Spring boot integrates wechat applet to realize login, addition, deletion, modification and query

Keywords: Java Spring MySQL Mybatis Database

Project Description: in the wechat applet, log in and verify with the spring boot operation database. I use spring boot to integrate the mybatis plus and mysql operation database

1. Preparation before development

1.1 prior knowledge

  • java Foundation
  • SpringBoot simple Basics

1.2 environmental parameters

  • Development tools: IDEA
  • Basic environment: Maven+JDK8
  • Technologies used: SpringBoot, lombok, mybatis plus, mysql, wechat applet
  • Spring boot version: 2.2.6

2. Developer server

Project structure:


2.1 initial configuration

(1) pom.xml configuration



        <!--template engine-->

        <!-- Import Alibaba database connection pool -->

        <!-- mysql rely on-->

        <!-- mybatisPlus Core library -->

        <!--Generate entity into get set-->

        <!-- pagehelper Paging plug in -->

        <!--junit test-->







# Data source configuration of Spring Boot
    name: wx
    url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/wx_mini_program?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8&zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull&useSSL=true&serverTimezone=GMT%2B8
    username: root
    password: root
    # Using druid data sources
    type: com.alibaba.druid.pool.DruidDataSource
    driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    filters: stat
    maxActive: 20
    initialSize: 1
    maxWait: 60000
    minIdle: 1
    timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis: 60000
    minEvictableIdleTimeMillis: 300000
    validationQuery: select 'x'
    testWhileIdle: true
    testOnBorrow: false
    testOnReturn: false
    poolPreparedStatements: true
    maxPoolPreparedStatementPerConnectionSize: 20
    maxOpenPreparedStatements: 20

# mybatis-plus Related configuration
  # XML scanning, multiple directories separated by commas or semicolons (tell Mapper the corresponding XML file location)
  mapper-locations: classpath:mapper/*.xml
  # The following configurations have default values, which can not be set
      #Primary key type AUTO: "database ID AUTO increment" INPUT: "user INPUT ID", Id "worker:" globally unique ID (number type unique ID)", UUID:" globally unique ID UUID ";
      id-type: auto
      #Field policy IGNORED: "ignore judgment" not NULL: "non NULL judgment") not empty: "non NULL judgment"
      field-strategy: NOT_EMPTY
      #Database type
      db-type: MYSQL

  # Package specifying entity class
  type-aliases-package: com.ckf.login_wx.entity
    # Enable automatic hump naming rule mapping: similar mapping from database column name to Java attribute hump naming
    map-underscore-to-camel-case: true
    # If the query result contains a null value column, MyBatis will not map this field when mapping
    call-setters-on-nulls: true
    # This configuration will print out the executed sql, which can be used during development or test
    log-impl: org.apache.ibatis.logging.stdout.StdOutImpl

# PageHelper paging plug-in
  helperDialect: mysql
  reasonable: true
  supportMethodsArguments: true
  params: count=countSql



2.2 applet user table

CREATE table users(
 id int not null PRIMARY key auto_increment,
 name varchar(255) not null,
 age int not null


insert into users value(null,'Chen Kefeng',18);
insert into users value(null,'Chen Keshuai',11);
insert into users value(null,'Chen kebing',14);

select * from users;


2.3 pojo


2.4 mapper


2.5 service


2.5 serviceImpl


Configure SpringBoot scan mapper


2.6 controller


package com.ckf.login_wx.controller;

import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PostMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * @author Quiet Kuding tea
 * @date 2020/4/30 11:46

public class LoginController {

     * Sign in
     * @param phone
     * @param password
     * @return
    public Map doLogin(String phone, String password){
        Map map = new HashMap();
        if ((phone.equals("10086")&& password.equals("123456"))){
            map.put("result","Login successful");
            System.out.println("Login successful");
        }else {
        return map;




package com.ckf.login_wx.controller;

import com.ckf.login_wx.entity.User;
import com.ckf.login_wx.servic.UserService;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.*;

 * @author Quiet Kuding tea
 * @date 2020/4/30 13:39
public class UserController {

    private UserService userService;

     * Query all
     * @return
    public Object list(){
        System.out.println("query was successful");
        return userService.list();

     * Delete by id
     * @param id
     * @return
    public boolean delete(Integer id){
        System.out.println("Delete succeeded");
        return userService.removeById(id);

     *  Query by id
      * @param id
     * @return
    public Object byid(Integer id){
        System.out.println("query was successful");
        return userService.getById(id);

     *  modify
     * @param user
     * @return
    public boolean update(@RequestBody User user){
        System.out.println("Modification succeeded");
        return userService.updateById(user);

     * Add to
     * @param user
     * @return
    public boolean add(@RequestBody User user){
        System.out.println("Successfully added");
        return userService.save(user);




3. Wechat applet

Project structure:



3.1 initial configuration



3.2 bing.wxml


  <form bindsubmit='doLogin'>
            <!--Account number-->
            <view class="inputView">
                <label class="loginLabel">Account number</label>
                <input name="phone" value='10086' class="inputText" placeholder="Please enter your account number" />
            <view class="line"></view>

            <view class="inputView">
                <label class="loginLabel">Password</label>
                <input name="password" value='123456' class="inputText" password="true" placeholder="Please input a password" />
            <view class="line"></view>
            <view class='backColor'>
                <button class="loginBtn" formType="submit"  open-type='getUserInfo' >Sign in</button>

            <!-- <view>
                <button class="goRegistBtn" type="warn" open-type='getUserInfo' bindgetuserinfo='doLogin'>Wechat login</button>
            </view> -->



3.3 bing.js



3.3 list.wxml

  <button class="add" type='primary' bindtap='addArea'>Add to</button>
<view class="container">
  <view class='widget'>
    <text class='column'>number</text>
    <text class='column'>Full name</text>
    <text class='column'>Age</text>
    <text class='link-column'>operation</text>
  <scroll-view scroll-y="true">
      <block wx:for='{{list}}'>
      <view class='widget'> 
        <text class='column'>{{item.id}}</text>
        <text class='column'>{{item.name}}</text>
         <text class='column'>{{item.age}}</text>
        <view class='link-column'>
          <navigator class='link' url='../operation/operation?id={{item.id}}'>edit</navigator> |
          <text class='link' bindtap='deleteArea' data-areaid='{{item.id}}' data-areaname='{{item.name}}' data-index='{{index}}'>delete</text>  



3.4 list.js

// pages/list/list.js

   * Initial data of the page
  data: {

   * Life cycle function -- listening to page loading
  onLoad: function (options) {

   * Life cycle function -- listen to the completion of the first rendering of the page
  onReady: function () {

   * Life cycle function -- monitor page display
  onShow: function () {
    var that=this;
      url: 'http://localhost:8080/test/list',
        var list=res.data;
          var toastText='Failed to get data';
            title: toastText,
            duration:2000 //Pop up time

   * Life cycle function -- monitor page hidden
  onHide: function () {

   * Life cycle function -- monitor page unloading
  onUnload: function () {

   * Page related event processing function -- listening to user pull-down action
  onPullDownRefresh: function () {

   * Handling function of page pull bottom event
  onReachBottom: function () {

   * Users click the upper right corner to share
  onShareAppMessage: function () {
  deleteArea: function (e) {
    var that=this;
      title: 'Tips',
      content: 'Are you sure you want to delete[' + e.target.dataset.areaname +']Do you?',
            url: 'http://localhost:8080/test/delete',
            data: { id: e.target.dataset.areaid},

              var result=res.statusCode;
              var toastText="Delete succeeded";
                toastText = "Delete failed";
                title: toastText,



3.5 app.json

  "pages": [
  "window": {
    "backgroundColor": "#F6F6F6",
    "backgroundTextStyle": "light",
    "navigationBarBackgroundColor": "#29d",
    "navigationBarTitleText": "login",
    "navigationBarTextStyle": "black"
  "sitemapLocation": "sitemap.json",
  "style": "v2"


4. Test

Start the developer server and start the main method of SpringBoot.

Open wechat applet developer tool

Login page



home page





Add page



Modify page






The basic operations of adding, deleting, modifying and checking have been completed

Go to Gitee (code cloud) to download if necessary

Front desk: https://gitee.com/ckfeng/ckf_login.git

Background: https://gitee.com/ckfeng/login_wx.git


Posted by Ixplodestuff8 on Sat, 02 May 2020 02:21:48 -0700