[wechat assistance] at present, python helps you to find out Wuhan friends in your circle of friends and give them care

Keywords: pip Python less encoding

I am a programmer Xiaoye, bringing you original and wonderful technical content.

The epidemic situation is unbearable for both individuals and enterprises. I hope that the epidemic will pass as soon as possible, which is a small wish of ordinary people.

Relatives and friends around us are more or less affected by the epidemic. Let's find out Wuhan friends in the circle of friends through python to give them care.

The first step is to install wxpy first, and then the pyecharts module used in map drawing in this article

pip install wxpy # Support wechat related functions

pip install pyecharts # Support map drawing function

pip install pyecharts_snapshot

Step 2: download the required map data package as required. After pyecharts v0.3.2, pyecharts will no longer bring its own map js file. If you need to use the map chart, you can install the corresponding map file package. Here we choose the provincial map of China: echarts-china-provinces-pypkg to download and display the map of Hubei province

Global country map: ecrats countries pypkg: world map and 213 countries, including China

Provincial map of China: echarts China provinces pypkg: 23 provinces, 5 autonomous regions

City map of China: eckarts China cities pypkg: 370 Chinese cities

County level map of China: echarts China counts pypkg: 2882 counties and districts in China

China regional map: echarts China misc pypkg: 11 regional maps of China, such as South China and North China.

In addition, the UK 2016 constituency map: echarts United Kingdom pypkg: the UK constituency map can be used to draw data related to political economy

pip install echarts-countries-pypkg

pip install echarts-china-provinces-pypkg

pip install echarts-china-cities-pypkg

pip install echarts-china-counties-pypkg

pip install echarts-china-misc-pypkg

When the environment is ready, the design strategy follows.

1. Get the friend information through Bot(cache_path=True).friends() function to find the Hubei friend we are looking for;

2. Add custom geojson data to eCharts to realize map display;

3. Custom blessing script, randomly sent to Hubei friends list;
Full code:

# encoding: utf-8
@author: Programmer Xiaoye
@contact: 3203636266@qq.com
@WeChat official account: programmers' little leaves
@time: 2020/2/19 13:03
@file: case4.py
@desc: At present, python Help you find out Wuhan friends in your circle of friends and give them care
from wxpy import *
from pyecharts import options as opts
from pyecharts.charts import Geo
from pyecharts.globals import ChartType
from pyecharts.globals import ThemeType
import webbrowser
import random

def is_Chinese(word):  # Due to the presence of foreign friends, we need to filter out foreign English names and friends who do not fill in the area
	for ch in word:
		if '\u4e00' <= ch <= '\u9fff':
			return True
	return False

bot = Bot(cache_path=True)
# Get all your friends' information
friends = bot.friends()
# Get province information and filter out Hubei friends
china_friends_sum = {}
hubei_friends_sum = {}
hubei_friends = []
for f in friends:
	province = f.province
	if is_Chinese(province):
		if province in china_friends_sum:
			china_friends_sum[province] += 1
			if province == 'Hubei':
				city = f.city
				if city in hubei_friends_sum:
					hubei_friends_sum[city] += 1
					hubei_friends_sum[city] = 1
			china_friends_sum[province] = 1
# As the name of the city in wechat does not include "city", and some autonomous prefectures are also abbreviations, it is necessary to complete them, such as Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture
hubei_citys = ['Huanggang City', 'Huangshi City', 'Ezhou City', 'Wuhan City', 'Xianning', 'Xiaogan City', 'suizhou', 'Tianmen', 'Xiantao', 'jingzhou', 'Jingmen City', 'Qianjiang', 'Xiangyang', 'Yichang City', 'Shiyan City',
               'Shennongjia Forestry District ', 'Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture ']
echart_data = []
max = 0
for m in hubei_friends_sum:
	for city in hubei_citys:
		if m in city:
			item = (city, hubei_friends_sum[m])
			if hubei_friends_sum[m] > max:
				max = hubei_friends_sum[m]

# Map distribution
def geo_guangdong() -> Geo:
	c = (
			.add_schema(maptype="Hubei")  # It can also be another province, so the corresponding city name also needs to be modified
			.add("", echart_data, ChartType.EFFECT_SCATTER,
		         is_selected=True, symbol=None, symbol_size=6, color="red")
			.set_global_opts(visualmap_opts=opts.VisualMapOpts(is_piecewise=True, max_=max, ),
		                     title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title="Distribution of wechat friends in Hubei", pos_left="300")
	return c

g = geo_guangdong()
g.render('Distribution of wechat friends in Hubei.html')
# Open the generated local web page with a browser
# webbrowser.open("wechat friends distribution map of Hubei. html")
# Send blessings to each other
# Blessing quotations
wishes = ["Go out and wear a mask! Wash your hands and ventilate frequently, and don't go out without gathering!",
          "Keep a good attitude, pay attention to protection and frequent disinfection, reduce going out and gathering, and protect yourself and your family.",
          "But do good deeds, don't ask about the future, and cross the difficulties together."]
for hf in hubei_friends:
	target = bot.search(hf.remark_name)[0]  # Fill in the nickname of wechat friends here
	target.send(wishes[random.randint(0, len(wishes)-1)])
# Enter the Python command line to keep the program running

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The official account of the same name: programmer Xiao Ye, concerned about sending "data analysis", giving the "Python analysis of data" (Chinese bookmark) eBook (learning the best book of Python foundation Library).

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Posted by badassrocker on Thu, 20 Feb 2020 00:11:31 -0800