Using ANSI ble to write playbook to automatically install ceph cluster in Huawei cloud batch configuration management tool

Keywords: Linux Ceph shell osd yum

ansible, playbook, huaweiyun, ceph

First, purchase the virtual machine needed to build the ceph cluster on Huawei cloud:




Then purchase the storage disk required by ceph



Mount the purchased disk to the virtual machine used to build ceph

Installing ansible on the springboard machine

Check the ansible version and verify that ansible is installed successfully

Configure host groups

test result

Write the playbook file as follows:

 1 ---
 2 #Synchronize the yum file to each node
 3 - hosts: ceph
 4   remote_user: root
 5   tasks: 
 6     - copy:
 7         src: /etc/yum.repos.d/ceph.repo
 8         dest: /etc/yum.repos.d/ceph.repo
 9     - shell: yum clean all
10 #to ceph-0001 Host installation ceph-deploy,Create working directory, initialize configuration file
11 - hosts: ceph-0001
12   remote_user: root
13   tasks:
14     - yum: 
15         name: ceph-deploy
16         state: installed
17     - file: 
18         path: /root/ceph-cluster
19         state: directory
20         mode: '0755'
21 #Install ceph related software package for all ceph nodes
22 - hosts: ceph
23   remote_user: root
24   tasks:
25     - yum:
26         name: ceph-osd,ceph-mds
27         state: installed
28 #to ceph-0001,ceph-0002,ceph-0003 install ceph-mon
29 - hosts: ceph-0001,ceph-0002,ceph-0003
30   remote_user: root
31   tasks:
32     - yum:
33         name: ceph-mon
34         state: installed
35 #Initialize mon service
36 - hosts: ceph-0001
37   tasks:
38     - shell: 'chdir=/root/ceph-cluster ceph-deploy new ceph-0001 ceph-0002 ceph-0003'
39     - shell: 'chdir=/root/ceph-cluster ceph-deploy mon create-initial'
40 #Preparing partitions, creating journal Disk, and permanently modify device permissions,Use ceph-deploy Tool initialization data disk,Initialization OSD colony,deploy ceph file system
41 - hosts: ceph
42   remote_user: root
43   tasks:
44     - shell: parted /dev/vdb mklabel gpt
45     - shell: parted /dev/vdb mkpart primary 1 100%
46     - shell: chown  ceph.ceph  /dev/vdb1
47     - copy: 
48         src: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-vdb.rules
49         dest: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-vdb.rules
50 - hosts: ceph-0001
51   remote_user: root
52   tasks:
53     - shell: 'chdir=/root/ceph-cluster ceph-deploy disk zap ceph-0001:vdc'
54     - shell: 'chdir=/root/ceph-cluster ceph-deploy disk zap ceph-0002:vdc'
55     - shell: 'chdir=/root/ceph-cluster ceph-deploy disk zap ceph-0003:vdc'
56     - shell: 'chdir=/root/ceph-cluster ceph-deploy disk zap ceph-0004:vdc'
57     - shell: 'chdir=/root/ceph-cluster ceph-deploy disk zap ceph-0005:vdc'
58     - shell: 'chdir=/root/ceph-cluster ceph-deploy disk zap ceph-0006:vdc'
59     - shell: 'chdir=/root/ceph-cluster ceph-deploy osd create ceph-0001:vdc:/dev/vdb1'
60     - shell: 'chdir=/root/ceph-cluster ceph-deploy osd create ceph-0002:vdc:/dev/vdb1'
61     - shell: 'chdir=/root/ceph-cluster ceph-deploy osd create ceph-0003:vdc:/dev/vdb1'
62     - shell: 'chdir=/root/ceph-cluster ceph-deploy osd create ceph-0004:vdc:/dev/vdb1'
63     - shell: 'chdir=/root/ceph-cluster ceph-deploy osd create ceph-0005:vdc:/dev/vdb1'
64     - shell: 'chdir=/root/ceph-cluster ceph-deploy osd create ceph-0006:vdc:/dev/vdb1'
65     - shell: 'chdir=/root/ceph-cluster ceph-deploy mds create ceph-0006'
66     - shell: 'chdir=/root/ceph-cluster ceph osd pool create cephfs_data 128'
67     - shell: 'chdir=/root/ceph-cluster ceph osd pool create cephfs_metadata 128'
68     - shell: 'chdir=/root/ceph-cluster ceph fs new myfs1 cephfs_metadata cephfs_data'

The specific implementation process of playbook is as follows:


Go to ceph-0001 management host to verify that the cluster has been built successfully

Posted by Mattyspatty on Sat, 26 Oct 2019 10:10:30 -0700