Integrated practice of id location -- automatic login
Test scenario
1. Start the App and enter the login interface
2. Enter the user name "self study network 2018" and password "zxw2018" on the login page and click login.
requirement analysis
1. The modules that detect and upgrade the pop-up window and the guide page after startup can be pulled out as independent modules and called by other modules to improve the code reuse rate.
2. Get the element id attribute of user name and password input box and login button. In addition, consider whether the App has logged in the account before startup. The process of logged in scenario is different from that of not logged in scenario.
3. Note: the following content needs to be configured in capability when sending_keys() is transferred into Chinese:
desired_caps['unicodeKeyboard']="True" desired_caps['resetKeyboard']="True"
Code implementation:
from appium import webdriver from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException desired_caps={} desired_caps['platformName']='Android' desired_caps['deviceName']='' desired_caps['platforVersion']='5.1.1' # desired_caps['deviceName']='JDN-W09' # desired_caps['platforVersion']='6.0.1' # desired_caps['udid']='7YRBBDB7B0702188' desired_caps['app']=r'C:\Users\bella\Desktop\20180922\kaoyan3.1.0.apk' desired_caps['appPackage']='com.tal.kaoyan' desired_caps['appActivity']='com.tal.kaoyan.ui.activity.SplashActivity' desired_caps['noReset']='true' #Simulated user not started for the first time desired_caps['unicodeKeyboard']="true" #Login in Chinese, code to be configured desired_caps['resetKeyboard']="true" #Reset keyboard to true driver=webdriver.Remote('http://localhost:4723/wd/hub',desired_caps) driver.implicitly_wait(2) def check_cancelBtn(): print('check cancelBtn') try: cancelBtn=driver.find_element_by_id('android:id/button2').click() #Find this element except NoSuchElementException: print('no cancelBtn') #When there is no such element, no cancelBtn will be printed out else: #Click when there is this element def check_skipBtn(): print("check_skipBtn") try: skipBtn = driver.find_element_by_id('com.tal.kaoyan:id/tv_skip') except NoSuchElementException: print('no skipBtn') else: check_cancelBtn() check_skipBtn()
from find_element.capability import driver,NoSuchElementException def login(): driver.find_element_by_id('com.tal.kaoyan:id/login_email_edittext').clear() #Clear the input box first driver.find_element_by_id('com.tal.kaoyan:id/login_email_edittext').send_keys('Self study network 2018') #Then pass in the corresponding value Send Keys driver.find_element_by_id('com.tal.kaoyan:id/login_password_edittext').send_keys('zxw2018') #Password does not need to be cleared driver.find_element_by_id('com.tal.kaoyan:id/login_login_btn').click() #Login button try: #Last login information is reserved for last login driver.find_element_by_id('com.tal.kaoyan:id/mainactivity_button_mysefl') #Click "I" except NoSuchElementException: login() #If there is no such element, directly enter the login interface and call login() else: driver.find_element_by_id('com.tal.kaoyan:id/mainactivity_button_mysefl').click() #If you have this element, click me driver.find_element_by_id('com.tal.kaoyan:id/activity_usercenter_username').click() #Then click not logged in login() #To call login()
Then run
Be careful:
After using Appium to do the input operation, if the input method cannot be recalled, you can replace the current input method with system input method or other input methods in system settings - language and input method.