1. Baidu goes to python's official website, downloads the software selected in the figure above, creates a new folder xshell in the local disk D of the computer, enters the xshell folder, creates a new IP.txt file, and inputs 6 servers you want to log in to
2. Open xshell, click New in file, enter IP address in host option, right-click in the figure, select the lowest properties, and select logging to log in. You can record the history of logged in operation commands
3. click the red box in the figure to display the page and copy the address on the top right
4. Edit script and. PY script in windows
#! conding: utf8 import os config_file=''' [CONNECTION:SERIAL] Parity=0 StopBits=0 ComPort=0 BaudRate=6 FlowCtrl=0 DataBits=3 [CONNECTION] Port=22 Protocol=SSH AutoReconnect=0 TCPKeepAlive=0 KeepAliveInterval=60 AutoReconnectInterval=30 Host={host_ip} KeepAlive=1 AutoReconnectLimit=0 [Information] Description=Xshell Session Profile MinorVersion=0 MajorVersion=3 [CONNECTION:AUTHENTICATION] TelnetLoginPrompt=ogin: TelnetPasswordPrompt=assword: ScriptPath= UseExpectSend=0 UserName={username} UserKey= ExpectSend_Count=0 Password={pwd} Passphrase= UseInitScript=0 Method=0 RloginPasswordPrompt=assword: [CONNECTION:TELNET] NegoMode=0 Display=$PCADDR:0.0 XdispLoc=1 [USERINTERFACE] NoQuickButton=0 ShowOnLinkBar=0 QuickCommand= [CONNECTION:SSH] ForwardX11=1 VexMode=0 LaunchAuthAgent=1 InitLocalDirectory= MAC= UseAuthAgent=0 Compression=0 Cipher= Display=localhost:0.0 InitRemoteDirectory= ForwardToXmanager=1 FwdReqCount=0 NoTerminal=0 CipherList=aes128-cbc,3des-cbc,blowfish-cbc,cast128-cbc,arcfour,aes192-cbc,aes256-cbc,rijndael128-cbc,rijndael192-cbc,rijndael256-cbc,aes256-ctr,aes192-ctr,aes128-ctr,rijndael-cbc@lysator.liu.se MACList=hmac-sha1,hmac-sha1-96,hmac-md5,hmac-md5-96,hmac-ripemd160,hmac-ripemd160@openssh.com [TERMINAL] ScrollErasedText=1 DisableTitleChange=0 IgnoreResizeRequest=0 UseInitSize=0 DisableBlinkingText=0 ShiftForcesLocalUseOfMouse=1 ForceEraseOnDEL=0 KeyMap=0 InitReverseMode=0 DeleteSends=0 BackspaceSends=2 UseAltAsMeta=0 InitKeypadMode=0 InitCursorMode=0 AltKeyMapPath= CtrlAltIsAltGr=1 DisableTermPrinting=0 ScrollBottomOnKeyPress=0 InitInsertMode=0 Type=xterm Rows=24 CodePage=65001 ScrollbackSize=1024 InitNewlineMode=0 InitEchoMode=0 CJKAmbiAsWide=1 InitOriginMode=0 DisableAlternateScreen=0 ScrollBottomOnTermOutput=1 InitAutoWrapMode=1 RecvLLAsCRLF=0 Cols=80 EraseWithBackgroundColor=1 [LOGGING] AutoStart=1 Type=0 FilePath=C:\\Your computer path\\%n_%d%t.log ####Flexible to change Overwrite=1 FileMethod=1 [CONNECTION:FTP] Passive=1 InitLocalDirectory= InitRemoteDirectory= [CONNECTION:PROXY] StartUp=0 Proxy= [TERMINAL:WINDOW] FontSize=12 CharSpace=0 CursorBlink=0 LineSpace=0 FontFace=Courier New BoldMethod=2 ColorScheme=White on Black CursorAppearance=0 MarginLeft=2 CursorTextColor=0 MarginBottom=2 MarginTop=2 MarginRight=2 CursorColor=65280 CursorBlinkInterval=600 [TRANSFER] FolderMethod=0 SendFolderPath= FolderPath= DuplMethod=0 AutoZmodem=1 [CONNECTION:RLOGIN] TermSpeed=38400 [TRACE] SshTunneling=0 SshLogin=0 SockConn=1 TelnetOptNego=0 ''' def getIP(ip_file_path): with open(ip_file_path, 'r') as f: host_ip = f.readlines() host_ip = list(map(lambda x: x.strip(), host_ip)) return host_ip def main(xshell_session_path, ip_file_path, pwd, username): ip_list = getIP(ip_file_path) for host_ip in ip_list: try: xsh_file = os.path.join(xshell_session_path, host_ip) + '.xsh' with open(xsh_file, 'w') as f: f.write(config_file.format(host_ip=host_ip, pwd=pwd, username=username)) except Exception as e: print('Establish{} fail!!!!!! '.format(host_ip),e) else: print('Establish{} Success!'.format(host_ip)) if __name__ == '__main__': xshell_session_path = 'D:\\xshell\\Experimental machine' ###Local path ip_file_path = 'D:\\xshell\\IP.txt' ###File for local IP address username = 's-linuxad' ###User name pwd = '/aHCCaX/zEY=' ###pwd encrypted password main(xshell_session_path, ip_file_path, pwd, username)
5. Press and hold shift + right button in the blank space of the folder to find the powershell window to open here. Enter the file name at the end of. py newly created in D disk in the page, and the operation will be successful
6. Copy the local. xsh of the computer to the bastion machine, and you can open the machine you want to log in with a keyboard in the bastion machine