Solution to the problem that the toolbar button fails after the table of layui is reload ed

Keywords: Javascript

After the table in layui uses the toolbar, the buttons on the toolbar will fail when the table is refreshed. The reason is that after the table is reloaded, there is no trigger event for binding toolbar buttons. Therefore, you only need to rebind the binding events of all buttons after the initialization of the table and after the refresh of the table. Here, the event processing is integrated into one method, Please refer to bindTableToolbarFunction. The specific code is as follows:

1. Html page

<section class="layui-fluid">
    <aside class="layui-card" id="queryDiv">
        <div class="layui-elem-quote">
            <form class="layui-form">
                    <div class="layui-inline">
                        <div class="layui-input-inline">
                            <input class="layui-input" id="phone" type="text">
                    <a class="layui-btn search_btn" data-type="reload">search</a>

    <article class="my-table">
        <table id="tableList" lay-filter="tableList"></table>

    <script type="text/html" id="toolbarDemo">
        <div class="layui-btn-container" id="tableNav">
            <button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-sm" id="add">New users</button>
            <button type="button" class="layui-btn layui-btn-sm layui-btn-danger" id="del">delete user</button>
</section >

2. Corresponding js

    var form = layui.form,
        layer = parent.layer === undefined ? layui.layer : top.layer,
        table = layui.table;

    // Loading prompt
    var loadingMsg = layer.msg('Data request in progress', {icon: 16,scrollbar: false,time: 0});
    // Initialize tables and data
    var tableIns = table.render({
        elem: '#tableList',
        url : 'sysUser/list',
        where :{
            phone : $("#phone").val()
        cellMinWidth : 95,
        toolbar: "#toolbarDemo ", / / let the left side of the toolbar display the default built-in template
        defaultToolbar: ['filter'], // Icon buttons on the right side of the toolbar ['filter ',' print ',' exports']
        even: true, // Turn on zebra crossing effect
        page : true,
//        Height: "full-125", / / placed at the bottom of the page
        limits : myLimits,
        limit : myLimit,
        id : "tableListTable",
        cols : [[
            {field: 'userId', title: 'ID', width:100, align:"center"},
            {field: 'userName', title: 'User name', minWidth:150, align:"center"},
            {field: 'state', title: 'state', width:80, align:"center", templet: stateFormat},
            {field: 'sex', title: 'Gender', width:80, align:"center", templet: sexFormat},
            {field: 'remark', title: 'Remarks', align:"center"}
        done: function(res, curr, count){
            // Turn off prompt layer
            // Trigger event for binding table toolbar button

    // ====================Defining general functions====================
    // Refresh table data
    function reloadTable(){
        // Loading prompt
        loadingMsg = layer.msg('Data request in progress', {icon: 16,scrollbar: false,time: 0});
        // Reload data
            page: {
                curr: 1 //Start again on page 1
            where: {
                phone : $("#phone").val()
            done: function(res, curr, count){

    // Search [this function needs background cooperation, so there is no dynamic effect demonstration for now]
        // Refresh table

    // Format display user status information
    function stateFormat(d){
        var str;
        if (d.state == 0) {
            str = '<span class="fontColor_red">Prohibit</span>';
        } else if(d.state == 1) {
            str = '<span class="fontColor_green">normal</span>';
        } else {
            str = '<span class="fontColor_darkOrange">locking</span>';
        return str;

    // Format display sex information
    function sexFormat(d){
        var str;
        if ( == 0) {
            str = 'female';
        } else if( == 1) {
            str = 'male';
        } else {
            str = '<span class="fontColor_red">Unknown</span>';
        return str;

    // ====================Define event handling====================
    // Binding event set processing (called when the table is loaded and refreshed)
    function bindTableToolbarFunction() {
        // Bind new user event
        $("#add").on("click", function() {
            layer.alert("New user called", {icon: 6});

        // Bind delete user event
        $("#del").on("click", function() {
            layer.alert("Delete user called", {icon: 6});

Posted by stiduck on Fri, 21 Feb 2020 07:47:07 -0800