Java large Internet Project - development diary - Mobile e-mall - Homepage screening Solr
We need to update the following product information every time we click an option. When the number of visitors is too large, if we click to request the database, the access speed will be too slow, so we adopt the following strategies
Solr background
Slow cause model
Solr position model
Solr operation
In the work of full-text retrieval, it is not so much to find the specified keywords in documents, but to find the related documents through keywords
solr calls the whole content to be searched a document. When it is combined with the database, the definition of the document extracts a piece of data as a document
item_name promotion key_words
Samsung S6 supports curved screen cover 6, S6
IPhone 7 near iPhone 4 kidney 7
Item name is the index
Samsung S6 is a domain
One document for each line
The configuration of definition field and IK participator
<field name="item_name" type="text_ik" indexed="true" stored="true" /> <field name="brand_id" type="long" indexed="true" stored="true" /> <field name="sku_price" type="float" indexed="true" stored="true" /> <field name="promotion" type="text_ik" indexed="true" stored="true" /> <field name="item_keywords" type="text_ik" indexed="true" stored="true" multiValued="true" /> <field name="imgs" type="string" indexed="false" stored="true" /> <field name="para_vals" type="text_ik" indexed="true" stored="true" /> <copyField source="item_name" dest="item_keywords"/> <copyField source="promotion" dest="item_keywords"/> <fieldType name="text_ik" class="solr.TextField"> <analyzer type="index" class="org.wltea.analyzer.lucene.IKAnalyzer" isMaxWordLength="false"/> <analyzer type="query" class="org.wltea.analyzer.lucene.IKAnalyzer" isMaxWordLength="true"/> </fieldType>
Import domain data
public void importIndex() throws Exception { // TODO Auto-generated method stub List<EbItem> itemList = itemDao.selectIsSelectItemList(); SolrServer ss = ECPSUtils.getSolrServer(); for(EbItem item : itemList){ SolrInputDocument sd = new SolrInputDocument() ; sd.addField("id", item.getItemId()); sd.addField("item_name", item.getItemName()); sd.addField("sku_price", item.getSkuPrice()) ; sd.addField("item_keywords", item.getKeywords()) ; sd.addField("imgs", item.getImgs()); sd.addField("promotion", item.getPromotion()); sd.addField("brand_id", item.getBrandId()); String paraVals = "" ; for(EbParaValue para : item.getParaList()){ paraVals = paraVals + para.getParaValue()+"," ; } sd.addField("para_vals", paraVals); ss.add(sd) ; } ss.commit(); }
Where, the data required by Solr is extracted from the database, corresponding to SQL
<resultMap type="com.rl.ecps.model.EbItem" id="selectIsSelectItemListRM" extends="BaseResultMap"> <result column="sku_price" property="skuPrice"/> <collection property="paraList" ofType="com.rl.ecps.model.EbParaValue"> <id column="PARA_ID" jdbcType="DECIMAL" property="paraId" /> <result column="ITEM_ID" jdbcType="DECIMAL" property="itemId" /> <result column="FEATURE_ID" jdbcType="DECIMAL" property="featureId" /> <result column="PARA_VALUE" jdbcType="VARCHAR" property="paraValue" /> </collection> </resultMap> <select id="selectIsSelectItemList" resultMap="selectIsSelectItemListRM"> select * from (select min(es.sku_price) sku_price, ei.* from eb_item ei, eb_sku es where ei.item_id = es.item_id and ei.audit_status = 1 and ei.show_status = 0 group by ei.ITEM_ID, ei.ITEM_NAME, ei.ITEM_NO, ei.BRAND_ID, ei.CAT_ID, ei.TAG_IMG_ID, ei.TAG_IMG, ei.IS_NEW, ei.IS_GOOD, ei.IS_HOT, ei.PROMOTION, ei.AUDIT_STATUS, ei.SHOW_STATUS, ei.IMGS, ei.KEYWORDS, ei.PAGE_DESC, ei.ITEM_RECYCLE, ei.ON_SALE_TIME, ei.CHECK_TIME, ei.UPDATE_TIME, ei.UPDATE_USER_ID, ei.CREATE_TIME, ei.CHECKER_USER_ID, ei.FULL_PATH_DEPLOY, ei.FULL_PATH_DEPLOY_OFFER, ei.ORIGINAL_ITEM_ID, ei.LAST_STATUS, ei.MERCHANT_ID, ei.ITEM_SORT, ei.SALES, ei.CREATE_USER_ID, ei.SIM_LEVEL, ei.GIFT_DESC, ei.GIFT_IMG, ei.GIFT_SHOW_TYPE, ei.IMG_SIZE1) e1, eb_para_value ev, eb_feature ef where e1.item_id = ev.item_id and ev.feature_id = ef.feature_id and ef.is_select = 1 </select>
Search Solr data
@RequestMapping("/") public String listItem(String price, Long brandId, String keyWords, String paraVals, Model model) throws Exception{ List<EbItem> itemList = itemService.selectItemByIndex(price, brandId, keyWords, paraVals); model.addAttribute("itemList", itemList); return "phoneClassification"; }
public List<EbItem> selectItemByIndex(String price, Long brandId, String keyWords, String paraVals) throws Exception { List<EbItem> itemList = new ArrayList<EbItem>(); SolrServer ss = ECPSUtils.getSolrServer(); SolrQuery sq = new SolrQuery(); //Price screening if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(price)){ String [] priceArr = price.split("-"); sq.set("fq", "sku_price:["+priceArr[0]+" TO "+priceArr[1]+" ]"); } String queryStr = "*:*"; //Brand is not empty if(brandId != null){ queryStr = "brand_id:"+brandId; } //If the keyword is not empty if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(keyWords)){ if(StringUtils.equals(queryStr, "*:*")){ queryStr = "item_keywords:"+keyWords; }else{ queryStr = queryStr + " AND item_keywords:"+keyWords; } } if(StringUtils.isNotBlank(paraVals)){ String [] paraValArr = paraVals.split(","); String paraValsQuery = ""; for(String paraVal : paraValArr){ paraValsQuery = paraValsQuery + "para_vals:"+paraVal +" AND "; } //Remove the last AND paraValsQuery = paraValsQuery.substring(0, paraValsQuery.lastIndexOf(" AND ")); if(StringUtils.equals(queryStr, "*:*")){ queryStr = paraValsQuery; }else{ queryStr = queryStr + " AND "+paraValsQuery; } } sq.setQuery(queryStr); sq.setSort("id", ORDER.desc); sq.setHighlight(true); sq.addHighlightField("item_name"); sq.addHighlightField("promotion"); sq.setHighlightSimplePre("<font color='red'>"); sq.setHighlightSimplePost("</font>"); //Query index library QueryResponse qr = ss.query(sq); //Results obtained SolrDocumentList dList = qr.getResults(); for(SolrDocument sd : dList){ String itemId = (String) sd.getFieldValue("id"); String itemName = (String) sd.getFieldValue("item_name"); String promotion = (String) sd.getFieldValue("promotion"); String imgs = (String) sd.getFieldValue("imgs"); String skuPrice = sd.getFieldValue("sku_price").toString(); //{1001:item_name:["<font>.."]} Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> hlMap = qr.getHighlighting(); if(hlMap != null){ Map<String, List<String>> listMap = hlMap.get(itemId); if(listMap != null){ List<String> iList = listMap.get("item_name"); if(iList != null && iList.size() > 0){ String hlStr = ""; for(String hl : iList){ hlStr = hlStr + hl; } itemName = hlStr; } List<String> pList = listMap.get("promotion"); if(pList != null && pList.size() > 0){ String hlStr = ""; for(String hl : pList){ hlStr = hlStr + hl; } promotion = hlStr; } } } EbItem item = new EbItem(); item.setItemId(new Long(itemId)); item.setItemName(itemName); item.setPromotion(promotion); item.setImgs(imgs); item.setSkuPrice(new BigDecimal(skuPrice)); itemList.add(item); } return itemList; }
The above parameters are taken by the front-end loop through a link and jump in the form of Get
$('.filter li a').mousedown(function(){ var cln = $(this).attr("class"); if(cln == undefined){ $(this).attr("class",''); cln = $(this).attr("class"); }; if(cln.indexOf("btn80x22") == 0){ return; } var type = $(this).parent().is("p"); var obj; if(type){ obj = $(this).parent().find('a'); }else{ obj = $(this).parent().parent().find('a'); } obj.removeClass('here'); $(this).addClass('here'); var price = ""; var brandId = ""; var keyWords = $("#keyWords").val(); var paraVals = ""; //Loop a link to find the selected a $('.filter li a').each(function(){ var clazz = $(this).attr("class"); if(clazz == "here"){ //Get the type of a var fType = $(this).attr("fType"); //Get the value of a var fValue = $(this).attr("fValue"); if(fType == "price"){ price = fValue; }else if(fType == "brand"){ brandId = fValue; }else if(fType == "feature" && fValue != ""){ paraVals = paraVals + fValue +","; } } }) //alert(price +"======="+brandId+ "========"+keyWords+"======="+paraVals); var iPath = path+"/item/"+price+"&brandId="+brandId+"&keyWords="+keyWords+"¶Vals="+paraVals; //Refresh iframe, simply reset src $("#itemListIframe").attr("src", iPath);