1. Title
1. Title Description
_Design a class that finds the kth largest element in the data stream. Note that the kth largest element is sorted, not the kth different element. Implement the KthLargest class:
_1) KthLargest(int k, int[] nums) initializes objects using integer k and integer stream nums.
_2) int add(int val) inserts Vals into the data stream nums and returns the k th largest element in the current data stream.
_Sample inputs: ['KthLargest','add','add','add','add','add','add', [[3,[4, 5, 8, 2], [3], [5], [10], [9], [4]]
_Sample output: [null, 4, 5, 5, 8, 8]
2. Infrastructure
- The basic framework code given in the C language version is as follows:
typedef struct { } KthLargest; KthLargest* kthLargestCreate(int k, int* nums, int numsSize) { } int kthLargestAdd(KthLargest* obj, int val) { } void kthLargestFree(KthLargest* obj) { }
3. Topic Link
Swordfinger Offer II 059.Largest K value of data flow
LeetCode 703.Largest K element in data flow
2. Problem-solving Report
1. Idea Analysis
_Maintain a small top heap, where elements are always maintained k k k, then the top of the heap must be the first k k Elements larger than k.
2. Time Complexity
_The process of creating a heap is O ( n l o g 2 n ) O(nlog_2n) O(nlog2 n), a pop-up is performed for each insert, and the time complexity of a single insert deletion is O ( l o g 2 n ) O(log_2n) O(log2n).
3. Code Details
/**********************************Small Top Heap Template******************************************/ #define lson(idx) (idx << 1|1) #define rson(idx) ((idx + 1) << 1) #define parent(idx) ((idx - 1) >> 1) #define root 0 #define DataType int // Exchange of -1 and 1 becomes a big heap int compareData(const DataType* a, const DataType* b) { if(*a < *b) { return -1; }else if(*a > *b) { return 1; } return 0; } void swap(DataType* a, DataType* b) { DataType tmp = *a; *a = *b; *b = tmp; } typedef struct { DataType *data; int size; int capacity; }Heap; // Internal interface, lower case hump // The heapShiftDown interface is an internal interface, so it is distinguished by lowercase humps to adjust for sinking while deleting elements from the heap. void heapShiftDown(Heap* heap, int curr) { int son = lson(curr); while(son < heap->size) { if( rson(curr) < heap->size ) { if( compareData( &heap->data[rson(curr)], &heap->data[son] ) < 0 ) { son = rson(curr); // Always select nodes with smaller values } } if( compareData( &heap->data[son], &heap->data[curr] ) < 0 ) { swap(&heap->data[son], &heap->data[curr]); // If the value of the child node is less than the parent node, the exchange is performed. curr = son; son = lson(curr); }else { break; // The value of the child node is greater than that of the parent node, indicating that it is properly positioned, that the sink operation ends and that it jumps out of the cycle. } } } // The heapShiftUp interface is an internal interface, so it is distinguished by lowercase humps to adjust for the float when elements in the heap are inserted. void heapShiftUp(Heap* heap, int curr) { int par = parent(curr); while(par >= root) { if( compareData( &heap->data[curr], &heap->data[par] ) < 0 ) { swap(&heap->data[curr], &heap->data[par]); // If the value of the child node is less than the parent node, the exchange is performed. curr = par; par = parent(curr); }else { break; // The value of the child node is larger than the parent node, indicating that it has been positioned correctly, the floating operation ends, and the cycle jumps out. } } } bool heapIsFull(Heap *heap) { return heap->size == heap->capacity; } // External interface, capitalized hump // Empty heap bool HeapIsEmpty(Heap *heap) { return heap->size == 0; } int HeapSize(Heap *heap) { return heap->size; } // Insertion of heap // Insert in the last position and keep floating up bool HeapPush(Heap* heap, DataType data) { if( heapIsFull(heap) ) { return false; } heap->data[ heap->size++ ] = data; heapShiftUp(heap, heap->size-1); return true; } // Heap Delete // 1. When deleting the top element of a heap, place the element with the largest subscript at the bottom of the heap on the top of the pair; // 2. Then invoke shift Down to sink this element; // For small-top heaps, the path from root to leaf must be monotonic, so the sink operation must end at some point in the path and ensure that all heap paths remain monotonic. bool HeapPop(Heap *heap) { if(HeapIsEmpty(heap)) { return false; } heap->data[root] = heap->data[ --heap->size ]; heapShiftDown(heap, root); return true; } DataType HeapTop(Heap *heap) { assert(!HeapIsEmpty(heap)); return heap->data[root]; } // Create Heap Heap* HeapCreate(DataType *data, int dataSize, int maxSize) { int i; Heap *h = (Heap *)malloc( sizeof(Heap) ); h->data = (DataType *)malloc( sizeof(DataType) * maxSize ); h->size = 0; h->capacity = maxSize; for(i = 0; i < dataSize; ++i) { HeapPush(h, data[i]); } return h; } // Destroy heap void HeapFree(Heap *heap) { free(heap->data); free(heap); } /**********************************Small Top Heap Template******************************************/ typedef struct { Heap *heap; int K; } KthLargest; KthLargest* kthLargestCreate(int k, int* nums, int numsSize) { KthLargest *KL = (KthLargest *)malloc( sizeof(KthLargest) ); KL->K = k; KL->heap = HeapCreate(nums, numsSize, 100000); // (1) return KL; } int kthLargestAdd(KthLargest* obj, int val) { HeapPush(obj->heap, val); while(HeapSize(obj->heap) > obj->K) { // (2) HeapPop(obj->heap); } return HeapTop(obj->heap); } void kthLargestFree(KthLargest* obj) { HeapFree(obj->heap); free(obj); } /** * Your KthLargest struct will be instantiated and called as such: * KthLargest* obj = kthLargestCreate(k, nums, numsSize); * int param_1 = kthLargestAdd(obj, val); * kthLargestFree(obj); */
- ( 1 ) (1) (1) Create a small top heap;
- ( 2 ) (2) (2) Keep the number of heap elements always equal k k k;
3. Small knowledge of the subject
_heap can be used for implementation K K K large number.
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