Analysis of python matrix multiplication (multiply / maumull / * / @)
1. Load data
def load_data(path,transpose=True): data=sio.loadmat(path) y=data.get("y")#before reshape:(5000, 1) y=y.reshape(y.shape[0]) X=data.get("X")#(5000,400),(400,) if transpose: #Vectorization, so that each column becomes a sample and each row is a sample? X=np.array([im.reshape((20,20)).T for im in X]) X=np.array([im.reshape(400) for im in X])#Expand the sample to the original (400,) return X,y
X, y = load_data('code/ex3-neural network/ex3data1.mat') print(X.shape) print(y.shape)
(5000, 400)
2. drawing
def plot_an_image(image): fig,ax=plt.subplots(figsize=(1,1)) ax.matshow(image.reshape((20, 20)), plt.xticks(np.array([])) # Just get rid of marks plt.yticks(np.array([]))
pick_one = np.random.randint(0, 5000) plot_an_image(X[pick_one,:]) print('this should be {}'.format(y[pick_one]))
- Maplotlib.pyplot.mattshow matrix visualization, plot a matrix or an array as an image.
- In matplotlib, ticks represent scale, and scale has two meanings, one is locks, the other is tick labels. In drawing, the x-axis and y-axis are continuous, so the marking can be specified at will, that is, to find the position on the continuous variable, and the scale label can be replaced correspondingly:
xticks() returns two objects, one is the locks and the other is the scale labels
locs, labels = xticks()
def plot_100_image(X): size=int(np.sqrt(X.shape[1])) sample_idx=np.random.choice(np.arange(X.shape[0]),100)#100 out of 5000 samples sample_images=X[sample_idx,:] fig,ax_array=plt.subplots(nrows=10,ncols=10,sharex=True,sharey=True) for r in range(10): for c in range(10): ax_array[r,c].matshow(sample_images[10*r+c].reshape((size,size))) plt.xticks(np.array([])) plt.yticks(np.array([])) #Drawing function, drawing 100 pictures
- np.arange()
The function returns a fixed step arrangement with an end point and a start point, such as [1,2,3,4,5]. The start point is 1, the end point is 5, and the step is 1.
The number of parameters: NP. Range() function is divided into one parameter, two parameters, three parameters and three cases
1) For a parameter, the parameter value is the end point, the start point is 0 by default, and the step length is 1 by default.
2) When there are two parameters, the first parameter is the starting point, the second parameter is the end point, and the step length takes the default value of 1.
3) For the three parameters, the first parameter is the starting point, the second parameter is the end point, and the third parameter is the step size. Where step size supports decimal
Original link: - random.choice() randomly selects content: you can randomly select content from an int number or a 1-D array, and return the selection result in an n-D array.
Preparation data
raw_X, raw_y = load_data('code/ex3-neural network/ex3data1.mat') print(raw_X.shape) print(raw_y.shape)
(5000, 400)
# Add x0=1 X = np.insert(raw_X, 0, values=np.ones(raw_X.shape[0]), axis=1)#First column inserted (all 1) X.shape
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Vectorization label
y_matrix=[] for k in range(1,11): y_matrix.append((raw_y==k).astype(int)) # last one is k==10, it's digit 0, bring it to the first position y_matrix = [y_matrix[-1]] + y_matrix[:-1]#Y matrix [- 1] is (5000,), [y matrix [- 1]] is (15000), y matrix [: - 1] shape is (95000) y = np.array(y_matrix) y.shape
(10, 5000)
Training one-dimensional model
def sigmoid(z): return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z))
def cost(theta,X,y): return np.mean(-y * np.log(sigmoid(X @ theta)) - (1 - y) * np.log(1 - sigmoid(X @ theta)))
def regularized_cost(theta, X, y, lr=1): theta_ji_to_n=theta[1:] regularized_term=(lr/(2*len(X)))*np.sum(np.power(theta_ji_to_n,2)) return cost(theta,X,y)+regularized_term
def gradient(theta, X, y): '''just 1 batch gradient''' return (1 / len(X)) * X.T@ (sigmoid(X @ theta) - y)
def regularized_gradient(theta, X, y, lr=1): theta_j1_to_n = theta[1:] regularized_theta = (lr / len(X)) * theta_j1_to_n regularized_term = np.concatenate([np.array([0]), regularized_theta]) return gradient(theta, X, y) + regularized_term
def logistic_regression(X,y,lr=1): theta=np.zeros(X.shape[1]) res=opt.minimize(fun=regularized_cost,x0=theta,args=(X,y,lr),method="TNC",jac=regularized_gradient, options={'disp': True}) final_theta = res.x return final_theta
def predict(x, theta): prob = sigmoid(x @ theta) return (prob >= 0.5).astype(int)
t0=logistic_regression(X,y[0]) print(t0.shape) y_pred = predict(X, t0) print('Accuracy={}'.format(np.mean(y[0] == y_pred)))
- Numpy provides * * numpy.concatenate((a1,a2,...) ), axis=0) * * function. Can complete the splicing of multiple arrays at one time. Among them, a1,a2 Is an array type parameter
np.concatenate((a,b,c),axis=0) # By default, axis=0 can be left blank
array([ 1, 2, 3, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66]) #For one-dimensional array splicing, the value of axis does not affect the final result
Training multidimensional data
k_theta = np.array([logistic_regression(X, y[k]) for k in range(10)]) print(k_theta.shape)
(10, 401)
prob_matrix = sigmoid(X @ k_theta.T) np.set_printoptions(suppress=True) print(prob_matrix.shape) print(prob_matrix)
(5000, 10)
[[0.99577353 0. 0.00053536 ... 0.0000647 0.00003916 0.00172426]
[0.99834639 0.0000001 0.00005611 ... 0.00009681 0.00000291 0.00008494]
[0.99139822 0. 0.00056824 ... 0.00000655 0.02655352 0.00197512]
[0.00000068 0.04144103 0.00321037 ... 0.00012724 0.00297365 0.707625 ]
[0.00001843 0.00000013 0.00000009 ... 0.00164807 0.0680994 0.86118731]
[0.02879745 0. 0.00012979 ... 0.36617606 0.00498225 0.14829291]]
y_pred=np.argmax(prob_matrix,axis=1)#Returns the index value of the maximum value of each row print(y_pred)
[0 0 0 ... 9 9 7]
y_answer = raw_y.copy() y_answer[y_answer==10] = 0 print(classification_report(y_answer, y_pred))
precision recall f1-score support 0 0.97 0.99 0.98 500 1 0.95 0.99 0.97 500 2 0.95 0.92 0.93 500 3 0.95 0.91 0.93 500 4 0.95 0.95 0.95 500 5 0.92 0.92 0.92 500 6 0.97 0.98 0.97 500 7 0.95 0.95 0.95 500 8 0.93 0.92 0.92 500 9 0.92 0.92 0.92 500
avg / total 0.94 0.94 0.94 5000
Feedforward prediction of neural network
Next, we evaluate the model by loading the existing weights:
def load_weight(path): data=sio.loadmat(path) return data["Theta1"],data["Theta2"]
theta1, theta2 = load_weight('code/ex3-neural network/ex3weights.mat') theta1.shape, theta2.shape
((25, 401), (10, 26))
Because in the data loading function, the original data is transposed, however, the transposed data is not compatible with the given parameters, because these parameters are trained by the original data. So in order to apply the given parameters, I need to use the raw data (not transpose)
X, y = load_data('code/ex3-neural network/ex3data1.mat',transpose=False) X = np.insert(X, 0, values=np.ones(X.shape[0]), axis=1) # intercept print(X.shape) print(y.shape)
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feed forward prediction
First floor:
a1=X#input z2=a1@theta1.T z2.shape
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The second floor:
z2 = np.insert(z2, 0, values=np.ones(z2.shape[0]), axis=1)#Add a column of bias a2=sigmoid(z2) a2.shape
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z3=a2@theta2.T a3=sigmoid(z3) a3
array([[0.00013825, 0.0020554 , 0.00304012, ..., 0.00049102, 0.00774326,
[0.00058776, 0.00285027, 0.00414688, ..., 0.00292311, 0.00235617,
[0.00010868, 0.0038266 , 0.03058551, ..., 0.07514539, 0.0065704 ,
[0.06278247, 0.00450406, 0.03545109, ..., 0.0026367 , 0.68944816,
[0.00101909, 0.00073436, 0.00037856, ..., 0.01456166, 0.97598976,
[0.00005908, 0.00054172, 0.0000259 , ..., 0.00700508, 0.73281465,
y_pred = np.argmax(a3, axis=1) + 1 # numpy is 0 base index, +1 for matlab convention, returns the index of axis maximum value along the axis, axis=1 represents the row y_pred.shape
print(classification_report(y, y_pred))
precision recall f1-score support
1 0.97 0.98 0.97 500 2 0.98 0.97 0.97 500 3 0.98 0.96 0.97 500 4 0.97 0.97 0.97 500 5 0.98 0.98 0.98 500 6 0.97 0.99 0.98 500 7 0.98 0.97 0.97 500 8 0.98 0.98 0.98 500 9 0.97 0.96 0.96 500 10 0.98 0.99 0.99 500
avg / total 0.98 0.98 0.98 5000