[linux] CentOS8 Hadoop pseudo distributed environment construction (three node machines)

Keywords: Linux Hadoop Distribution


1. This article mainly refers to Blogs: Click to enter , it integrates the pseudo distributed environment construction and some pit stepping matters.
2. There are three node machines built in the environment: pc1, pc2 and pc3. Among them, pc1 is the management machine, and the three node machines all use the user Sillyhumans. If the user names of the three machines are different, you may need to modify them slightly when configuring the address below.
3. Operate after closing the firewall.
4. Allow the management machine to log in to other node machines (including itself) ssh password free.

1, What are pseudo distributed clusters?

In short, it is to simulate the integrated distribution of multiple machines on one machine (pretending to have multiple servers)

2, Install Hadoop

First download Hadoop : Click to enter Download
My next version is 3.3

Upload to l user directory for decompression

tar -zxvf hadoop-3.3.0.tar.gz

After decompression, change the file name to hadoop

mv hadoop-3.3.0 hadoop

Then configure the environment variables, enter the. bashrc file, and add the following code at the end of the file

export HADOOP_HOME=/home/Sillyhumans/hadoop

Then save and exit, and execute the command to make the configuration effective

source .bashrc

Verification: enter hadoop version. If version information appears, the configuration is successful

3, Pseudo distributed environment construction

Configure the mappings in the hosts file

su root
 Input password
vi /etc/hosts

Add the following at the end: pc1 pc2 pc3

Enter the etc/hadoop file in the hadoop directory
Edit the following files and modify them according to your host name (if the permission is not enough, you can switch to root first)

vi core-site.xml
 Amend to read as follows:
                <description>Abase for other temporary directories.</description>

vi hdfs-site.xml
 Amend to read as follows:




vi hadoop-env.sh
 Add to it jdk route: export JAVA_HOME=/home/Sillyhumans/java 

vi mapred-site.xml
 Amend to read as follows:



vi yarn-site.xml
 Amend to read as follows:


4, Add two node machines

Possible problems: check the ip address and enter

ip addr

Observe the ip address of ens33. Two ip addresses may appear at this time, as shown in the figure:

One is the address set by yourself and the other is the dynamic address. When configuring hadoop, the dynamic address of the server will be used. As a result, the management interface will not display the information of other node machines. You need to edit ifconfig-ens33

vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ens33 

Change the BOOTPROTO value to static and restart the server.

Then edit the hadoop workers file

vi ~/hadoop/etc/hadoop/workers

Add node machine


After saving, send hadoop and. bashrc to pc2 and pc3

su Sillyhumans
scp -r hadoop Sillyhumans@pc2:~/
scp -r hadoop Sillyhumans@pc3:~/
scp .bashrc Sillyhumans@pc2:~/
scp .bashrc Sillyhumans@pc3:~/

Make. bashrc effective in pc2 and pc3, respectively

ssh Sillyhumans@pc2
source .bashrc
ssh Sillyhumans@pc3
source .bashrc


5, Start hadoop

Format is required for the first startup. First enter sbin and enter as follows

cd ~/hadoop/sbin
hdfs namenode -format

The selection y appears

Open hadoop


Verification: enter jps on each node machine

Enter the management interface of the browser. At this time, there are three node machines

Posted by paperthinT on Thu, 04 Nov 2021 17:50:19 -0700