iOS files (folders) can quickly and easily add, delete, modify, query and write a series of files

Keywords: iOS


  • iOS file (folder) can quickly and simply add, delete, modify, check and write. It can quickly and accurately calculate the folder size and file size series file operations

TXFileOperation index

  • Sandbox catalog related
  • traverse folder
  • Get file properties
  • Create file (folder)
  • Delete file (folder)
  • Copy file (folder)
  • Move file (folder)
  • Get file name from URL
  • Judge whether the file (folder) exists
  • Get file (folder) size
  • Write file contents

cocoapods integration

  • pod 'TXFileOperation', '~> 1.0'

code snippet

#pragma mark - sandbox directory related
///Home directory path of sandbox
+ (NSString *)homeDir;
///Directory path of Documents in sandbox
+ (NSString *)documentsDir;
///Directory path of Library in sandbox
+ (NSString *)libraryDir;
///Directory path of Library / Preferences in sandbox
+ (NSString *)preferencesDir;
///Directory path of Library / Caches in sandbox
+ (NSString *)cachesDir;
///Directory path of tmp in sandbox
+ (NSString *)tmpDir;

#pragma mark - traversal folder
 File traversal
 @param path Absolute path to directory
 @param deep Deep traversal or not
 1. Shallow traversal: returns all files and folders in the current directory
 2. Deep traversal: returns all files and folders in the current directory and subdirectories
 @return Traversal result array
+ (NSArray *)listFilesInDirectoryAtPath:(NSString *)path deep:(BOOL)deep;
///Traverse sandbox home directory
+ (NSArray *)listFilesInHomeDirectoryByDeep:(BOOL)deep;
///Traverse Documents directory
+ (NSArray *)listFilesInDocumentDirectoryByDeep:(BOOL)deep;
///Traverse Library Directory
+ (NSArray *)listFilesInLibraryDirectoryByDeep:(BOOL)deep;
///Traverse cache directory
+ (NSArray *)listFilesInCachesDirectoryByDeep:(BOOL)deep;
///Traverse tmp directory
+ (NSArray *)listFilesInTmpDirectoryByDeep:(BOOL)deep;

#pragma mark - write file contents
///Write file contents
+ (BOOL)writeFileAtPath:(NSString *)path content:(NSObject *)content;
///Write file contents (error message error)
+ (BOOL)writeFileAtPath:(NSString *)path content:(NSObject *)content error:(NSError **)error;

Usage method

  • #import <TXFileOperation.h>
    //Get documents path
    NSString * documentsDirPath=[TXFileOperation documentsDir];
    //Folder name
    NSString * folderName=@"test";
    //Splicing folder path
    NSString * folderPath=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@",documentsDirPath,folderName];
    //create folder
    if ([TXFileOperation createDirectoryAtPath:folderPath]) {
        NSLog(@"Folder created successfully");
        NSLog(@"Folder path:%@",folderPath);
        NSLog(@"Folder creation failed");
    //File name
    NSString * fileName=@"text.txt";
    //Splicing file path
    NSString * filePath=[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@",folderPath,fileName];
    //create a file
    if ([TXFileOperation createFileAtPath:filePath]) {
        NSLog(@"File created successfully");
        NSLog(@"File path:%@",filePath);
        NSLog(@"File creation failed");
    //Write content to file
    if ([TXFileOperation writeFileAtPath:filePath content:self.textView.text]) {
        NSLog(@"File content written successfully");
        NSLog(@"Write contents:%@",self.textView.text);
        NSLog(@"File content write failed");

Check the source code of the project, please click here!

Posted by sirmanson on Thu, 02 Apr 2020 12:54:50 -0700