express learning notes (generate project, route, route handler, use mysql, ejs template)

Keywords: MySQL JSON Database SQL

Generation project

Sir, a package.json

cnpm init

Node? Modules folder, which contains the modules provided by node.js

cnpm install

Install Express scaffolding

cnpm i express-generator

Install express

**cnpm install express --save**

Create an Express application named myapp, use ejs template engine, and then install dependency to produce a project

express --view=ejs app

Use the express command to quickly create a project directory from

express app -e

Directory specification

bin: the boot directory contains a boot file www. the default listening port is 3000 (direct node www execution is OK)
node_modules: dependent module packages
 public: store static resources
 routes: route operations
 views: store ejs template engine
 app.js: main file
 package.json: project description file


Express path contains three expressions: string, string pattern and regular expression

A string form

  res.send('This is the front page.')

Two string pattern

// This routing path will match 'acd' and 'abcd'. The? Number represents 0 or one.
  res.send('This is abcd')

// The path of '/ ab+cd' will match 'abcd', 'abbcd', 'abbcd', at least one b

// Plus * for any character

// '/ ab(cd)?e' can be enclosed in brackets

Three regular expression paths

Remember, regular doesn't need Quotes

  res.send('This is abcd')

Dynamic routing

Write the dynamic value to the url, and you can get the dynamic value in req

// Using: binding dynamic values
// This value will exist in

The name of path parameter must be composed of "literal character" ([A-Za-z0-9]), that is, it cannot be a special character, which will be regarded as the character of normal url
Because hyphens - and dots. Are interpreted literally, they can be used with routing parameters for useful purposes.

// Here this one - as normal characters
Route path: /flights/:from-:to
Request URL: http://localhost:3000/flights/LAX-SFO
req.params: { "from": "LAX", "to": "SFO" }

Route path: /plantae/:genus.:species
Request URL: http://localhost:3000/plantae/Prunus.persica
req.params: { "genus": "Prunus", "species": "persica" }

Dynamic routing can be followed by regular routing

Route path: /user/:userId(\d+)
Request URL: http://localhost:3000/user/42
req.params: {"userId": "42"}

Route handler

In fact, you can use multiple callback functions to do some processing after using the get method

// Next represents the end of execution, and only this next execution will execute the next callback
// Data processing
 req.aa = 'I am pretty.'
  res.send( + req.aa)

Using mysql database

let mysql = require('mysql')

// Create connection
let connection = mysql.createConnection({

// Link up
connection.connect(err =>{
  if (err) {
    console.log('Link success');

// sql statement
let strSql = 'select * from user'

// Query
  // result query results
  // fields represents the information of each field queried
  // console.log(result);
  // console.log(fields);

// Delete table
// let strSql2 = 'drop table user'
// Delete Library
// let strSql3 = 'drop database shop'
// Create a careate database shop

// insert into user (id,name,sex) values (1, small red, female)
// let strSql4 = 'insert into user (id,name,sex) values (?,?,?)'
// connection.query(strSql4,['3 ','xiaolu','female '], (err, result) = >{
// })
// Update data update user set name =?, sex =?
let strSql5 = 'UPDATE user SET name = ?,sex = ? WHERE Id = ?';
connection.query(strSql5,['Minor fertilizer','male',2],(err,result)=>{


Using mysql with the server's express project (start)

Write and encapsulate mysql method first

let mysql = require('mysql')

let con = mysql.createConnection({

con.connect(err =>{
  if (err) {
    console.log('Link success');

function aamysql(sqlstr,arr){
  return new Promise( (resolve,reject)=>{
      if (err) {

module.exports = aamysql

Then use it in the server

let express = require('express')
let aamysql = require('./mysql')
let app = express()
app.get('/', async (req,res)=>{
  let sqlstr = 'select * from teacher';
  let result = await aamysql(sqlstr)
  // console.log(Array.from(result));
  // The json method is to directly change the data into json format, and then send the request
app.get('/getone/:oneId', async (req,res)=>{
  let sqlstr = 'select * from teacher where id=?';
  let oneId = req.params.oneId;
  // The second parameter of mysql query is in the form of attribute, which is the added or modified value
  let result = await aamysql(sqlstr,[oneId])
module.exports = app

Combining ejs template

[% XXX% >: js syntax is written in it,
<% = XXX% >: it contains the variables sent by the server to the ejs template after escaping, and the output is the original html
[% - XXX% >: it is also a variable sent by the server to the ejs template, but it will compile the htmt
<% ා comment label, do not execute, do not output content

Conditional statement usage

// js 
app.get('/', async (req,res)=>{
  let sqlstr = 'select * from teacher';
  let result = await aamysql(sqlstr)
  // console.log(Array.from(result));
  // res.json(result)
  // The first parameter is the template file, and the second is the parameter object to be transferred
  let options= {
    aa:'Big fool',
    bb:'<a>Little brush</a>'

// ejs
    <% if(gender == 'male'){%>
      <h1><%- aa%></h1>
      <h1><%- bb%></h1>

Loop statement

// js
app.get('/', async (req,res)=>{
  let sqlstr = 'select * from teacher';
  let result = await aamysql(sqlstr)
  // console.log(Array.from(result));
  // res.json(result)
  // The first parameter is the template file, and the second is the parameter object to be transferred
  let options= {
    aa:'Big fool',
    bb:'<a>Little brush</a>',

    <% for( var i =0;i<dd.length;i++ ){ %>
        <li><%- dd[i] %></li>
    <% } %>
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Posted by mrwutang on Wed, 11 Mar 2020 22:31:25 -0700