlns:context="" xmlns:aop="" xmlns:tx="" xsi:schemaLocation=" "> <!-- appoint spring Container read file --> <context:property-placeholder location=""></context:property-placeholder> <!-- Register connection pool with bean In container --> <bean id="dataSource" class=""> <property name="driverClassName" value="${jdbc.driver}"></property> <property name="Url" value="${jdbc.url}"></property> <property name="username" value="${jdbc.username}"></property> <property name="password" value="${jdbc.password}"></property> </bean> <!-- to configure SqlSessionFactory --> <bean class="org.mybatis.spring.SqlSessionFactoryBean"> <!-- set up MyBatis Core profile --> <property name="configLocation" value="classpath:mybatis/sqlMapConfig.xml" /> <!-- set up data sources --> <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" /> </bean> <!-- to configure Mapper scanning --> <bean class="org.mybatis.spring.mapper.MapperScannerConfigurer"> <!-- set up Mapper Scan package --> <property name="basePackage" value="com.dao" /> </bean> <!-- Configure transaction manager --> <bean id="transactionManager" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager"> <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource"></property> </bean> <!-- Enable annotation mode management AOP affair --> <tx:annotation-driven transaction-manager="transactionManager" /> </beans>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xmlns:context="" xmlns:aop="" xmlns:tx="" xmlns:mvc="" xsi:schemaLocation=" "> <!-- to configure Service scanning --> <context:component-scan base-package="com" /> </beans>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xmlns:context="" xmlns:aop="" xmlns:tx="" xmlns:mvc="" xsi:schemaLocation=" "> <!-- to configure Controller scanning --> <context:component-scan base-package="com.controller" /> <!-- Configure annotation driven --> <mvc:annotation-driven /> <!-- Configure view parser --> <bean class="org.springframework.web.servlet.view.InternalResourceViewResolver"> <!-- prefix --> <property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/jsp/" /> <!-- suffix --> <property name="suffix" value=".jsp" /> </bean> </beans>
jdbc.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/logisticsdb?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&useSSL=false jdbc.username=root jdbc.password=123456 jdbc.driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <web-app xmlns:xsi="" xmlns="" xsi:schemaLocation="" id="WebApp_ID" version="3.1"> <display-name>Company</display-name> <welcome-file-list> <welcome-file>index.html</welcome-file> <welcome-file>index.htm</welcome-file> <welcome-file>index.jsp</welcome-file> <welcome-file>default.html</welcome-file> <welcome-file>default.htm</welcome-file> <welcome-file>default.jsp</welcome-file> </welcome-file-list> <!--spring container --> <context-param> <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name> <param-value>classpath:spring/applicationContext-*.xml</param-value> </context-param> <!-- Listener, loading spring to configure --> <listener> <listener-class>org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener</listener-class> </listener> <!-- Front end controller --> <servlet> <servlet-name>springmvc</servlet-name> <servlet-class>org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet</servlet-class> <init-param> <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name> <param-value>classpath:spring/spring-mvc.xml</param-value> </init-param> <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup> </servlet> <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>springmvc</servlet-name> <url-pattern>*.do</url-pattern> </servlet-mapping> <!-- set up post Requested character encoding filter --> <filter> <filter-name>CharacterEncodingFilter</filter-name> <filter-class>org.springframework.web.filter.CharacterEncodingFilter</filter-class> <init-param> <param-name>encoding</param-name> <param-value>UTF-8</param-value> </init-param> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>CharacterEncodingFilter</filter-name> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> </web-app>
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8" pageEncoding="utf-8"%> <!DOCTYPE html> <% String path = request.getContextPath(); String basePath = request.getScheme()+"://"+request.getServerName()+":" +request.getServerPort()+path; %> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Sign in</title> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript"> window.location.href="<%=basePath%>/"; </script> </body> </html>
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8" pageEncoding="utf-8"%> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>Add company information</title> <style type="text/css"> .centen1 { width: 100%; height: 40px; color: white; line-height: 40px; background-color: #0098CB; } table { margin: auto; } span { color: red; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="centen1"> <h3>Add company</h3> </div> <div class="centen2"> <form action=""> <table border="0" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="6"> <tr> <td>Company number: <input type="text" name="companyId" required> <span>*</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>corporate name: <input type="text" name="companyName" required> <span>*</span> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>City: <input type="text" name="companyCity"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>contact number: <input type="text" name="companyPhone"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>pass really: <input type="text" name="companyFax"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>land site: <input type="text" name="companyAdress"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>prepare notes: <input type="text" name="companyRemark"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <input type="submit" value="preservation" /> <input type="reset" value="Reset" /> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </div> </body> </html>
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8" pageEncoding="utf-8"%> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <%@taglib uri="" prefix="c"%> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>logistics system - Company information management</title> <style type="text/css"> .head { height: 40px; width: 100%; background-color: #F8F4FF; } .head1 { width: 250px; height: 100%; float: left; } .head2 { width: 450px; height: 100%; line-height: 36px; float: right; } .centen { color: white; font-size: 20px; width: 100%; height: 36px; background-color: #0098CB; margin-top: 20px; line-height: 36px; } .foot { margin-top: 20px; } table { text-align: center; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="head"> <div class="head1"> <a href=""> <button type="button" style="height: 36px; font-size: 20px; background-color: #D9F0FF; border: none; "> add company information < / button > </a> </div> <div class="head2" style="font-size: 20px; text-align: center;"> <form action="" method="post"> corporate name: <input type="text" placeholder="corporate name" name="Company_name" style="height: 26px; font-size: 15px; margin-bottom: 2px;" /> <input type="submit" value="lookup" style="height: 30px; font-size: 15px;" /> </form> </div> </div> <div class="centen"> <h4>Company information list</h4> </div> <div class="foot"> <table width="100%" border="1px" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <th width="150px">corporate name</th> <th width="150px">city</th> <th width="150px">Telephone</th> <th width="150px">Fax</th> <th width="150px">address</th> <th width="150px">operation</th> </tr> <c:forEach var="company" items="${companyList }" varStatus="item"> <tr> <td width="150px">${company.companyName}</td> <td width="150px">${company.companyCity}</td> <td width="150px">${company.companyPhone}</td> <td width="150px">${company.companyFax}</td> <td width="150px">${company.companyAdress}</td> <td width="150px"><a href="javascript:if(confirm('Are you sure you want to delete?'))location='${company.companyId}'">delete</a> </td> </tr> </c:forEach> </table> </div> </body> </html>