Really sign in
YUSA's little secret
Open the adjustment channel with Stegsolve to find the hidden flag; But it can't be seen when disturbed
Search engines look up data and find problems. This refers to a color coding model called YCrCb
Refer to [ByteCTF2020]Hardcore Watermark 01: https://bytectf.feishu.cn/docs/doccnqzpGCWH1hkDf5ljGdjOJYg
from cv2 import * img = cv2.imread('yusa.png') cv_color = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2YCrCb) cv2.imwrite('flag.png', cv_color)
The picture will be obtained. Use Stegsolve to open the adjustment channel again
Yusa's Secret
volatility -f Yusa-PC.raw --profile=Win7SP1x64 psxview
Analyze suspicious processes
- wab.exe: it is a program of Windows operating system, which is used to store address book, contact and Email address. To support programs like Outlook.
- StikyNot.exe: Windows note program
First of all, let's take a look at five colored eggs (although it's useless)
cmdscan found egg4
>>> from base64 import *from base64 import * >>> b64decode('eXVzYeWnkOWnkOacieWlveWkmuWlveWkmueahOWwj+Woh+Wmu++8jOa4o+eUtw==').decode('utf-8') 'yusa My sister has a lot of little wives, scum men'
egg5.zip has a password. The password is in the screenshot
After reading the eggs, I began to work on the questions
volatility -f Yusa-PC.raw --profile=Win7SP1x64 filescan | grep -E '.zip$|.rar$|.7z$'
key.zip requires a password; Continue analysis
Called StikyNot.exe, trying to find snt file
Export the file and use win7's notes to load the file
PS: after testing, Win10 can also be loaded in this way
Location: C: \ users \ XXX \ appdata \ roaming \ Microsoft \ sticky notes \ sticky notes.snt
PS: this Sticky Notes folder may not be found. You can open a temporary note and find it
Then use the StickyNotes.snt we exported to replace the StickyNotes.snt temporarily generated here; Then open the note again to find the clue
key.zip password: the world has no heartbeat
Get exp.py
from PIL import Image import struct pic = Image.open('key.bmp') fp = open('flag', 'rb') fs = open('Who_am_I', 'wb') a, b = pic.size list1 = [] for y in range(b): for x in range(a): pixel = pic.getpixel((x, y)) list1.extend([pixel[1], pixel[0], pixel[2], pixel[2], pixel[1], pixel[0]]) data = fp.read() for i in range(0, len(data)): fs.write(struct.pack('B', data[i] ^ list1[i % a*b*6])) fp.close() fs.close()
What you need is the flag file, who_ am_ 1. Zip has a password; whoami here should refer to Yusa;
Try to crack the password of Yusa account and use Passware Kit 13
Get the password: YusaYusa520
Decompress to get Who_am_I
Who_ am_ If I have the key.bmp file, I can get the flag file
Get Sakura-didi.zip, but still have a password; Continue to analyze. Another clue that hasn't been used is wab.exe
The contact file suffix is. Contact
Yusa.contact, decode these base64 using the online station: https://the-x.cn/zh-cn/base64/
Get a BMP file, but this is not the key.bmp we want
This is what you will use key,You can use it to open the tools the organization gives you. Tool naming follows traditional rules. key: 820ac92b9f58142bbbc27ca295f1cf48
Use this key to unzip Sakura-didi.zip
In fact, the decryption script can refer to exp.py above, the key.bmp remains unchanged, and the flag is output, Who_am_I can be used as output. Change the position
from PIL import Image import struct pic = Image.open('key.bmp') fp = open('Who_am_I', 'rb') fs = open('flag', 'wb') a, b = pic.size list1 = [] for y in range(b): for x in range(a): pixel = pic.getpixel((x, y)) list1.extend([pixel[1], pixel[0], pixel[2], pixel[2], pixel[1], pixel[0]]) data = fp.read() for i in range(0, len(data)): fs.write(struct.pack('B', data[i] ^ list1[i % a*b*6])) fp.close() fs.close()
The resulting flag is a gif file. Use stegsolve to view each frame. You can barely see the flag in frame 10
Haomei's web
Directory scan
python3 dirsearch.py -u "http://b1c34857-a729-4b00-a22a-98323505597c.haomeidehelloworld-ctf.dasctf.com:2333/" -i 200 | grep -v "0B"
The path /. idea/dataSources.xml was found many times during the scanning process, and the scanned full path access is 404
Try to access /. idea/dataSources.xml directly