JAVA EE -- XML (overview of XML files, constraints of XML files, parsing of XML files, reflection of XML)

Keywords: xml Attribute encoding Java

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1, Overview of XML files

1. XML file

(1) Introduction

  • Extensible markup language, a subset of standard general markup language, is a kind of markup language used to mark electronic documents to make them have structure. XML is designed to transfer data, not display it.
  • XML files can be parsed directly using a parser (IE browser).

(2) Role

  • For data storage
  • For profile

(3) Basic grammar
① Document declaration

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?>
  • The document declaration must start with <? XML and end with? > with no space in the middle,? Means start or end;
  • The document declaration must start from the 0 row and 0 column position of the document;
  • xml indicates that the file is in xml format, and the file suffix is. xml;
  • There are only two attributes in document declaration, format: attribute name = attribute value, attribute value must use "";
  • Version specifies the version of the XML document. Required attribute, currently only version 1.0;
  • Encoding specifies the encoding of the current document. Optional attribute, the default value is UTF-8;
  • standlone indicates whether the file is independent, yes indicates yes, and no indicates No.

2. Sample XML file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
< China >
	< Chongqing >
		< Jiangbei > Jiangbei < / Jiangbei >
		< Yubei > Yubei < / Yubei >
	< Chongqing >
	< Sichuan >
		< Chengdu > Chengdu < / Chengdu >
		< Nanchong > Nanchong < / Nanchong >
	< Sichuan >
< China >

② Element and Tag

  • Enclosed in angle brackets are elements (same as html, but all tag names can be customized)
  • Element body can be written or not
  • The element body can be text or other labels
  • Element name:
    Case sensitive
    Cannot use space, colon special character
    Starting with XML, XML, XML is not recommended
  • A well formatted xml document must have only one root element

③ attribute:

  • Attributes are part of the element, written in angle brackets of the start tag, and multiple attributes are separated by spaces
  • Property definition format: property name = property value, where property value must use single or double quotation marks
  • An element can have 0-N attributes, but an attribute with the same name cannot appear in an element
  • Property names cannot use special characters such as spaces, colons, and must start with a letter

Note 4

<! -- comment content -- >


  • Raw data, all the content as raw data.
  • Syntax: <! [CDATA] [characters to translate] >

⑥ Escape character:

&lt; < less than
&gt; > greater than
&amp; & and
&apos; ' Single quotation mark
&quot; " Double quotation marks

⑦ Instruction: import tag XML stylesheet
For example: introduce css file in an xml:

<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" href="css file name.css" ?>

2, Constraints on XML files

1. Constraints overview

(1) Introduction

  • Write xml files according to certain rules, and only fixed tags can be stored in the specified location.

(2) DTD constraints

<! Element root signature (data type or child label, if the label name is the same (label +)) >
<! Element parent signature (in case of different child signatures, list directly, separated by commas) >
<! Element subscript signature (ාpcdata) >
Introduce DTD constraint:
<! DOCTYPE root signature SYSYTEM "imported files" >

(3) Three DTD constraints

  • Internal DTD, embed DTD inside XML document, only valid for current XML
  • External DTD - local DTD. DTD documents are on the local system and used by the company's own projects
  • External DTD - public DTD, DTD documents on the network, generally provided by the framework

2. DTD constraint example

xml file import constraints
① xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no" ?>
<! DOCTYPE informationsystem "users. DTD" >
< information >
	< user >
		< name > Zhang San < / name >
		< gender > male < / gender >
		< age > 12 < / age >
	< user >
	< user 1>
		< name > Li Si < / name >
		< gender > female < / gender >
		< age > 23 < / age >
	< user 1>
< information >

② dtd constraint file

<! Element information (user +) >
<! Element user (name, gender, age) >
< name of element (PCDATA) >
<! Element gender (PCDATA) >
<! Element age (PCDATA) >

By default, IE browser closes the verification file, which needs to be opened by script file:

  • Create the ActiveXObject object in IE browser and use the control in its object (Microsoft.XMLDOM);
  • Set the value of validateOnParse variable to false;
  • Read the xml file to verify: load("xml file").
			var xmldom = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
			xmldom.validateOnParse = true;
			//Output error reason and number of lines
			document.write(xmldom.parseError.reason+"<br />");

3, Analysis of XML file

1. Overview of XML file parsing

(1) Introduction
There are three development packages for parsing xml files in java: JAXP Jdom dom4j, and the latter two can be combined into one.

2. DOM parsing

(1) Introduction

  • DOM parsing method belongs to JAXP development package: DocumentBuilderFactory abstract class
  • DOM parsing first parses all the contents of an xml file into memory, and then builds a Document tree in memory.
  • The tag is resolved to Element, the attribute to attr, and the content to text, but whether the attribute or the tag or the text content will be resolved to Node node.

(2) Advantages and disadvantages
Advantages: the structure relationship between elements is preserved, and the operation of adding, deleting, modifying and querying can be performed, which is faster;
Disadvantages: when the XML document is too large, memory overflow may occur;

(3) DOM parsing process:
① Create a factory to parse xml files: DocumentBuilderFactory object;
② According to the acquired factory, we get the parser to parse xml documents: DocumentBuilder object;
③ Get the parser and start parsing the xml file: use the object call parse method to parse the xml document.

DocumentBuilderFactory factory= DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document document = builder.parse(new File("File path")); 

④ Resolve node attribute name and value
Unknown number of nodes

Get a collection of all nodes
 Nodelist klist = document.getElementByTagName("node");
Use the for loop to traverse each node through the item() method
Node node= list.item(i);
And get all the attribute sets of the node
NameNodeMap attrs = node.getAttribute();
Use the for loop to traverse the properties of a node through the item() method
Node attr = attrs.item(j);
Get property name
Get property value

The following methods are available for only one ID attribute of the found book node, using cast

Element node= (Element) list.item(i);
String attrValue = node.getAttribute("attribute name");
Get the attribute value of id attribute: attrValue;

⑤ Resolve child node name and value

Nodelist childNodes = node.getChildNodes();
Traverse childNodes to get the node name and value of each node, including spaces and line breaks
 Use for loop traversal
 Distinguish nodes of text type and element type by getNodeType();
childNodes.item(k).getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE
Get the node value of the child node
 You need to get the book child node first, and then get the node value of the child node's child node

The difference between getNodeValue() and getTextContent()

Of ChildNodes.item(i).getFirstChild().getNodeValue() and ChildNodes.item(i).getTextContent()
Difference: when there are other child nodes in the child node, the latter can display the values of the child nodes.
getTextContent() gets the text content (that is, the node value) in the node
 getNodeType() has text, element and attr
 If an Element wants to get a value, it must read its child node, which is considered as the child node of name by < name > content < / name >;
Two methods:
getFirstChild().getNodeName(); (get the child node and get the value)
getTextContent(); (get content method)

⑥ Update the xml modified data in memory to a file, using Transformer().

//Write the modified data to the file
TransformerFactory transFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
Transformer former = transFactory.newTransformer();
former.transform(new DOMSource(document), new StreamResult(new File(file)));

(4) DOM parsing add, delete, modify and query example

public class XMLDemo1 {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		XMLDemo1 xml1 = new XMLDemo1();
	//Define a method to get the text content in the label (query)
	public void read() throws Exception {
		//Get factory
		DocumentBuilderFactory factory= DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
		//According to the factory, get the parser
		DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
		//Call parse to start parsing xml file
		Document document = builder.parse(new File("D:\\JAVA.Document\\xml file\\users.xml")); 
		//Get node
		NodeList list = document.getElementsByTagName("Full name");
		//Get label node
		Node node = list.item(0);
		//Get the text content in the label
		String userName = node.getTextContent();
	//Define a method to get the value of the id attribute in the tag (query)
	public void read2() throws Exception {
		//Get factory
		DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
		//Get parser
		DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
		//Parsing xml files
		Document document = builder.parse(new File("D:\\JAVA.Document\\xml file\\users.xml"));
		//Get node
		NodeList list = document.getElementsByTagName("Full name");
		//Get label node
		Element node = (Element)list.item(0);
		String text = node.getAttribute("id");
	public void update() throws Exception{
		DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
		DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
		Document document = builder.parse(new File("src/users.xml"));
		//Now get the parent node of the content and modify the value
		NodeList list = document.getElementsByTagName("Full name");
		Node node = list.item(0);
		//This modification only modifies the objects in memory and does not write the modified data to the file
		node.setTextContent("Zhang San");
		//Write the modified data to the file
		TransformerFactory transFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
		Transformer former = transFactory.newTransformer();
		former.transform(new DOMSource(document), new StreamResult(new File("src/users.xml")));
	public void delete() throws Exception {
		DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
		DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
		Document document = builder.parse(new File("src/users.xml"));
		//Get node
		Node node = document.getElementsByTagName("height").item(0);
		//Delete node: you can only get the parent node first and then delete yourself
		//Write the modified data to the file
		TransformerFactory transFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
		Transformer former = transFactory.newTransformer();
		former.transform(new DOMSource(document), new StreamResult(new File("src/users.xml")));
	public void add()  throws Exception {
		DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
		DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
		Document document = builder.parse(new File("src/users.xml"));
		Element node = document.createElement("user");
		//Get parent node
		Node parentNode = document.getElementsByTagName("information").item(0);
		//Users mount to information
		Element nameNode = document.createElement("Full name");
		nameNode.setTextContent("Wang Wu");

3. SAX parsing

(1) The difference between SAX parsing and DOM parsing

  • When using DOM to parse XML document, we need to read the whole XML document, construct the Doucment object representing the whole DOM tree in memory, and then operate on the XML document. In this case, if the XML document is very large, it will consume a lot of memory of the computer and easily lead to memory overflow.
  • SAX parsing allows you to process documents when reading them, rather than wait until the entire document is loaded. Start from the top of the xml file to parse each node one by one. You can make its processing method for each node, parse it into memory one by one, and end the parsing if you find a node that meets the requirements.

(2) Advantages and disadvantages of SAX analysis
Advantages: fast processing speed, large file processing and memory saving.
Disadvantages: it can only be read, and resources will be released after line by line parsing, and its query is slow.

(3) SAX parsing steps:
① Create SAX parsing factory, parser object, XML reader

SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();       
SAXParser sp = spf.newSAXParser();
XMLReader xmlReader = sp.getXMLReader();

② Set event handler of reader, parse xml file

xmlReader.setContentHandler(new BookParserHandler());  
xmlReader.parse("xml File path");

③ Create a class for ParserHandler

And override the methods of startDocument, endDocument, startElement and endElement
 startDocument: start of parsing the label of xml file
 endDocument: start parsing the label of xml file
 startElement: start parsing xml file
 endElement: start parsing xml file
 characters: parsing xml node attributes
 You can define the global variable int index = 0 to set and parse each book in main

④ Parsing node attributes of xml files

Call the startElement(String url,String localName,String qName,Attributes attributes) method;
Start parsing properties of book element
	//The attribute name under the book element is known, and the attribute value is obtained according to the attribute name
	String value = attributes.getValue("id");
	//Do not know the name and number of attributes under the book element, you can use for loop to traverse the attributes under the book
	Attribute name: attributes.getQName(i);
	Attribute value: attributes.getValue(i);
Determine whether the parsing book ends
 Using in the endElement method
	End the analysis of the book 

⑤ Parsing node name and inter node text of xml file

The node name of the parsing file can be judged
	Print out the resolution node value
New Characters method
public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length){
	String value = new String(ch, start, length);
	if(!value.trim().equals("") {/ / remove the space after the text
		Value; / / node value can be obtained

⑥ Using xml parsing to store the content and structure of xml into Java objects

Create a new book class, create all properties, and create get and set methods
 When the book value is parsed, the resulting property value is set into the book method.

4. DOM4J parsing

(1) DOM4J parsing example
① DOM4J parsing node

Parsing the books.xml file
 (1) Create the object reader of SAXReader   
SAXReader reader = new SAXReader();
(2) Load the book.xml file through the read method of the reader object to obtain the document object
Document document = reader.reader(new File("src/res/book.xml"));
(3) Get the root node bookstores through the document object
Element bookStore = document.getRootElement();
(4) Get iterator through elementinterator method exclusive to element
Iterator it = bookStore.elementIterator();
(5) Traverse iterator to get information in root node (Book)
	Element book = (Element);
	Get the property name and property value of the book
	List<Attribute>bookAttrs = book.attribute();
	Traverse all nodes in each book
	for (Attribute attr : bookAttrs){
		Get property name
		Get property value

② DOM4J parsing child node information

Traversing the book child node can still get the iterator using the elementIterator method
Iterator itt = book.elementIterator(); 
	Element bookChild = (Element);
	Get node name
	Get node value

5. JDOM parsing

(1) JDOM parsing steps
① Import jar package

② Preparations

(1)Create a SAXBuilder object
SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder;
(2)Create an input stream that will xml File load to input stream
InputStream in = new FileInputStream("src/res/books.xml");
(3)adopt saxBuilder Of build Method, load the input stream into the saxBuilder
Document document =;
(4)adopt document Object acquisition xml Root node
Element rootElement = document.getRootElement();
(5)Get the List aggregate
List<Element> bookList = rootElement.getChildren();

③ Resolving node properties

(1) Loop through each element in the bookList with for
for(Element book : bookList){
	bookList.indexof(book); you can get the current location of the book in the bookList
(2) Resolving the properties of a book
List<Attribute> attrList = book.getAttributes();
Traverse attrlist (for the name and number of attributes under the unclear book node)

   book.getAttributeValue("attribute name");
   Using the above two methods, you can obtain the known node attribute name and attribute value
   for(Attribute attr : attrList){
	Get property name
	String attrName = attr.getName();
	Get property value
	String attrValue = attr.getValue();
(3) Resolving child node names and values
List<Element> bookChilds = book.getChildren();
Traverse bookchildren 
for (Element child : bookChilds ){

④ Processing of garbled code in parsing

(1)encoding / decoding mode change
 (2) If (1) cannot be solved
 You can use inputstreamreader (, "UTF-8") instead when creating an input stream;
By using character streams

⑤ Storing Book object in JDOM

(1)Establish book object
Book bookEntity = new Book();

(2)judge id attribute

(3)Judge attribute name
//Each attribute is judged by the above methods

(4)Create a ArrayList To store objects
private static ArrayList<book> booksList = new ArrayList<book>();
bookEntity = null;

⑥ Reference of jar package in JDOM
If you follow the previous operation, jar may be lost due to the import and export operation of the project. At this time, you can click the operation to solve the problem.
Under package, create a new folder, and then copy the jar package placed on the desktop into the new folder. Then continue to build path in package, and then select the jar package just copied.

6. Comparison of several analytical methods

(1) Classification of analytical methods

  • Basic parsing methods: DOM, SAX
  • Extension parsing methods: JDOM, DOM4J

(2) DOM parsing process:

  • Load the entire xml file into memory at one time to form a DOM tree
  • Advantages: the tree structure is formed, intuitive and easy to understand, and the code is easier to write and parse, and the tree structure is kept in memory, which is convenient to modify
  • Disadvantages: when the xml file is large, the memory consumption is large, which is easy to affect the parsing performance and cause memory overflow

(3) SAX parsing process:

  • Sentence by sentence judgment and parsing (time-based parsing method)
  • Advantages: the event driven mode is adopted, which has a small memory consumption, and is suitable for processing only the data in xml
  • Disadvantages: it is not easy to code, and it is difficult to access multiple different data in the same xml at the same time

(4) JDOM parsing process:

  • Use only concrete classes instead of interfaces
  • Collection classes are widely used in API

(5) DOM4J parsing process:

  • An intelligent branch of JDOM that incorporates many functions beyond the basic XML document representation
  • DOM4J uses interfaces and abstract basic class methods. An excellent Java XML API has the characteristics of excellent performance, good flexibility, powerful function and extremely easy to use,
  • Is an open source software

4, Reflection of XML

1. Reflection introduction

  • Get the object class and parse its components (methods, properties, construction methods).
  • The Java reflection mechanism is to know all the properties and methods of any class in the running state, and to call any method and property of any object.
  • With reflection, you can operate on Class, Constructor, Method and Field at runtime.

2. Class object
(1) getConstructor(): get the common constructor of a class

  • Get nonparametric Construction: getConstructor(null);
  • Get the parameter Construction: getconstructor (data type. class);

After calling the construction method, if you want to create an object with reflection, you must use the newInstance() method. If you have parameters, you need to pass them. If you have no parameters, you don't need to.

(2) getMethod(): get the public member method of a class

  • Method without parameters: getMethod(null); if you want to call a method, you need to use invoke (object, null); method
  • Method with parameters: getmethod (method name, data type. class); to call a method, you need to use invoke (object, parameter list); method

(3) getField(): get a public member property

Field field = clazz.getField("Member property name"); 

To use this property, use the field. Get (object) method to get its data. field.set() can set the data. If it is a final member property, you need to use setAccessible(true); brute force cracking

(4) getDeclaredConstructor(): get the private constructor of a class
(5) getDeclaredMethod(): get the private member method of a class
(6) getDeclaredField(): get a private member property
(4) setAccessible(true) is required for (5) and (6); brute force cracking

(7) Using reflection to create bytecode
Method 1: Class cla = Class.forName("full class name"); full class name refers to: package name. Class name

Class clazz = Class.forName("");//Class full name required

Method 2: Class cla = class name.class;

Class clazz = Person.class;

Method 3: Class cla = new class name(). getClass();

	//Create Peron object
	Person p = new Person();
	//Get the bytecode file object corresponding to Person through the method (getClass) inherited from object
	Class clazz = p.getClass();

(8) Reflection example
Example 1: reflection operation construction method
① Person class

	public class Person {
		public String name;
		private int age;
		public Person() {
			System.out.println("This is a nonparametric structure");
		public Person(String name) {
			System.out.println(name + "This is a parametric structure");
		public Person(String name, int age) {
			System.out.println(name + "Say it's a parametric structure, this year" + age + "year");
		private Person(int age) {
			System.out.println("Private constructor" + age);
		public void eat() {
			System.out.println("Having dinner");
		public void eat(String name) {
			System.out.println(name + "Having dinner");
		private void sleep() {

② main function class

public class Demo {
	public void refect1() throws Exception{	//Call parameterless construction
		//1. Get bytecode object using reflection
		Class cla = Class.forName("javaeestudy.num1.Person");
		//2. Use the getConstructor() method in the Class to call the public nonparametric construction method of its Class
		Constructor constructor = cla.getConstructor(null);
	public void refect2() throws Exception{	//Call with parameter construction
		//1. Get bytecode object using reflection
		Class cla = Class.forName("javaeestudy.num1.Person");
		//2. Use the getConstructor() method in the Class to call the public parameter constructor of its Class
		Constructor constructor = cla.getConstructor(String.class);
		constructor.newInstance("Zhang San");
	public void refect3() throws Exception{	//Call with parameter construction
		//1. Get bytecode object using reflection
		Class cla = Class.forName("javaeestudy.num1.Person");
		//2. Use the getConstructor() method in the Class to call the public parameter constructor of its Class
		Constructor constructor = cla.getConstructor(String.class, int.class);
		constructor.newInstance("Zhang San", 18);
	public void refect4() throws Exception{	//Call private constructor
		//1. Get bytecode object using reflection
		Class cla = Class.forName("javaeestudy.num1.Person");
		//2. Use the getConstructor() method in the Class to call the private constructor of its Class
		Constructor constructor = cla.getDeclaredConstructor(int.class);
		//3. Open brute force

Example 2: reflecting operations on methods and properties

public class Demo2 {
	public void method1() throws Exception {	//Using reflection to manipulate methods in its classes
		Class cla = Class.forName("javaeestudy.num1.Person");
		//Parameter (name, parameter), name means method name, parameter means data type of parameter
		Method method = cla.getMethod("eat", null);
		//invoke(obj, args) method, use object call method, obj represents object, args represents parameter value
		method.invoke(cla.newInstance(), null);
	public void method2() throws Exception {	//Operation with parameters
		Class cla = Class.forName("javaeestudy.num1.Person");
		//Parameter (name, parameter), name means method name, parameter means data type of parameter
		Method method = cla.getMethod("eat", String.class);
		//invoke(obj, args) method, use object call method, obj represents object, args represents parameter value
		method.invoke(cla.newInstance(), "Zhang San");
	public void method3() throws Exception {	//Operation private method
		Class cla = Class.forName("javaeestudy.num1.Person");
		//Parameter (name, parameter), name means method name, parameter means data type of parameter
		Method method = cla.getDeclaredMethod("sleep", String.class);
		//Open violent dismantling
		//invoke(obj, args) method, use object call method, obj represents object, args represents parameter value
		method.invoke(cla.newInstance(), "Zhang San");
	public void method4() throws Exception {	//Operation common properties
		Class cla = Class.forName("javaeestudy.num1.Person");
		Field field = cla.getField("name");
		//Get the value of the field
		//obj parameter, which represents the field of that object
		String obj = (String) field.get(cla.newInstance());
	public void method5() throws Exception {	//Operation common properties
		Class cla = Class.forName("javaeestudy.num1.Person");
		Field field = cla.getDeclaredField("age");
		//Open violent dismantling
		//Get the value of the field
		//obj parameter, which represents the field of that object
		int age = field.getInt(cla.newInstance());

Example 3: by manipulating xml files and anti manipulation methods
① xml file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<package pname="">
	<clazz cname="Person">
		<method type="public">eat</method>
		<method type="private">sleep</method>

② Person class

public class Person {
	//Public method
	public void eat() {
		System.out.println("Having dinner");
	//Private method
	private void sleep() {

③ main function: operation class

public class Demo {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
		new Demo2().method1();
	//Operation method
	public void method1() throws Exception {
		Document document = getDocument();
		//Get package name
		NodeList packageList = document.getElementsByTagName("package");
		Element packageNode = (Element)packageList.item(0);
		String text = packageNode.getAttribute("pname");
		//Get class name
		NodeList clazzList = document.getElementsByTagName("clazz");
		Element clazzNode = (Element)clazzList.item(0);
		text = text + "." + clazzNode.getAttribute("cname");

		//Get bytecode object using reflection
		Class cla = Class.forName(text);
		//Get method node
		NodeList methodList = document.getElementsByTagName("method");
		for(int i = 0; i < methodList.getLength(); i++) {
			//Get method type
			Element typeNode = (Element)methodList.item(i);
			String typeText = typeNode.getAttribute("pname");
			//Get method name
			Node methodNode = methodList.item(i);
			String methodName = methodNode.getTextContent();
			Method method = null;
			if(typeText.equals("public")) {
				//Use the getMethod method method in the Class to call the public nonparametric constructor of its Class
				method = cla.getMethod(methodName, null);
			}else {
				//Use the getDeclaredMethod method in the Class to call the private parameterless construction method of its Class
				method = cla.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, null);
				//Open violent dismantling
			//invoke(obj, args) method, use object call method, obj represents object, args represents parameter value
			method.invoke(cla.newInstance(), null);
	//Get document method
	public Document getDocument() throws Exception {
		//Get factory
		DocumentBuilderFactory factory= DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
		//According to the factory, get the parser
		DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
		//Call parse to start parsing xml file
		return builder.parse(new File("src\\javaeestudy\\study\\person.xml"));
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Posted by capetonian on Fri, 13 Mar 2020 19:35:06 -0700