Use Filebeat 6 to collect logs from multiple directories and send them to lostash

Keywords: Redis Windows ElasticSearch Attribute

1. Install filebeat to the target machine

Official installation documents
This test uses windows environment to install filebeat
1. Download the Filebeat Windows zip file from the downloads page.
2. Extract the contents of the zip file into C:\Program Files.
3. Rename the filebeat--windows directory to Filebeat.
4. Open a PowerShell prompt as an Administrator (right-click the PowerShell icon and select Run As Administrator). If you are running Windows XP, you may need to download and install PowerShell.
From the PowerShell prompt, run the following commands to install Filebeat as a Windows service:

PS > cd 'C:\Program Files\Filebeat'
PS C:\Program Files\Filebeat> .\install-service-filebeat.ps1

2. Configure filebeat

Since version 6.0, document type is no longer supported

Starting with Logstash 6.0, the document_type option is deprecated due to the removal of types in Logstash 6.0. It will be removed in the next major version of Logstash. If you are running Logstash 6.0 or later, you do not need to set document_type in your configuration because Logstash sets the type to doc by default.

So in order for lostash to distinguish logs sent from different directories, we use the tags attribute

A list of tags that the Beat includes in the tags field of each published event. Tags make it easy to select specific events in Kibana or apply conditional filtering in Logstash. These tags will be appended to the list of tags specified in the general configuration.

Modify the configuration file filebeat.yml of filebeat
Modify it to the following configuration, open two prospectors, collect logs under two directories, and support the same writing method: / var/log/*/*.log

- type: log
  # Change to true to enable this prospector configuration.
  enabled: true
  # Paths that should be crawled and fetched. Glob based paths.
    - d:\IISlog\\W3SVC12\*.log
  tags: ["iislog1"]
- type: log
  enabled: true
    - d:\IISlog\\W3SVC13\*.log
  tags: ["iislog2"]

Also add configuration output to lostash

  # The Logstash hosts
  hosts: ["xx.xx.xx.xx:5044"]

3. Modify the shipper configuration file of the front-end lostash

Open the beat collection port and send it to redis
Determine whether the tags contain the keywords we set in the filebeat configuration according to the directory and put them into redis

        beats {
            port => 5044
    if "iislog1" in [tags]{    #Write iislog log to redis
    redis  {
                host => ""
                port => "6379"
                db => "3"
                data_type => "list"
                key => "iislog1"
    if "iislog2" in [tags]{    #Write iislog log to redis
    redis  {
                host => ""
                port => "6379"
                db => "3"
                data_type => "list"
                key => "iislog2"

4. Modify the indexer configuration file of the backend lostash

        redis  {                
                host => ""
                port => "6379"
                db => "3"
                data_type => "list"
                key => "iislog1"
                type => "iislog1"
        redis  {                
                host => ""
                port => "6379"
                db => "3"
                data_type => "list"
                key => "iislog2"
                type => "iislog2"
    if [type] == "iislog1" {      #Write iislog log to es
          hosts => [""]
          index => "iislog1-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"  
    if [type] == "iislog2" {      #Write iislog log to es
          hosts => [""]
          index => "iislog2-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"  

5. Test effect

Start ELK, enter kibana, and then manually write some logs, or generate some logs. You can see that

In kibana, you can see that tags distinguish logs of different directories. Similarly, tags can also distinguish logs of different directories in the filter plugin of lostash to do different operations

Posted by jamesloi on Thu, 02 Apr 2020 15:20:19 -0700