brief introduction
load balancing
Load balancing is based on the existing network structure, which provides a cheap, effective and transparent way to expand the bandwidth of network equipment and servers, increase throughput, strengthen the capacity of network data processing, and improve the flexibility and availability of the network.
The meaning of Load Balance is to allocate to multiple operation units for execution, such as Web server, FTP server, enterprise key application server and other key task servers, so as to jointly complete work tasks
session sharing
Session is the session tracking technology of communication between client and server. The server and client keep the basic information of the whole communication session
Because load balancing will allocate tasks to different machines, when users refresh the page, they will jump from machine A to machine B. at this time, all operation data of users may be lost, so it is necessary to realize data tracking through the session sharing mechanism of the cluster
preparation in advance
Prepare Centos7 server, synchronize system time, configure IP address and hostname, turn off firewall and selinux
Install openjdk
[root@localhost ~]# yum install java -y #View installation [root@localhost ~]# java -version openjdk version "1.8.0_232" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_232-b09) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.232-b09, mixed mode)
Deploy Nginx
Download the yum source from the official website and install Nginx
[root@localhost ~]# yum install nginx -y
Deploy redis
#yum install redis [root@localhost ~]# yum install redis -y #to configure #Set to run as background Daemons daemonize yes #Set login password (optional) masterauth "your_password" #Start service [root@localhost ~]# systemctl start redis
Deploy Tomcat cluster
Deploy tomcat1
Download Tomcat7 compressed package from Tomcat official website and extract it
[root@localhost ~]# tar -zxvf apache-tomcat-7.0.104.tar.gz -C /usr/local/tomcat-7
Configure service startup file
[root@localhost ~]# vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/tomcat7.service [Unit] Description=Apache Tomcat Web Application Container [Service] Type=forking Environment=JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jre Environment=CATALINA_PID=/usr/local/tomcat-7/temp/ Environment=CATALINA_HOME=/usr/local/tomcat-7 Environment=CATALINA_BASE=/usr/local/tomcat-7 ExecStart=/usr/local/tomcat-7/bin/ ExecStop=/usr/local/tomcat-7/bin/ User=root Group=root [Install]
Configure redis cache
[root@localhost ~]# vi /usr/local/tomcat-7/conf/context.xml <Context> <WatchedResource>WEB-INF/web.xml</WatchedResource> <WatchedResource>WEB-INF/tomcat-web.xml</WatchedResource> <WatchedResource>${catalina.base}/conf/web.xml</WatchedResource> <!--to configure Redis cache--> <Valve className="com.radiadesign.catalina.session.RedisSessionHandlerValve" /> <Manager className="com.radiadesign.catalina.session.RedisSessionManager" host="" port="6379" #redis needs to fill in password when it has set password to log in password="your_password" database="0" maxInactiveInterval="60" /> </Context>
Write read redis cache file
[root@localhost ~]# vi /usr/local/tomcat-7/webapps/ROOT/session.jsp <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>shared session</title> </head> <body> <br>session id=<%=session.getId()%> <br>tomcat 1 </body> </html>
Start service
[root@localhost ~]# systemctl daemon-reload [root@localhost ~]# systemctl start tomcat7
Deploy tomcat2
#Copy tomcat1 folder [root@localhost ~]# cp -r /usr/local/tomcat-7/ /usr/local/tomcat-7-8888/
Modify profile
[root@localhost ~]# vi /usr/local/tomcat-7-8888/conf/server.xml #Modify three port numbers <Server port="8015" shutdown="SHUTDOWN"> <Connector port="8888" protocol="HTTP/1.1" <Connector protocol="AJP/1.3" address="::1" port="8019" redirectPort="8443" />
Configure service startup file
[root@localhost ~]# vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/tomcat7-8888.service [Unit] Description=Apache Tomcat Web Application Container [Service] Type=forking Environment=JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jre Environment=CATALINA_PID=/usr/local/tomcat-7-8888/temp/ Environment=CATALINA_HOME=/usr/local/tomcat-7-8888 Environment=CATALINA_BASE=/usr/local/tomcat-7-8888 ExecStart=/usr/local/tomcat-7-8888/bin/ ExecStop=/usr/local/tomcat-7-8888/bin/ User=root Group=root [Install]
Modify the file reading redis cache
[root@localhost ~]# vi /usr/local/tomcat-7-8888/webapps/ROOT/session.jsp <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>shared session</title> </head> <body> <br>session id=<%=session.getId()%> <br>tomcat 2 </body> </html>
Modify home page display to differentiate
[root@localhost ~]# vi /usr/local/tomcat-7-8888/webapps/ROOT/index.jsp <span id="nav-home"><a href="${tomcatUrl}">Home-7-8888</a></span>
Start service
[root@localhost ~]# systemctl daemon-reload [root@localhost ~]# systemctl start tomcat7-8888
Deploy tomcat3
#Copy tomcat1 folder [root@localhost ~]# cp -r /usr/local/tomcat-7/ /usr/local/tomcat-7-9999/
Modify profile
[root@localhost ~]# vi /usr/local/tomcat-7-9999/conf/server.xml #Modify three port numbers <Server port="8025" shutdown="SHUTDOWN"> <Connector port="9999" protocol="HTTP/1.1" <Connector protocol="AJP/1.3" address="::1" port="8029" redirectPort="8443" />
Configure service startup file
[root@localhost ~]# vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/tomcat7-9999.service [Unit] Description=Apache Tomcat Web Application Container [Service] Type=forking Environment=JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jre Environment=CATALINA_PID=/usr/local/tomcat-7-9999/temp/ Environment=CATALINA_HOME=/usr/local/tomcat-7-9999 Environment=CATALINA_BASE=/usr/local/tomcat-7-9999 ExecStart=/usr/local/tomcat-7-9999/bin/ ExecStop=/usr/local/tomcat-7-9999/bin/ User=root Group=root [Install]
Modify the file reading redis cache
[root@localhost ~]# vi /usr/local/tomcat-7-9999/webapps/ROOT/session.jsp <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> <title>shared session</title> </head> <body> <br>session id=<%=session.getId()%> <br>tomcat 3 </body> </html>
Modify home page display to differentiate
[root@localhost ~]# vi /usr/local/tomcat-7-9999/webapps/ROOT/index.jsp <span id="nav-home"><a href="${tomcatUrl}">Home-7-9999</a></span>
Start service
[root@localhost ~]# systemctl daemon-reload [root@localhost ~]# systemctl start tomcat7-9999
Configure Nginx load balancing
[root@localhost ~]# vi /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf #Configure tomcat cluster upstream serverpool{ #The tomcat cluster is called by polling by default server localhost:8080; server localhost:8888; server localhost:9999; } #Configure services server{ listen 80; server_name localhost; location / { proxy_pass http://serverpool/; } }
Start service
[root@localhost ~]# systemctl start nginx
Test verification
Verify load balancing
Browser access http://ip
Click refresh
Click refresh again
Test session sharing
Browser access http://ip/session.jsp
Click refresh
Click refresh again
View redis database records
[root@localhost ~]# redis-cli> auth "your_password" OK> ping PONG> keys * 1) "C13930F70F4B33537E99140CFEDAC637"