12 function recursive dichotomy common built-in functions of ternary expression list / dictionary / tuple generation

Keywords: PHP

Function recursion

That is, the function calls itself directly or indirectly in the call stage.


# View the upper recursion limit supported by the function
import sys
print(sys.getrecursionlimit())  # Not very accurate
# Generally, 1000 is returned.

# If you want to change the upper limit of recursion, you can use this method to change it to 2000.

Functions should not be recursed indefinitely

Recursion is divided into two stages
1. Backtracking: it is a repeated process, which must be based on the fact that the complexity of each repeated problem should be reduced.
To have a final end condition
2. Recursion: the process of backward derivation

age(n) = age(n-1) + 2  # n > 1
age(1) = 18  # n = 1

# Recursive function
def age(n):
    if n == 1:  # There must be an end condition
        return 18
    return age(n-1) + 2
res = age(5)
print(res)  # 26
l = [1,[2,[3,[4,[5,[6,[7,[8,[9,[10,[11,[12,[13,]]]]]]]]]]]]]
# Print the numbers in the list in turn(The number of layers of the loop is something you have to think about)
def get_num(l):
    for i in l:
        if type(i) is int:
            get_num(i)  # Here, you can call yourself recursively to achieve the purpose of loop.


Algorithm: an efficient way to solve problems

l = [1,2,4,65,76,123,156,157,235,256,278,301,324,786]

target_num = 66

# These are the initial parameters

def get_num(l,target_num):
    print(l)  # With this sentence, every time you search or split the list, you will print the list.
    middle_index = len(l)//2  # There l Then it will be l_left perhaps l_right Replace
                         # So, every time middle_index It's the middle one of the current list.
    if not l:  # This means judging if target_num Not in list l Words in Li
        print('It's not on this watch.')
        return  # If it does, its return value is None
    if target_num > l[middle_index]:
        l_right = l[middle_index+1:]  # Notice here that since target_num than l[middle_index]Big,
                       # Well, l[middel_index]It can be eliminated directly from l[middle_index+1]Start comparing
        get_num(l_right,target_num)  # That's the way l_right As the original l It's in. # Here is the recursive call
    elif target_num < l[middle_index]:
        l_left = l[:middle_index]
        print('find it',l[middle_index])
get_num(l,target_num)  # Call this function # Give this function two arguments, the top two.

[1, 2, 4, 65, 76, 123, 156, 157, 235, 256, 278, 301, 324, 786]
[1, 2, 4, 65, 76, 123, 156]
[76, 123, 156]
//It's not on this watch.
Result with target Gu num = 66

[1, 2, 4, 65, 76, 123, 156, 157, 235, 256, 278, 301, 324, 786]
[1, 2, 4, 65, 76, 123, 156]
[76, 123, 156]
find it 76
Result with target_num=76

The above is the simple application of dichotomy, which can be said to be the simplest algorithm.

Using the right algorithm can improve the work efficiency.

Ternary expression

The application scenarios of ternary expressions are as follows:

To output two large ones, we usually need to write as follows:

def my_max(x,y):
    if x > y:
        return x
        return y

However, if you use a ternary expression, it can be reduced to this:

def my_max(x,y):
    res = x if x > y else y
    #If the condition after if holds, return the value before if; otherwise, return the value after else.
Ternary expression fixed expression
    Value 1 if condition else value 2
        Conditional value 1
        Condition not tenable value 2
# There are only two possible scenarios for the application of ternary expressions.
is_free = input('Please input whether it is free(y/n)>>>:')
is_free = 'Free Admission' if is_free == 'y' else 'charge'

username = input('username>>>:')
res = 'NB' if username == 'jackMa' else 'normal'

Posted by PHP_Idiot on Mon, 28 Oct 2019 11:01:42 -0700