Unified identity management platform IAM single sign on process and third-party interface design scheme

Keywords: Java Spring Boot Back-end architecture login

#Unified identity management platform IAM

Many enterprises have multiple office systems. Accounts, passwords, roles and permissions need to be set separately and cannot be managed uniformly.

I think the unified identity authentication management system IAM has the following three advantages:

  1. Establish a unified user management, identity rationing and identity authentication system to realize the dynamic synchronization of user identity and authority.
  2. Realize single sign on (B/S architecture) or password authentication login (C/S architecture) of all office systems (Applications).
  3. Strengthen information security early warning and audit, and improve system availability, security and user portability.

That is, one account opens up multiple office systems within the enterprise, covers multiple scenarios of control, and supports department, role, and personnel dimension authorization.

#Unified identity management platform IAM single sign on flow chart (B/S architecture)

Scope of use: a third-party system that needs to realize single sign on, use the login page of the unified identity management platform, and can send https requests. The following four steps are briefly summarized:

  1. authorize interface, request user authorization, and jump to the third-party system after completion.
  2. authorization_code interface to obtain authorization Token according to code.
  3. getUserInfo interface to obtain user information according to the Token.
  4. Logout interface, logout and login.

This paper will introduce the common single sign on third-party interface design of the unified identity authentication platform IAM.

#1. Request user authorization, and then jump to the third-party system for web design

  Description of web interface:

Request typeGET/WEB page access
Request examplehttps://iam.xxxxx.com:8080/idp/oauth2/authorize?redirect_uri=https://www.baidu.com&state=xxxx&client_id=xxxxx&response_type=code
Parameter description
Parameter nameexplaindescribe
client_idApplication identificationClient application registration ID
redirect_uriJump addressJump address (uri encoding)
response_typeCorresponding typecode
stateArbitrary valueIt is used to maintain request and callback status and can be used to prevent CSRF attacks

processing logic 1. Judgment parameters;
2. Validate client_ Whether the ID is valid;
3. Verify redirect_uri;
4. Display the authentication authorization page;
5. After authentication, the page jumps to redirect_uri with parameter authorization code (written into Cookie).
Return valueThe callback address in the above text is Baidu as an example. After authorization, it will jump to https://www.baidu.com/?code=83953d36e2ae7c8903c6b589c8998670&state=xxxxx , carrying the parameters code and state.

Actual operation:

WEB page login authorization interface (GET request)  

Log in successfully and jump to the interface with the parameters code and state

#2. Obtain the Token authorization third-party interface design according to code

You can get access through the code above_ Token and refresh_token, when access_ When the token expires, you can use refresh_token to get new access again_ Token, keep the login status.

Interface Description:

Request typePOST
Request examplehttps://iam.xxxxx.com:8080/idp/oauth2/getToken?client_id=xxxxxx&grant_type=authorization_code&code=xxxxxx&client_secret=xxxxxx
Parameter description
Parameter nameexplaindescribe
client_idApplication identificationClient application registration ID
client_secretsecret keyClient application registration key
codeAuthorization codeAuthorization code obtained after user authorization
grant_typeAuthentication modeRequest type, default authorization_code

processing logic 1. Verify the effectiveness of parameters;
2. Verify the validity and scope of authorization code;
3. Return JSON data according to the above judgment, verification and authentication results.
Return valueType JSON, correct return value:


    "access_token": "5e717f5eda086269706a407e3764092a",

    "refresh_token": "fb6e93b627a1a93679251f605097503c",

    "uid": "20210311135809626-B457-4E410EFEB",

    "expires_in": 1500


Get token post request interface example code:

import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.params.BasicHttpParams;
import org.apache.http.params.HttpConnectionParams;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;
public class getToken {
    public static String getToken(String url){
        BasicHttpParams http = new BasicHttpParams();
        //Set request timeout for 1 second
        //Set the timeout for waiting for data for 1 second
        HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(http);
        String jsonresult = "";
        try {
            //Http Post request
            HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url);
            HttpResponse response = client.execute(post);
            //Get return parameters
            HttpEntity entity =response.getEntity();
            jsonresult = EntityUtils.toString(entity,"utf-8");
        }catch (Exception ex){
        }finally {
        return jsonresult;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String url = "https://iam.xxxxx.com:8080/idp/oauth2/getToken?client_id=SE&grant_type=authorization_code&code=dc605a7a6389b0898f653b4895359071&client_secret=6f369937851b4669ad66b41257b9a902";
        //Output return JSON string

#3. Third party interface design for obtaining user information according to Token

Access obtained above_ Token can access the user interface, obtain user information, and realize the user's Secret free login on the third-party system (application).  

Interface Description:  

Request typeGET
Request examplehttps://iam.xxxxx.com:8080/idp/oauth2/getUserInfo?access_token=xxxxx&client_id=xxxxx
Parameter description
Parameter nameexplaindescribe
access_tokentoken authorization code
client_idApplication identificationClient application registration ID

processing logic 1. Verify the effectiveness of parameters;
2. Query the user information according to the attribute permission list configured by the application;
3. Return JSON data according to the above judgment, verification and authentication results.
Return value

Type JSON string, correct return value:


     "orgNamePath":   "/ personnel department",

    "spRoleList": [],

    "uid": "20210311135809626-B457-4E410EFEB",

    "mail": "liming@qq.com",

    "orgCodePath": "W000001",

     "displayName":   "Li Ming",

    "loginName": "E012345678",

    "mobile": "13999999999",

    "orgNumber": "P00000000",

    "employeeNumber": null


GET user information - GET request interface example code:

import org.apache.http.HttpEntity;
import org.apache.http.HttpResponse;
import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.params.BasicHttpParams;
import org.apache.http.params.HttpConnectionParams;
import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils;

public class getUserInfo {
    public static String getToken(String url){
        BasicHttpParams http = new BasicHttpParams();
        //Set request timeout for 1 second
        //Set the timeout for waiting for data for 1 second
        HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient(http);
        String jsonresult = "";
        try {
            //Http Get request
            HttpGet get = new HttpGet(url);
            HttpResponse response = client.execute(get);
            //Get return parameters
            HttpEntity entity =response.getEntity();
            jsonresult = EntityUtils.toString(entity,"utf-8");
        }catch (Exception ex){
        }finally {
        return jsonresult;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String url = "https://iam.xxxxx.com:8080/idp/oauth2/getUserInfo?access_token=xxxxx&client_id=xxxxx";
        //Output return JSON string

#4. Logout log out, jump after completion, web design  

The third-party application system requests the IAM authentication center to exit the URL globally. The authentication center destroys the user's global session and calls the application to destroy the session URL. The address needs to call the recycling authorization interface to clear the current oauth ticket and destroy the application local session.  

The flow chart is as follows:

Description of web interface:  

Request typeGET/WEB page access
Request examplehttps://iam.xxxxx.com:8080/idp/profile/OAUTH2/Redirect/GLO?redirctToUrl=https://www.baidu.com&redirectToLogin=true&entityId=xxxxx
Parameter description
Parameter nameexplaindescribe
redirctToUrlBounce urlLogin address of the third party (application)
redirectToLogintrueWhether to directly jump to the application redirctToUrl. true means to jump to redirctToUrl, and false will stay on the IAM logout page
entityIdApplication IDWith client_id consistent

processing logic 1. Judgment parameters;
2. Return JSON data according to the above judgment, verification and authentication results.
Return valueThe callback address in the above text is Baidu as an example. After logging off, it will jump to https://www.baidu.com , if the jump is false, it will stay on the IAM logout page https://iam.xxxxx.com:8080/idp/http/logout.do

Posted by gezeala on Mon, 01 Nov 2021 23:32:43 -0700