Experiment 2 compilation and debugging of assembly source program for multiple logic segments

1, Experimental conclusion

1. Experimental task 1

  • Task 1-1
    • task1_1.asm source code
      •  1 assume ds:data, cs:code, ss:stack
         3 data segment
         4     db 16 dup(0)
         5 data ends
         7 stack segment
         8     db 16 dup(0)
         9 stack ends
        10 code segment
        11 start:
        12     mov ax, data
        13     mov ds, ax
        15     mov ax, stack
        16     mov ss, ax
        17     mov sp, 16
        19     mov ah, 4ch
        20     int 21h
        21 code ends
        22 end start
    • task1_1 screenshot before the end of line17 and line19
    • Question answer
      • ① In debug, execute until the end of line17 and before line19, and record this time: register (DS)=     076A   , Register (SS)=   076B  , Register (CS)=     076C   
      • ② Assuming that the segment address of the code segment is X after the program is loaded, the segment address of the data segment is X   X-2h, the segment address of stack is     X-1h   .
  • Task 1-2
      • task1_2.asm source code
        •  1 assume ds:data, cs:code, ss:stack
           3 data segment
           4     db 4 dup(0)
           5 data ends
           7 stack segment
           8     db 8 dup(0)
           9 stack ends
          10 code segment
          11 start:
          12     mov ax, data
          13     mov ds, ax
          15     mov ax, stack
          16     mov ss, ax
          17     mov sp, 8
          19     mov ah, 4ch
          20     int 21h
          21 code ends
          22 end start

    • task1_2. After debugging to the end of line17 and before line19, observe the screenshot of register DS, CS and SS values
    • Question answer
      • ① In debug, execute until the end of line17 and before line19, and record this time: register (DS)=     076A   , Register (SS)=    076B  , Register (CS)=     076C   
      • ② Suppose that after the program is loaded, the segment address of the code segment is x, and the segment address of the data segment is X    X-2h  , The segment address of stack is     X-1h   .
  • Task 1-3
    • Task task1_3.asm source code
      •  1 assume ds:data, cs:code, ss:stack
         3 data segment
         4     db 20 dup(0)
         5 data ends
         7 stack segment
         8     db 20 dup(0)
         9 stack ends
        10 code segment
        11 start:
        12     mov ax, data
        13     mov ds, ax
        15     mov ax, stack
        16     mov ss, ax
        17     mov sp, 20
        19     mov ah, 4ch
        20     int 21h
        21 code ends
        22 end start
    • task1_3. Screenshot of the values of registers DS, CS and SS before the end of debugging to line17 and line19
    • Question answer
      • ① In debug, execute until the end of line17 and before line19, and record this time: register (DS)=   076A    , Register (SS)=     076C  , Register (CS)=     076E   
      • ② Assuming that the segment address of the code segment is X after the program is loaded, the segment address of the data segment is X     X-4h   , The segment address of stack is   X-2h   
  • Tasks 1-4
    • Task task1_4.asm source code
      •  1 assume ds:data, cs:code, ss:stack
         2 code segment
         3 start:
         4     mov ax, data
         5     mov ds, ax
         7     mov ax, stack
         8     mov ss, ax
         9     mov sp, 20
        11     mov ah, 4ch
        12     int 21h
        13 code ends
        15 data segment
        16     db 20 dup(0)
        17 data ends
        19 stack segment
        20     db 20 dup(0)
        21 stack ends
        22 end start
    • task1_4. After debugging to the end of line17 and before line19, observe the screenshot of register DS, CS and SS values

    • Question answer
      • ① In debug, execute until the end of line9 and before line11, and record this time: register (DS)=   076C   , Register (SS)=     076E  , Register (CS)=     076A   
      • ② Suppose that after the program is loaded, the segment address of the code segment is x, and the segment address of the data segment is X   X+2h   , The segment address of stack is   X+4h  .
  • Tasks 1-5
    • Based on the practice and observation of the above four experimental tasks, summarize and answer:
      • ① For the segment defined below, after the program is loaded, the actual memory space allocated to the segment is     N/16 is rounded up and multiplied by 16  .
        • 1 xxx segment
          2         db N dup(0)
          3 xxx ends
      • ② If the program Task1_ 1.asm, task1_ 2.asm, task1_ 3.asm, task1_ 4. In ASM, if the pseudo instruction end start is changed to end, which program can still be executed correctly. The reasons are analyzed and explained in combination with the conclusions obtained from practical observation.
        • Answer: task1_4.asm can operate normally. end start not only informs the compiler of the end of the program, but also informs the compiler of where the entry of the program is. If the end is not used to indicate the program start label, the program runs from DS+10h at the beginning of the program by default. As shown in the figure, only task1_4.asm program meets the requirements.

2. Experimental task 2

  • Assembly source code
    •  1 assume cs:code
       2 code segment
       3 start:
       4     mov ax, 0b800h
       5         mov ds, ax
       6         mov bx,0f00h
       7         mov cx,50h
       9 s:    mov [bx],0403h
      10     add bx,2    
      11     loop s    
      13     mov ah, 4ch
      14         int 21h
      15 code ends
      16 end start
  • Screenshot of operation results
    • -f b800:0f00 0f9f 03 04 operation results

    • Screenshot of task2 running results

3. Experimental task 3  

  • Complete assembly source code
    •  1 assume cs:code
       2 data1 segment
       3     db 50, 48, 50, 50, 0, 48, 49, 0, 48, 49 ; ten numbers
       4 data1 ends
       6 data2 segment
       7     db 0, 0, 0, 0, 47, 0, 0, 47, 0, 0       ; ten numbers
       8 data2 ends
      10 data3 segment
      11     db 16 dup(0)
      12 data3 ends
      14 code segment
      15 start:
      16     mov ax,data1
      17     mov ds,ax
      18     mov bx,0
      19     mov cx,000ah
      21 s:    mov ax,[bx]
      22     add ax,[bx+10h]
      23     mov [bx+20h],ax
      24     inc bx
      25     loop s
      27     mov ah,4ch
      28     int 21h
      29 code ends
      30 end start
  • Load, disassemble and debug screenshots in debug
    • Disassembly:
    • Before adding data items in turn, check the debug command and screenshot of the original value of memory space data corresponding to logical segments data1, data2 and data3

    • After adding in sequence, view the debug command and screenshot of the original value of memory space data corresponding to logical segments data1, data2 and data3

4. Experimental task 4

  • Complete assembly source code
    •  1 assume cs:code
       3 data1 segment
       4     dw 2, 0, 4, 9, 2, 0, 1, 9
       5 data1 ends 
       7 data2 segment
       8     dw 8 dup(?)
       9 data2 ends
      11 stack segment
      12     dw 8 dup(?)
      13 stack ends
      15 code segment
      16 start:
      17     mov ax,data1
      18     mov ds,ax
      19     mov bx,0
      20     mov sp,10h
      21     mov cx,8
      23 s0:    push [bx]
      24     add bx,2h
      25     loop s0
      27     mov cx,8
      28     mov bx,0
      29 s1:    pop [bx+10h]
      30     add bx,2h
      31     loop s1
      33     mov ah, 4ch
      34     int 21h
      35 code ends
      36 end start
  • Load, disassemble and debug screenshots in debug
    • Disassembly
    •   Before the program is executed, the d command checks the screenshot of the memory space corresponding to the data segment data2
    • After the program is executed, the d command views a screenshot of the memory space corresponding to the data segment data2

5. Experimental task 5

  • task5.asm source code
    •  1 assume cs:code, ds:data
       2 data segment
       3         db 'Nuist'
       4         db 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
       5 data ends
       7 code segment
       8 start:
       9         mov ax, data
      10         mov ds, ax
      12         mov ax, 0b800H
      13         mov es, ax
      15         mov cx, 5
      16         mov si, 0
      17         mov di, 0f00h
      18 s:      mov al, [si]
      19         and al, 0dfh
      20         mov es:[di], al
      21         mov al, [5+si]
      22         mov es:[di+1], al
      23         inc si
      24         add di, 2
      25         loop s
      27         mov ah, 4ch
      28         int 21h
      29 code ends
      30 end start
  • Screenshot of operation results
  • Use the debug tool to debug the program, and use the g command to execute the screenshot before the program returns (i.e. after ine25 and before line27)
    • db 2,3,4,5,6
    • db 5 dup(2)

    • db 5 dup(5)
  • What is the function of line19 in the source code?
    • Answer: 0dfh binary is 0000 1101 1111. And operation to change lowercase letters into uppercase letters, and uppercase letters remain uppercase letters.
  • What is the purpose of the byte data in the data segment line4 in the source code?
    • A: color code, letters are displayed in corresponding colors.

6. Experimental task 6

  • task6.asm source code
    •  1 assume cs:code, ds:data
       3 data segment
       4     db 'Pink Floyd      '
       5     db 'JOAN Baez       '
       6     db 'NEIL Young      '
       7     db 'Joan Lennon     '
       8     dw 0
       9 data ends
      11 code segment
      12 start:
      13     mov ax,data
      14     mov ds,ax
      15     mov bx,0
      16     mov cx,4
      18 s0:    mov ds:[40h],cx
      19     mov si,0
      20     mov cx,4
      22 s:    mov al,[bx+si]
      23     or al,00100000b
      24     mov [bx+si],al
      25     inc si
      26     loop s
      28     add bx,16
      29     mov cx,ds:[40h]
      30     loop s0
      32     mov ah, 4ch
      33     int 21h
      34 code ends
      35 end start
  • Load, disassemble and debug screenshots in debug
    • Disassembly

    • Before executing the program, use the d command to check the memory space corresponding to the data segment
    • After the program is executed, use the d command to view the memory space corresponding to the data segment

7. Experimental task 7

  • task7.asm source code
    •  1 assume cs:code, ds:data, es:table
       3 data segment
       4     db '1975', '1976', '1977', '1978', '1979' 
       5     dd  16, 22, 382, 1356, 2390
       6     dw  3, 7, 9, 13, 28 
       7 data ends
       9 table segment
      10     db 5 dup( 16 dup(' ') )  ;
      11 table ends
      13 code segment
      14 start:
      15     mov ax,data 
      16            mov ds,ax 
      17             mov ax,table
      18             mov es,ax
      19             mov bx,0
      20             mov si,0
      21             mov di,0
      22             mov cx,5
      23 s0:    mov ax,[bx+si]
      24     mov es:[di],ax
      25     add si,2h
      26     mov ax,[bx+si]
      27     mov es:[di+2h],ax
      28     add si,2h
      29     add di,10h
      30     loop s0
      32     mov di,0
      33     mov si,0
      34     mov bx,20
      35     mov cx,5
      36 s1:    mov ax,[bx+si]
      37     mov es:[di+5h],ax
      38     add si,2h
      39     mov ax,[bx+si]
      40     mov es:[di+7h],ax
      41     add si,2h
      42     add di,10h
      43     loop s1
      45     mov di,0
      46     mov si,0
      47     mov bx,40
      48     mov cx,5
      49 s2:    mov ax,[bx+si] 
      50     mov es:[di+10],ax
      51     add si,2
      52     add di,10h 
      53     loop s2
      55     mov cx,5
      56     mov di,0
      57 s3:    mov ax,es:[di+5]
      58     mov dx,es:[di+7]
      59     div word ptr es:[di+10]
      60     mov es:[di+13],ax
      61     add di,10h
      62     loop s3
      64     mov ah, 4ch
      65     int 21h
      66 code ends
      67 end start
  • Debug screenshot
    • Screenshot of data segment data information

    • View screenshot of original data information of table segment
    • Run in debug until the program exits, use the d command to view the screenshot of the memory space corresponding to the table segment, and confirm whether the information is structurally written to the specified memory as required

  2, Experimental summary

  •   The actual memory space allocated to the segment by db N dup(0) in the segment is     N/16 is rounded up and multiplied by 16.
  •   end start in addition to notifying the compiler of the end of the program, it can also notify the compiler of where the entry of the program is. If the end is not used to indicate the program start label, the program runs from DS+10h at the beginning of the program by default.
  •   If the divisor is 8 bits, the divisor is 16 bits, which is stored in AX by default. If the divisor is 16 bits, the divisor is 32 bits, which is stored in DX and AX. DX stores the high 16 bits and AX stores the low 16 bits.
  •   The stack can be used to store in reverse order.
  • mov ax,[bx+bp] is wrong. bp memory can only be mixed with si or di or used alone.
  • In case of multiple cycles, enter the inner cycle, save the cycle times of the outer cycle, and return the outer cycle times to the CX memory when the inner cycle ends.

Posted by casty on Sat, 06 Nov 2021 05:54:02 -0700