How to judge whether the scroll reaches the bottom?
The first knowledge to understand: scrollHeight,clientHeight,scrollTop
Read only property, height includes all contents, including inner margin, but not including horizontal scroll bar, border and outer margin.
- It is also a read-only attribute. The element without CSS or inline layout box is 0. It is the internal height of the element, including the internal margin, excluding the height of the scroll bar, the border, and the external margin of the x axis;
- The same model of mobile phone is the same.
The top scrolling distance of this element (to the top of the viewport (usually html)).
You can calculate the distance to the bottom
Calculate whether to reach the bottom
Native js
element.scrollHeight - element.scrollTop === element.clientHeight
element..scrollHeight - element.scrollTop() == element.height()
Implement pull-down refresh
Using html+jq
var loadingState = { text:false, image:false, video:false } var httpUrl2 = "" var options1 = { page:1, count:10, type:"text" } var options2 = { page:1, count:10, type:"image" } var options3 = { page:1, count:10, type:"video" } //If you can't get the options in the window, you can only put them in the data object, and you can get them with data['options'+(index+1)] var data = { options1,options2,options3 } //Where is the request statement loadingState.text = true; textRender(options1); //Listen for scrolling events to slide the container $('.content').scroll(function(e){ var index = $(this).index(); //Get rolling distance var sTop = $('.content').eq(index).scrollTop(); //Get the height of the container var contentHeight = $('.content').eq(index).height(); //Get rolling height var scrollHeight = $('.content').eq(index)[0].scrollHeight; //Load different content according to different options selected if(index==$(this).index()&&loadingState.text!=true) { //Judge whether the bottom has been rolled if((sTop+contentHeight)==scrollHeight){ //When it reaches the bottom, the load option is true, and then the operation loadingState.text = true; //Content fades out slowly $(this).animate({ scrollTop:sTop+80 },1000) var options = data['options'+(index+1)]; //Page number plus one += 1; //Load newly acquired content textRender(options); } } } //Load implementation function funtion textRender(obj){ //What to add if(obj == options1){ console.log(obj); $.get(httpUrl2,obj).then(function(res){ res.result.forEach(function(item,i){ var html = ` <div class="mui-card"> <div class="mui-card-header mui-card-media"> <img src="${item.header}"> <div class="mui-media-body"> ${} <p>Published in ${item.passtime}</p> </div> </div> <div class="mui-card-content"> <div class="mui-card-content-inner"> <p>${item.text}</p> </div> </div> <div class="mui-card-footer"> <a class="mui-card-link">like</a> <a class="mui-card-link">comment</a> </div> </div> ` $('.content:eq(0)').append(html).css('backgroundImage',"none") loadingState.text = false; $('.loading.text').stop(true).slideUp(2000,function(){ $('.loading.text').remove() }) }) }) } }