2020 zero base to rapid development of Vue, Quantong, e-commerce management system (element UI) [assign authority]

Keywords: Vue Attribute

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1, introduction

Winter vacation is for anti super! Let's learn from Vue. This blog is about assigning permissions. Please give me more advice~

2. Assign permissions

2.1 pop up the assign permission dialog box and request permission data
		 //Show the dialog box for assigning permissions
        async showSetRightDialog(){
            //Get data for all permissions
            const {data:res}=  await this.$http.get('rights/tree')
            if(res.meta.status != 200) return this.$message.error('Failed to get permission data!')
            // The obtained permission data is saved in the list
            this.rightsList = res.data

2.2 initial configuration and use of El tree tree control
 <!-- Show tree control -->
    <el-tree :data="rightsList" :props="treeProps" ></el-tree>
			// Property binding object of tree control
                label: 'authName',
                children: children

2.3 optimize the display effect of tree control

2.4 analyze the implementation idea of default checking of existing permissions and load the existing permissions of roles
		 //Show the dialog box for assigning permissions
        async showSetRightDialog(role){
            //Get data for all permissions
            const {data:res}=  await this.$http.get('rights/tree')
            if(res.meta.status != 200) return this.$message.error('Failed to get permission data!')
            // The obtained permission data is saved in the list
            this.rightsList = res.data
            //Get the id of the third level node recursively
            this.getLeafKeys(role, this.defKyes)

        // Through recursion, get the id of all the three-level permissions under the role and save it in the defKeys array
        getLeafKeys(node ,arr){
            // If the current node does not contain the children attribute, it is a three-level node
                return arr.push(node.id)
            node.children.forEach(item =>

2.5 reset defKeys array when closing dialog

Cache will appear when clicking the button, so we need to clear the array. When closing the dialog box, we should clear it once

	// Listen for the closing event of the assign permission dialog box
            this.defKyes = []
2.6 call API to complete the function of assigning permissions
 		// Listen for the closing event of the assign permission dialog box
            this.defKyes = []
        // Click OK to assign permissions to roles
        async allotRights(){
            const keys = [
            // The list of permission ID S divided by `, '(obtain the keys of all selected and leaf nodes and the keys of semi selected nodes, including level 1, 2 and 3 nodes)
            const idStr = keys.join(',')

            const {data:res} = await this.$http.post('roles/'+this.roleId+'/rights',{rids:idStr})
                if(res.meta.status != 200) return this.$message.error('Failed to update permission!')

            this.$message.success('Assign permission succeeded!')
            // Hide dialog
            this.setRightDialogVisible = false

3. Conclusion

So far, our function is finished!

Vue family barrel develops e-commerce management system code cloud address, welcome to learn together~


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Posted by joey3002 on Sun, 19 Jan 2020 04:17:09 -0800