What is Lambda?
- It's actually an anonymous function
Writing method
- {[parameter list] - > [function body, last line is return value]}
Type example
- ()->Unit
- No reference. Return value is Unit
- (Int)->Int
- Enter an integer and return an integer
- (String,(String->String)->Boolean)
- Incoming string, Lambda expression. Return to Boolean
- Call with ()
- Equivalent to invoke()
- When a function parameter is called, the last Lambda can be moved out
- Function arguments have only one Lambda. Parentheses can be omitted when calling
- Lambda has only one parameter that can be defaulted to it
- Functions whose input and return values are consistent with the parameters can be passed in as arguments by function reference
package com.yzdzy.kotlin //(Array<String>) -> Unit fun main(args: Array<String>) { var sum = { arg1: Int, arg2: Int -> println("$arg1+$arg2=${arg1 + arg2}") //Last line return value arg1 + arg2 } println(sum(2, 4)) //Equal to this println(sum.invoke(2, 4)) //() - > unit anonymous function is lambda var printLnHello = { println("Hello") } //Anonymous functions also have types //(Int) -> Long //Named function type () - > unit fun printUsage(){ println("Please pass in two integer parameters, such as 1 2") } //println type (Any?) - > unit can be null. Back to Lambda // Please read the code in order it is currently 1 println("1------------------") for (i in args) { println(i) } println("2------------------") args.forEach { println(it) } println("3------------------") //If the last parameter is lambda args.forEach({ it -> println(it) }) println("4------------------") // You can move the curly bracket to the front. If there is nothing in the curly bracket, you can delete it args.forEach() { it -> println(it) } println("5------------------") //If the function passed in is the same as the lambda parameter to be accepted // alt+enter can be simplified to the following by using convert lambda args.forEach(::println) //Ergodic input if x terminates the iteration and labels it to terminate the current iteration println("7------------------") args.forEach ForEach@{ if (it == "x") return@ForEach //retrun is the main function. All the following 7 ------------ cannot be executed println(it) } println("6------------------") println("9------------------") //Function2<java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Integer> println(sum) // You can search Function2 globally /* * /** A function that takes 2 arguments. */ public interface Function2<in P1, in P2, out R> : Function<R> { /** Invokes the function with the specified arguments. */ public operator fun invoke(p1: P1, p2: P2): R }*/ println(printLnHello) println("10------------------") //function printUsage (Kotlin reflection is not available) println(::printUsage) //true so it's Function0 println(::printUsage is ()->Unit) // Class is from Function0-22 according to the number of parameters //So the problem is that when the parameters are greater than 22, the functions with 23 parameters will not report errors // But the operation will report an error, but we usually don't pass so many parameters args.forEach { if (it == "x") return //retrun is the main function. All the following 7 ------------ cannot be executed println(it) } println("8------------------") }