A new WeChat official account has been applied for.
1. Apply for the account of wechat public platform, and then apply for Tencent cloud recommended by him to do demo
2. After applying for centos host, get the public ip and password. After ssh login, follow the demo prompt
3. Install web.py.
wget -c http://webpy.org/static/web.py-0.38.tar.gz
python setup.py install
4. Start a python service.
According to demo, write two files, main.py.handler.py. Because I haven't contacted python, it took a little time to print out the log...
# filename: main.py
import web
from handle import Handle
urls = (
'/wx', 'Handle',
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = web.application(urls, globals())
# filename:
import hashlib
import web
import logging
class Handle(object):
def GET(self):
logging.basicConfig("myapp.log", level=logging.INFO)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
data = web.input()
logger.info("datais %s", data);
if len(data) == 0:
return "hello, this is handle view"
signature = data.signature
timestamp = data.timestamp
nonce = data.nonce
echostr = data.echostr
token = "718826dingjiao" #Please fill in according to the information in the official website / basic configuration of the public platform
list = [token, timestamp, nonce]
sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
map(sha1.update, list)
hashcode = sha1.hexdigest()
logger.info("handle/GET func: hashcode, signature: ", hashcode, signature)
if hashcode == signature:
return echostr
return ""
except Exception, Argument:
return Argument
4. Fill in services
Add related settings
5. Start the service.