Node learning note function self calling and crud addition, deletion, modification and query

Keywords: JSON npm Javascript

Function self calling

In general, the purpose of taking a function as a parameter is to obtain the asynchronous operation results inside the function

  • The following code is an example of synchronization

    function add (x + y) { // Function method
        return x + y
    add(10, 20) // Calling function
  • The following code is an asynchronous function

    console.log('setTimeout external before')
    setTimeout(function () {
        console.log('setTimeout inside before')
        console.log('setTimeout inside after')
    }, 0)
    console.log('setTimeout external after')

    Since setTimeout is an asynchronous function, the browser will not wait (even if the execution time is 0) for the function to execute at runtime, so the final output is

    setTimeout external before
    setTimeout external after
    setTimeout inside before
    setTimeout inside after

    This is because javascript is single threaded

  • Get the operation result inside the asynchronous function

    function add (x, y) {
        setTimeout(function () {
        	var ret = x + y
        }, 0)

    How to get the value of ret in the function internal setTimeout asynchronous function? Let's start with two error cases

    function add (x, y) {
        setTimeout(function () {
        	var ret = x + y
            return ret
        }, 0)
    add(10, 20)

    The operation result is Uncaught ReferenceError: ret is not defined

    The reason is that the value returned by ret in setTimeout is not received by variables in the add function

    function add (x, y) {
        var ret
        setTimeout(function () {
        	ret = x + y
        }, 0)
        return ret
    add(10, 20)

    The operation result is undefined

    The reason is that the execution order of the setTimeout asynchronous function is var return return return and setTimeout is last, so the result is undefined

    Get the result of asynchronous method inside function through callback function

    function add (x, y, callback) {
        setTimeout(function () {
        	var ret = x + y
        }, 0)
    add(10, 20, (val) => {

    The operation result is undefined 30

    In the code, the calling method add() is composed of three parameters, the first two parameters are passed to the asynchronous method setTimeout, ret = x + y is used to calculate, the third parameter is a function, this function parameter is the parameter, receives the ret final operation result as the real parameter.

    In this way, the asynchronous method running results inside the function can be thrown for external use

CRUD static routing setup

  • First, you need several static pages:

    index.html is used to display the homepage (information list) display page

    new.html for new information page

    edit.html is used to modify the page with existing information

    Static pages need to be placed in views for express to use

  • Create a data JSON file named db.json:

        "students": [{
            "id": 4,
            "name":"Zhang San San",
  • New project:

    npm init -y // Quick build project
  • Create the entry file app.js, introduce the required components and configuration

    // npm install express --save
    var express = require('express') // Introducing express
    // npm i art-template
    app.engine('art', require('express-art-template')) // Configure express art template
    // npm install --save body-parser
    var bodyParser = require('body-parser')  // Introduce body parser
    app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({ // Configure body parser
      extended: false
  • Create route (in order to better reflect modular development, the route module is now proposed to router.js separately)

    There are two ways to build in 14nodejs (7 days)

    1. Pass app as a parameter to router.js (not recommended)

      // route.js
      module.expotrs = (app) => {
          app.get('/', (req, res) => {}) // Render home page
          app.get('/new', (req, res) => {}) // Render add information page
'/new', (req, res) => {}) // Submit added information
          app.get('/edit', (req, res) => {}) // Rendering information editing page
'/edit', (req, res) => {}) // Submit edited information
          app.get('/delete', (req, res) => {}) // Delete information
      // app.js
      var express = require('express') // Introducing express
      var router = require('./route') // Introduce router.js
      var app = express()
      router(app) // Pass app as a parameter to router.js
    2. Use Express to wrap routing (recommended)

      // route.js
      var express = require('express') // Introducing express
      var router = express.Router() // Use the router method in express to create a routing container
      // Hang the route on the router
      router.get('/', (req, res) => {}) // Render home page
      router.get('/new', (req, res) => {}) // Render add information page'/new', (req, res) => {}) // Submit added information
      router.get('/edit', (req, res) => {}) // Rendering information editing page'/edit', (req, res) => {}) // Submit edited information
      router.get('/delete', (req, res) => {}) // Delete information
      module.exports = router // Export router container
      // app.js
      var express = require('express') // Introducing express
      var router = require('./route') // Introduce router.js
      var app = express()
      app.use(router) // Hang the routing container in the app service
  • Create Server service

    app.use('/public/', express.static('./public/')) // Open public directory
    app.use(router) // Hang in router routing file
    app.listen('2020', () => { // Bind server port number
      console.log('Server started successfully')

So far, the jump of static files is over. Next, we will develop the function of adding, deleting, modifying and querying one by one

CRUD addition, deletion, modification and query

Encapsulate all the methods related to addition, deletion, modification and query in the student.js file

All methods are exported through exports

Finally, the student.js file is imported into router.js for routing

Method to export the callback result through function self call

  • increase

    // student.js
    var fs = require('fs') // Introduce core component fs
    var dbPath = './db.json' // Import original data file
    exports.add = (student, callback) => {
        fs.readFile(dbPath, 'utf-8', (err, data) => {
            if (err) {
                return callback(err) // If the db.json file fails to read, an err is thrown out
            var students = JSON.parse(data).students // Convert the JSON text data object of dbPath
   = students[students.length - 1].id + 1
            students.push(student) // Append form data to students
            var fileData = JSON.stringify({ // Convert objects back to text
                students: students
            fs.writeFile(dbPath, fileData, (err) => {
                if (err) { // If the write to file fails, an err is thrown out
                    return callback(err)
                callback(null) // Write success, no action
    // router.js
    var Student = require('./student') // Import student.js
    Student.add(req.body, (err) => {})
    // The add method takes two parameters
    // Parameter 1 (Object) receives the data Object to be added
    // Parameter 2 (Function) the Function parameter receives err
  • Delete

    // student.js
    var fs = require('fs') // Introduce core component fs
    var dbPath = './db.json' // Import original data file
    exports.deleteId = function (id, callback) {
        fs.readFile(dbPath, 'utf8', function (err, data) {
            if (err) {
                return callback(err) // If the db.json file fails to read, an err is thrown out
            var students = JSON.parse(data).students // Convert the JSON text data object of dbPath    
            var deleteId = students.findIndex(function (item) { // The findIndex method is specifically used to find the subscript of an element based on a condition
                return === parseInt(id)
            students.splice(deleteId, 1) // Delete the corresponding student object from the array according to the subscript    
            var fileData = JSON.stringify({ // Convert object data to strings
                students: students
            fs.writeFile(dbPath, fileData, function (err) {
                if (err) { // If the write to file fails, an err is thrown out
                    return callback(err)
                callback(null) // Write success, no action
    // router.js
    var Student = require('./student') // Import student.js
    Student.deleteId(, function (err) {})
    // The deleteId method receives two parameters
    // Parameter 1 (String) receives the data id used for matching
    // Parameter 2 (Function) the Function parameter receives err
  • change

    // student.js
    var fs = require('fs') // Introduce core component fs
    var dbPath = './db.json' // Import original data file
    exports.edit = (student, callback) => {
        fs.readFile(dbPath, 'utf-8', (err, data) => {
            if (err) {
                return callback(err) // If the db.json file fails to read, an err is thrown out
            var students = JSON.parse(data).students // Convert the JSON text data object of dbPath
            var queryId = students.find((item) => { // Find the matching object in dbPath through
                return === parseInt(
            for (var key in student) { // Replace the object to be modified
                queryId[key] = student[key]
            var fileData = JSON.stringify({ // Convert objects back to text
                students: students
            fs.writeFile(dbPath, fileData, (err) => {
                if (err) { // If the write to file fails, an err is thrown out
                    return callback(err)
                callback(null) // Write success, no action
    // router.js
    var Student = require('./student') // Import student.js
    Student.edit(, (err) => {})
    // The edit method takes two parameters
    // Parameter 1 (String) receives the data id used for matching
    // Parameter 2 (Function) the Function parameter receives err
  • Check (all)

    // student.js
    var fs = require('fs') // Introduce core component fs
    var dbPath = './db.json' // Import original data file
    exports.findAll = (callback) => {
    	fs.readFile(dbPath, 'utf-8', (err, data) => {
            if (err) {
                return callback(err) // If the db.json file fails to read, an err is thrown out
            callback(null, JSON.parse(data).students) // Throw data if read successfully
    // router.js
    var Student = require('./student') // Import student.js
    Student.findAll((err, students) => {})
    // The find method takes a Function parameter, which has two more parameters
    // Parameter 1 receive err
    // Parameter 2 receives real data (JSON.parse(data).students)
  • Check (single)

    // student.js
    var fs = require('fs') // Introduce core component fs
    var dbPath = './db.json' // Import original data file
    exports.findId = (queryId, callback) => {
        fs.readFile(dbPath, 'utf-8', (err, data) => {
            if (err) {
                return callback(err) // If the db.json file fails to read, an err is thrown out
            var students = JSON.parse(data).students // Convert the JSON text data object of dbPath
            var student = students.find((item) => { // Find the matching object in dbPath through queryId
                return === parseInt(queryId)
            return callback(null, student)
    // router.js
    var Student = require('./student') // Import student.js
    Student.findId(, (err, data) => {})
    // The findId method takes two parameters
    // Parameter 1 (String) receives the data id used for matching
    // Parameter 2 (Function) this Function has two parameters, one is err, the other is real data

Apply the method to router.js, and the final router.js page code is

var fs = require('fs') // Introduce core component fs
var Student = require('./student') // Import student.js
var express = require('express') // Import express
var router = express.Router() // express package routing

router.get('/', (req, res) => { // Render home page
    Student.findAll((err, students) => {
        if (err) { // If findAll throws an error, the Server error will be reported, and the status code is 500
            return res.status(500).send('Server error.')
        res.render('index.html', { // If the data is read successfully, render the first page
            students: students

router.get('/new', (req, res) => { // Render add information page
    if (err) { // If findAll throws an error, the Server error will be reported, and the status code is 500
        return res.status(500).send('Server error.')
})'/new', (req, res) => { // Submit added information
    Student.add(req.body, err => { // Add req.body object to. / db.json
        if (err) { // If findAll throws an error, the Server error will be reported, and the status code is 500
            return res.status(500).send('Server error.')
        res.redirect('/') // If it is added successfully, the page will be redirected back to the first page

router.get('/edit', (req, res) => { // Rendering information editing page
    Student.findId(, (err, student) => { // Match data in. / db.json through
        if (err) { // If findAll throws an error, the Server error will be reported, and the status code is 500
            return res.status(500).send('Server error.')
        res.render('edit.html', { // Render the edit page of the current data
            student: student
})'/edit', (req, res) => { // Submit edited information
    Student.edit(req.body, (err) => { // Match the data in. / db.json through req.body and replace it
        if (err) { // If findAll throws an error, the Server error will be reported, and the status code is 500
            return res.status(500).send('Server error.')
        res.redirect('/') // If it is added successfully, the page will be redirected back to the first page

router.get('/delete', (req, res) => { // Delete information
    Student.deleteId(, function (err) { // Match the data in. / db.json through and delete it
        if (err) { // If findAll throws an error, the Server error will be reported, and the status code is 500
            return res.status(500).send('Server error.')
        res.redirect('/') // If it is added successfully, the page will be redirected back to the first page

module.exports = router // Export router container

Article synced to my personal blog:< Node learning record function self calling and crud addition, deletion, modification and query>


Posted by utdfederation on Thu, 12 Dec 2019 00:54:57 -0800