(6) Angular JS 1.X instructions related to page control

Keywords: Attribute angular Javascript xml

1. introduction

In this blog, we mainly introduce the instructions related to page control, including ng-repeat instructions, ng-include instructions, ng-show instructions, ng-switch instructions, ng-if instructions, ng-bind-html instructions, ng-non-bindable instructions, which will enrich our pages. Next, let's see how these instructions control our pages. Element.

2. Angular JS controls page elements

2.1 ng-if instruction control page

2.1.1 Code Example

  • First introduce Angular JS function library (abbreviated)
  • Scope of creating our Angular JS
<html ng-app="myApp">
        <script src="js/angular.js"></script>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
  • Using ng-if instructions to control pages
    <div ng-controller="firstController">
        <div ng-click="click();">clickdiv</div>
        <div ng-if="flag">divdisplay</div>
  • Write our controller
        var app=angular.module("myApp",[])
            $scope.click= function () {
  • Running results (when clicking div, div will not be displayed and the div tag is deleted)
    (disappeared div)

    (div does not disappear)

2.2 ng-repeat instruction control page

Using the ng-repeat instruction, we can output our array on the page, and the ng-repeat instruction also provides parameters for us to use, including: $index,$first,$middle,$last,$even, $odd. Now let's see how this instruction should be used.

2.2.1 Code Implementation

  • Introduction of Angular JS Function Library (abbreviated)
  • Specify Angular JS scope
<html ng-app="myApp">
        <script src="js/angular.js"></script>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
  • Create a controller and add an array variable
        var app=angular.module("myApp",[])
            $scope.arr=["Zhang San","Li Si","Wang Wu"]

  • Output our array using the ng-repeat instruction (and look at the parameters that the instruction provides us)
<div ng-controller="firstController">
            <li ng-repeat="item in arr">{{item}}---{{$index}}--{{$first}}</li>
  • Operation result

2.3 ng-switch instruction control page

Through the ng-switch instruction, we can generate DOM tree according to the corresponding requirements, and ng-switch and ng-switch-when and ng-switch-default instructions are used together. Next, let's look at the use of the instruction.

2.3.1 Code Implementation

  • Create Controller
        var app=angular.module("myApp",[])
  • Create html fragments
    <div ng-controller="firstController">
        <input ng-model="test" type="text">
        <div ng-switch on="test">
            <div ng-switch-when="settings">settings</div>
            <div ng-switch-when="home">Home</div>
            <div ng-switch-default>default</div>
  • Operation result

2.4 ng-show instruction control page

The ng-show instruction controls whether a label is displayed or not.

2.4.1 Code Implementation

  • html tag implementation
        <input ng-model="test" type="checkbox">
        <div ng-show="test">ng-show Example</div>
  • Running results (Note: The tag disappeared not by deletion, but by adding a style)

2.5 ng-include instruction control page

Through ng-include instructions, we can include external page code, ng-include instructions can contain an external html page, as well as an html template. Next, we will demonstrate the use of this command separately.

2.5.1 ng-include contains pages

  • First, we create an HTML called: test.html, which contains
<h1>new page</h1>
  • Use ng-include instructions in the main page (note: url is a variable)
<div ng-controller="firstController">
        <div ng-include="url"></div>
  • Create our controller
        var app=angular.module("myApp",[])
  • Operation result

2.5.2 ng-include includes template

  • First we create templates. (Note that templates must be in the scope of angular js)
<script type="text/ng-template" id="mytemplate">
        <h1>new template</h1>
  • Create our html
 <div ng-controller="firstController">
        <div ng-include="url"></div>
  • Create our controller
 var app=angular.module("myApp",[])
            //Here is our template id

2.5.3 ng-include

In real development, ng-include instructions are not used so much. We usually use routing to load our external pages. Singular routing also has its own shortcomings.

2.6 ng-bind-html instruction control page

As for the use of ng-bind-html instructions, we need some special settings. When we see ng-bind-html instructions, we may think of ng-bind instructions. ng-bind instructions can output text to pages. Similarly, ng-bind-html instructions also output information to pages. So what's the difference between them? Next, let's illustrate with an example, assuming that there is a text in our controller: $scope. text="<h1>hello world</h1>", then we use ng-bind to output it.

  • code implementation
<html ng-app="myApp">
    <script src="js/angular.js"></script>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
        var app=angular.module("myApp",[])
            $scope.text="<h1>hello world</h1>"
    <div ng-controller="firstController">
        <div ng-bind="text"></div>
  • Operation result

It seems that this is not the result we need. We want to parse the < H1 > tag. What should we do? This depends on our ng-bind-html instructions.

2.6.1 Code Implementation

  • Introduce our Angular JS library (omitted)
  • To use ng-bind-html instructions, we use a plug-in called ng Sanitize, so we first introduce our plug-in:
<script src="js/angular-sanitize.js"></script>
  • Indicate the scope of our Angular JS
<html ng-app="myApp">
        <script src="js/angular.js"></script>
        <script src="js/angular-sanitize.js"></script>
        <meta charset="utf-8">
  • Create our html fragment
    <div ng-controller="firstController">
        <div ng-bind-html="text"></div>
  • Write our controller (note our module dependencies)
    //Note that the modules here depend on ngSanitize
        var app=angular.module("myApp",["ngSanitize"])
            $scope.text="<h1>hello world</h1>"
  • Operation result

2.7 ng-non-bindable instruction control page

When writing a page with Angular JS, suppose we want to output a {{}}? We don't want to parse {}} into an expression, so we need to use the ng-non-bindable instruction. Next we'll look at the effect of this instruction.

2.7.1 Code Implementation

  • Our html page
<html ng-app="myApp">
    <script src="js/angular.js"></script>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
        var app=angular.module("myApp",[])
            $scope.text="hello world</h1>"
    <div ng-controller="firstController">
        <div ng-non-bindable>{{text}}</div>
  • Running results (without resolving {}} to our expression)

Posted by jefftanner on Sun, 24 Mar 2019 02:39:28 -0700