Spring boot integrates the addition, deletion, modification and query operations of Mybatis on a single table

Keywords: Java MySQL Spring Mybatis

I. objectives

Spring boot integrates the addition, deletion, modification and query operations of Mybatis on a single table

2, Development tools and project environment

  • IDE: IntelliJ IDEA 2019.3

  • SQL: Navicat for MySQL

3, Basic environment configuration

  1. Create database: demodb

  2. Create data table and insert data

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t_employee;
    CREATE TABLE t_employee (
      id int PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'Primary key number',
      name varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Employee name',
      sex varchar(2) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Employee gender',
      phone varchar(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'Phone number'
    INSERT INTO t_employee VALUES ('1', 'Zhang Sanfeng', 'male', '13812345678');
    INSERT INTO t_employee VALUES ('2', 'Guo Jing', 'male', '18898765432');
    INSERT INTO t_employee VALUES ('3', 'Little dragon maiden', 'female', '13965432188');
    INSERT INTO t_employee VALUES ('4', 'Zhao Min', 'female', '15896385278');
  3. The necessary Maven dependencies are as follows:

    <!--        MySQL rely on-->
    <!--        Thymleaf rely on-->
    <!--        mybatis rely on-->
  4. To add a configuration file, you can use yaml configuration, that is, the configuration of application.yml connection pool is as follows:

      ##Connection database configuration
        driver-class-name: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
        ##jdbc:mysql: / / (ip address): (port number) / (database name)? useSSL=false
        url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/demodb?useUnicode=true&useSSL=false&characterEncoding=UTF8
        ##Database login
        data-username: root
        ##Login password
      ##Path to static resources
  5. Test configuration

    In the com package of java, create a new package controller, and create a controller class in the package: = = EmployeeController==

    public class EmployeeController{
    //Test use
    //Comments: return to JSON format
    public String test() {
    return "test";

    Start the main program class and enter: http://localhost:8080/test in the browser

4, Start writing

  1. Write ORM entity class

    In the com package of java, create a new package domain, and create the entity class in the package: Employee

    public class Employee {
        private Integer id;   //Primary key
        private String name;  //Employee name
        private String sex;   //Employee gender
        private String phone; //Phone number

    ==Don't forget to package==

  2. Complete mapper layer = = add, delete, modify and query = = write

    In the com package of java, create a new package mapper, and create mapper interface file in the package: EmployeeMapper

    //Indicates that the class is a MyBatis interface file
    //Represents the function of translating the native exception thrown by database operation into the persistent layer exception of spring
    public interface EmployeeMapper {
        //Query single data according to id
        @Select("SELECT*FROM t_employee WHERE id=#{id}")
        Employee findById(Integer id);
        //Query all data
        @Select("SELECT * FROM t_employee")
        public List<Employee> findAll();
        //Modify data according to id
        @UpdateProvider(type = EmployeeMapperSQL.class,method = "updateEmployee")
        int updateEmployee(Employee employee);
        //Add data
        @Insert("INSERT INTO t_employee(name,sex,phone)  values(#{name},#{sex},#{name})")
        public int inserEm(Employee employee);
        //Delete data by id
        @Delete("DELETE FROM t_employee WHERE id=#{id}")
        public int deleteEm(Integer id);
  3. Complete the writing of the service layer, and provide the calling methods for the controller layer

    1. In the com package of java, create a new package service, and create the service interface file in the package: EmployeeServic

        public interface EmployeeService {
            //Query all employee objects
            List<Employee> findAll();
            //Query single data according to id
            Employee findById(Integer id);
            //Modifying data
            int updateEmployee(Employee employee);
            //Add data
            int addEmployee(Employee employee);
            int deleteEmployee(Integer id);
    2. In the service package, create a new package impl, and create the implementation class of the interface in the package: EmployeeServiceImpl

      //Affairs Management
      public class EmployeeServiceImpl implements EmployeeService {
          //Inject EmployeeMapper interface
          private EmployeeMapper employeeMapper;
          //Query all data
          public List<Employee> findAll() {
              return employeeMapper.findAll();
          //Query single data according to id
          public Employee findById(Integer id) {
              return employeeMapper.findById(id);
          //Modifying data
          public int updateEmployee(Employee employee) {
              return employeeMapper.updateEmployee(employee);
          //Add to
          public int addEmployee(Employee employee) {
              return employeeMapper.inserEm(employee);
          //Delete individual data by id
          public int deleteEmployee(Integer id) {
              return employeeMapper.deleteEm(id);
  4. Complete the writing of the Controller layer, call the function of the service layer, and respond to the page request

    Write the method in the controller.EmployeeController created previously

    public class EmployeeController {
        private EmployeeService employeeService;
    //Main page  
        //Response queries all data, then displays all data
        public String getAll(Model model) {
            List<Employee> employeeList = employeeService.findAll();
            model.addAttribute("employeeList", employeeList);
            return "showAllEmployees";
    //Modify page
        //Response arrives at the page where the data is updated
        public String toUpdate(@PathVariable Integer id, Model model){
            //Query by id
            Employee employee=employeeService.findById(id);
            //Modified data
            //Jump modification
            return "update";
        //Update data request and return getall
        public String update(Employee employee){
            //Report modification
            return "redirect:/getall";
    //Deleting function
        //The response deletes the individual data according to the id and then displays all the data
        public String delete(@PathVariable Integer id){
            return "redirect:/getall";
    //Add page
        //Add data
        public String addEmployee(Employee employee){
            return "redirect:/getall";

5, Write front end

  1. Main page

    In templates of resources, create the main page: addEmployee.html

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en" xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.prg">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <title>Add employee information</title>
    <h2>Add employee information</h2>
    <form action="/add" method="post">
        Full name:<input type="text" name="name"><br>
        Gender:<input type="radio" value="male" name="sex" checked="checked">male
        <input type="radio" value="female" name="sex" >female<br>
        Telephone:<input type="text" name="phone"><br>
        <input type="submit" value="Add to">

    Note < HTML lang = "en" = = xmlns: th = "http://www.thymeleaf.prg" = = >

  2. Modify page

    In the templates of resouces, create the modification page: update.html

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en" xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <title>Modify information</title>
    <h2>Modify information</h2>
    <form th:action="@{/update}" th:object="${employee}" method="post">
        <input th:type="hidden" th:value="${employee.id}" th:field="*{id}">
        Full name:<input th:type="text" th:value="${employee.name}" th:field="*{name}"><br>
        Gender:<input th:type="radio" th:value="male" th:checked="${employee.sex=='male'}" th:field="*{sex}">male
        <input th:type="radio" th:value="female" th:checked="${employee.sex=='female'}" th:field="*{sex}">female<br>
        Telephone:<input th:type="text" th:value="${employee.phone}" th:field="*{phone}"><br>
        <input th:type="submit" value="To update">
  3. Add page

    In templates of resources, create the add page: addEmployee.html

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en" xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.prg">
        <meta charset="UTF-8">
        <title>Add employee information</title>
    <h2>Add employee information</h2>
    <form action="/add" method="post">
        Full name:<input type="text" name="name"><br>
        Gender:<input type="radio" value="male" name="sex" checked="checked">male
        <input type="radio" value="female" name="sex" >female<br>
        Telephone:<input type="text" name="phone"><br>
        <input type="submit" value="Add to">

    Start the main program class and enter: http://localhost:8080/getall in the browser

Posted by wstran on Sat, 07 Mar 2020 08:05:38 -0800