Questionnaire feedback on play / fhq Treap - [JSOI2008] Martian prefix (play), Strange Queries (fhq Treap)

Keywords: Algorithm data structure Splay

[JSOI2008] Martian prefix

Good idea, hash string

But the code amount of the balanced tree is large

Note that because play joins sentinels, the ranking of each point in the balance tree is larger than the real ranking 1 1 1 (occupancy with minimum)

When thinking about it, I only think about it when I ask, and I forget to hang up when I modify it

#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
#define maxn 100005
#define ull unsigned long long
struct node {
	int son[2], f, val, siz;
	ull hash;
int root, n, Q;
ull mi[maxn];
int val[maxn];
char s[maxn];

void read( int &x ) {
	x = 0; char c = getchar();
	while( c < '0' or c > '9' ) c = getchar();
	while( '0' <= c and c <= '9' ) { x = ( x << 1 ) + ( x << 3 ) + ( c ^ 48 ); c = getchar(); }

void pushup( int x ) {
	if( ! x ) return;
	t[x].siz = 1;
	if( t[x].son[0] ) t[x].siz += t[t[x].son[0]].siz;
	if( t[x].son[1] ) t[x].siz += t[t[x].son[1]].siz;
	t[x].hash = mi[t[t[x].son[0]].siz] * t[x].val + t[t[x].son[0]].hash + t[t[x].son[1]].hash * mi[t[t[x].son[0]].siz + 1];

void rotate( int x ) {
	int fa = t[x].f;
	int Gfa = t[fa].f;
	int k = t[fa].son[1] == x;
	t[Gfa].son[t[Gfa].son[1] == fa] = x;
	t[x].f = Gfa;
	t[fa].son[k] = t[x].son[k ^ 1];
	if( t[x].son[k ^ 1] ) t[t[x].son[k ^ 1]].f = fa;
	t[x].son[k ^ 1] = fa;
	t[fa].f = x;
	pushup( fa );
	pushup( x );

void splay( int x, int goal ) {
	while( t[x].f ^ goal ) {
		int fa = t[x].f, Gfa = t[fa].f;
		if( Gfa ^ goal )	
			( t[Gfa].son[0] == fa ) ^ ( t[fa].son[0] == x ) ? rotate( x ) : rotate( fa );
		rotate( x );
	if( ! goal ) root = x;

int build( int now, int l, int r ) {
	if( l > r ) return 0;
	int mid = ( l + r ) >> 1;
	t[mid].hash = val[mid];
	t[mid].val = val[mid];
	t[mid].siz = 1;
	t[mid].f = now;
	if( l == r ) return l;
	t[mid].son[0] = build( mid, l, mid - 1 );
	t[mid].son[1] = build( mid, mid + 1, r );
	pushup( mid );
	return mid;

int find( int x ) {
	int now = root;
	while( 1 ) {
		if( t[t[now].son[0]].siz >= x ) now = t[now].son[0];
		else if( t[t[now].son[0]].siz + 1 == x ) return now;
		else x -= t[t[now].son[0]].siz + 1, now = t[now].son[1];

int Hash( int x, int y ) {
	int l = find( x - 1 );
	int r = find( y + 1 );
	splay( l, 0 );
	splay( r, l );
	return t[t[r].son[0]].hash;

int main() {
	mi[0] = 1;
	for( int i = 1;i < maxn;i ++ ) mi[i] = mi[i - 1] * 27ull;
	scanf( "%s", s ); read( Q ); 
	val[++ n] = 0;
	int len = strlen( s );
	for( int i = 0;i < len;i ++ )
		val[++ n] = s[i] - 'a' + 1;
	val[++ n] = 0;
	root = build( root, 1, n );
	char opt[5], ch[5]; int x, y;
	while( Q -- ) {
		scanf( "%s", opt ); read( x ); x ++;
		switch( opt[0] ) {
			case 'Q' : {
				read( y ); y ++;
				if( x > y ) swap( x, y );
				int ans = 0, l = 1, r = n - y;
				while( l <= r ) {
					int mid = ( l + r ) >> 1;
					if( Hash( x, x + mid - 1 ) == Hash( y, y + mid - 1 ) )
						ans = mid, l = mid + 1;
						r = mid - 1;
				printf( "%d\n", ans );
			case 'R' : {
				scanf( "%s", ch );
				splay( find( x ), 0 );
				t[root].val = ch[0] - 'a' + 1;
				pushup( root );
			case 'I' : {
				scanf( "%s", ch );
				int l = find( x );
				int r = find( x + 1 );
				splay( l, 0 );
				splay( r, l );
				t[r].son[0] = ++ n;
				t[n].hash = ch[0] - 'a' + 1;
				t[n].val = ch[0] - 'a' + 1;
				t[n].siz = 1;
				t[n].f = r;
				splay( n, 0 );
	return 0;

Strange Queries


Obviously, each point will only edge with its left and right adjacent points

This intra interval merging problem is very common, similar to the feeling of maintaining the sum of the largest sub segments of the interval in the segment tree

But this is dynamic maintenance, so use the balance tree

Specifically, for each interval

  • The maintenance interval only has the minimum value l of the left end point without connection_
  • Only the minimum value of the right endpoint that has no connection_ r
  • Only the left and right endpoints have no minimum value L of connection__ r
  • The minimum value ans of at least one line at each point in the interval
  • Maintain the weights of the left and right endpoints of the interval_ l val_ r

Consider the merging of two intervals

  • ans

    • Add the answers of the two intervals

    • There is no connection between the right end point of the left section and the left end point of the right section. At this time, there is a connection between the two points

      The cost is the difference between the weight of the left end point of the right interval and the weight of the right end point of the left interval

  • l_

    • Only the left end point of the left section is not connected l#, Right interval average connection ans
    • There is no connection at both ends of the left section l__r. The left end point of the right section is not connected l#, Similarly, the two sections can be connected
  • _r

    • Only the right end of the right section is not connected_ r. Left interval average connection ans
    • There is no connection at both ends of the right section l__r. There is no connection at the right end of the left section_ r. Two interval connection
  • l__r

    • Only the left end point of the left section is not connected l#, Only the right end of the right section is not connected_ r
    • There is no connection at both ends of the left section and the right section l__r. At this time, the right endpoint of the left section is connected with the left endpoint of the right section

Maintain with fhq tree

#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
#define int long long
#define maxn 200005
#define inf 1e9
struct node {
	int key, lson, rson, val, val_l, val_r, l_, _r, l__r, ans;
	node( int v ) {
		ans = inf;
		key = rand();
		val = val_l = val_r = v;
		lson = rson = l_ = _r = l__r = 0;
int T, n, Q, root, cnt;
int a[maxn];

void pushup( node lst, node nxt, int &ans, int &l_, int &_r, int &l__r ) {
	if( lst.val_l <= -inf and lst.val_r >= inf ) {
		ans = nxt.ans;
		l_ = nxt.l_;
		_r = nxt._r;
		l__r = nxt.l__r;
	if( nxt.val_l <= -inf and nxt.val_r >= inf ) {
		ans = lst.ans;
		l_ = lst.l_;
		_r = lst._r;
		l__r = lst.l__r;
	int w = nxt.val_l - lst.val_r;
	ans = min( lst.ans + nxt.ans, lst._r + nxt.l_ + w );
	l_ = min( lst.l_ + nxt.ans, lst.l__r + nxt.l_ + w );
	_r = min( nxt._r + lst.ans, nxt.l__r + lst._r + w );
	l__r = min( lst.l_ + nxt._r, lst.l__r + nxt.l__r + w );

void pushup( int x ) {
	t[x].val_l = t[x].val_r = t[x].val;
	t[x].l_ = t[x]._r = t[x].l__r = 0;
	t[x].ans = inf;
	if( t[x].lson ) {
		pushup( t[t[x].lson], t[x], t[x].ans, t[x].l_, t[x]._r, t[x].l__r );
		t[x].val_l = t[t[x].lson].val_l;
	if( t[x].rson ) {
		pushup( t[x], t[t[x].rson], t[x].ans, t[x].l_, t[x]._r, t[x].l__r );
		t[x].val_r = t[t[x].rson].val_r;

void split( int now, int val, int &x, int &y ) {
	if( ! now ) x = y = 0;
	else {
		if( t[now].val <= val ) {
			x = now;
			split( t[now].rson, val, t[now].rson, y );
			pushup( x );
		else {
			y = now;
			split( t[now].lson, val, x, t[now].lson );
			pushup( y );

int merge( int x, int y ) {
	if( ! x or ! y ) return x + y;
	if( t[x].key < t[y].key ) {
		t[x].rson = merge( t[x].rson, y );
		pushup( x );
		return x;
	else {
		t[y].lson = merge( x, t[y].lson );
		pushup( y );
		return y;

signed main() {
	t[0].val_l = -inf, t[0].val_r = inf;
	scanf( "%lld", &T );
	while( T -- ) {
		scanf( "%lld %lld", &n, &Q );
		root = 0;
		for( int i = 1;i <= n;i ++ ) 
			scanf( "%lld", &a[i] );
		sort( a + 1, a + n + 1 );
		for( int i = 1;i <= n;i ++ ) {
			t[i] = node( a[i] );
			root = merge( root, i );
		cnt = n;
		int opt, x, l, r, L, R;
		while( Q -- ) {
			scanf( "%lld %lld", &opt, &x );
			if( opt & 1 ) {
				split( root, x, l, r );
				t[++ cnt] = node( x );
				root = merge( l, merge( cnt, r ) );
			else {
				split( root, x, l, r );
				split( l, x - 1, L, R );
				root = merge( L, r );
			printf( "%lld\n", t[root].ans >= inf ? 0 : t[root].ans );
	return 0;

Posted by DaVuLf on Wed, 08 Sep 2021 01:13:24 -0700