Spark implements a slightly more complex business scenario by customizing InputFormat to read HDFS files

Keywords: Spark JSON Hadoop Apache

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Business scenario

Spark knows how to read files according to InputFormat. By default, it reads files according to one line. In some specific cases, Spark's default InputFormat does not work very well. In one requirement of the company, it encounters the following problem. Most ETL cleans data every day. The file format is as follows: 1 json string is written to HDFS file

{"queryType":"BASIC","searchParameters":{"typeName": "hive_column","excludeDeletedEntities": false,"includeClassificationAttributes": false,"includeSubTypes": true,"limit": 100,"offset": 0},"entities":{"0":[{"typeName": "hive_column","attributes":[{"owner":"bigdata","createTime":"2019-08-20","qualifiedName":"","name":"em1"}],"guid":"9bf716ce-ba58-4d97-b5bd-d4cef06207b9",  "status":"ACTIVE","displayText":"name","classificationNames":[]}]}}

But because the json string is too long and too long to fit a line at all, they change the data and the data above becomes the following.

{"queryType":"BASIC","searchParameters":{"typeName": "hive_column","excludeDeletedEntities": false,"includeClassificationAttributes": false,"includeSubTypes": true,"limit": 100,"offset": 0},"entities":{"0":[{"typeName": "hive_column","attributes":[{"owner":"bigdata","createTime":"2019-08-20","qualifiedName":"","name":"em1"}],"guid":"9bf716ce-ba58-4d97-b5bd-d4cef06207b9",  "status":"ACTIVE","displayText":"name","classificationNames":[]}]}}
{"queryType":"BASIC","searchParameters":{"typeName": "hive_column","excludeDeletedEntities": false,"includeClassificationAttributes": false,"includeSubTypes": true,"limit": 100,"offset": 0},"entities":{"0":[{"typeName": "hive_column","attributes":[{"owner":"bigdata","createTime":"2019-08-20","qualifiedName":"","name":"em1"}],"guid":"9bf716ce-ba58-4d97-b5bd-d4cef06207b9\
	",  "status":"ACTIVE","displayText":"name","classificationNames":[]}]}}

In this case, using the default reading mode of spark will generate three-day data, but in fact there are only two data in the example.
At this point, we need to customize InputFormat to implement the above functions.

Implementation ideas

spark provides us with relevant API s for HDFS, which we can use directly. It is more convenient than hadoop's MR program.
Customize InputFormat to implement FileInputFormat and redefine RecordReader
Here's the code section
Main method

def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val conf: SparkConf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local[*]").setAppName("Spark_Hadoop_InputFormat")
    conf.registerKryoClasses(Array[Class[_]](Class.forName(""), Class.forName("")))
    val sc: SparkContext = new SparkContext(conf)
    val configuration: Configuration = new Configuration(sc.hadoopConfiguration)
    val path = "hdfs://hadoop01:9000/test/text.json"
    val rdd: RDD[(LongWritable, Text)] = sc.newAPIHadoopFile[LongWritable, Text, MyFileInputFormat](path, classOf[MyFileInputFormat], classOf[LongWritable], classOf[Text], configuration)
    //    println(rdd.mapValues(t => t.toString).collect.mkString(","))
    val result: RDD[Option[Any]] = rdd.mapValues(t => t.toString).map { case (k, v) => JSON.parseFull(v) }
    result.foreach(_ match {
      case Some(map: Map[String, Any]) => println(map)
      case None => println("Conversion error")
      case _ => println("System exception")

Customize InputFormat

    * Implementing custom InputFormat inheritance FileInputFormat
    * Rewriting the createRecordReader method
  class MyFileInputFormat extends FileInputFormat[LongWritable, Text] {
    override def createRecordReader(split: InputSplit, context: TaskAttemptContext):
    RecordReader[LongWritable, Text] = new MyRecordReader()

Rewrite RecordReaderre

class MyRecordReader() extends RecordReader[LongWritable, Text] {
    var start, end, position, pos = 0L
    var reader: LineReader = null
    var key = new LongWritable
    var value = new Text
    override def initialize(inputSplit: InputSplit, context: TaskAttemptContext): Unit = {
      //Create FileSplit
      val split = inputSplit.asInstanceOf[FileSplit]
      //Get the header of the file to start reading
      start = 0.max(split.getStart.toInt - 1)
      //The end of the size of the retrieved file is equal to end
      end = start + split.getLength
      //Open FileSystem to create Steam objects for file reading
      val stream = split.getPath.getFileSystem(context.getConfiguration)
      //Creating LineReader Objects
      reader = new LineReader(stream, context.getConfiguration)
      // if the split starts at a newline, we want to start yet another byte earlier to check if the newline was escaped or not
      val firstByte = stream.readByte().toInt
      //If the first li n e read isn
      if (firstByte == '\n')
        start = 0.max(start.toInt - 1)
      if (start != 0)
	 def skipRemainderFromPreviousSplit(reader: LineReader): Unit = {
      var readAnotherLine = true
      while (readAnotherLine) {
        // read next line
        val buffer = new Text()
        start += reader.readLine(buffer, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE)
        pos = start
        // detect if delimiter was escaped
        readAnotherLine = buffer.getLength >= 1 && // something was read
          buffer.charAt(buffer.getLength - 1) == '\\' && // newline was escaped
          pos <= end // seek head hasn't passed the split
    override def nextKeyValue(): Boolean = {
      // read newlines until an unescaped newline is read
      var lastNewlineWasEscaped = false
      while (pos < end || lastNewlineWasEscaped) {
        // read next line
        val buffer = new Text
        pos += reader.readLine(buffer, Integer.MAX_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE)
        // append newly read data to previous data if necessary
        value = if (lastNewlineWasEscaped) new Text(value + "\n" + buffer) else buffer
        // detect if delimiter was escaped
        lastNewlineWasEscaped = buffer.charAt(buffer.getLength - 1) == '\\'
        // let Spark know that a key-value pair is ready!
        if (!lastNewlineWasEscaped)
          return true
      // end of split reached?
      return false

    override def getCurrentKey: LongWritable = {

    override def getProgress: Float = ???

    override def getCurrentValue: Text = {

    override def close(): Unit = {
      if (reader != null) reader.close()

Posted by garyb_44 on Sun, 06 Oct 2019 17:05:10 -0700