markdown documents are converted to html using mistune. How do you keep in LaTex from being transcoded? Write mistune subclasses

Keywords: Python encoding Javascript

In the background of md document, mistune is used to convert html, and in the front desk, MathJax.js is used to visualize LaTex formula. It is found that mistune converts to <em> or </em>, which leads to many formula visualization failures. Later, it was found that the package could be extended, and a subclass was extended with reference to official documents. When backstage conversion from md to html, nothing was done when encountering the $wrapped part.


LaTex visualization has been converted to html or SVG (example:, which I prefer, but I haven't found the available python package. Who saw it and told me?



1. md file with LaTex code




2. python will convert md to LaTex

import re
from mistune import Renderer, Markdown, InlineLexer

# define new sub class
#Let mistune not process the LaTex code between $$and $$$in the background, and send the js to the front desk to process it into mathematical formulas.
class LaTexRenderer(Renderer):
    #def LaTex(self, alt, link):
    def LaTex(self, text):
        return '$$%s$$' % (text)

class LaTexInlineLexer(InlineLexer):
    def enable_LaTex(self):
        # add LaTex rules
        self.rules.LaTex = re.compile(
            r'\$\$'                   # $$
            r'([\s\S]+?)'   # ***
            r'\$\$(?!\])'             # $$

        # Add LaTex parser to default rules
        # you can insert it some place you like
        # but place matters, maybe 3 is not good
        self.default_rules.insert(3, 'LaTex')

    def output_LaTex(self, m):
        text =
        #alt, link = text.split('|')
        # you can create an custom render
        # you can also return the html if you like
        #return self.renderer.LaTex(alt, link)
        return self.renderer.LaTex(text)
renderer = LaTexRenderer()
inline = LaTexInlineLexer(renderer)
# enable the feature
markdown = Markdown(renderer, inline=inline)
# the end of sub class

#Read md files
fr=open(fpath, 'r', encoding="utf-8")

#md to html(leave LaTex alone)

#html to LaTex
js3='<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>';
js3+='<script src="../static/js/showLaTex.js"></script>\n\n';

print("end", len(rs));



The showLaTex.js file is the settings file:

* name showLaTex.js
* Depending on MathJax.js
* varsion: v0.1
let isMathjaxConfig = false; // Prevent repetitive calls to Config, resulting in performance degradation

const initMathjaxConfig = () => {
  if (!window.MathJax) {
    showProcessingMessages: false, //Close js loading process information
    messageStyle: "none", //Not displaying information
    jax: ["input/TeX", "output/HTML-CSS"],
    tex2jax: {
      inlineMath: [["$", "$"], ["\\(", "\\)"]], //In-line formula selector
      displayMath: [["$$", "$$"], ["\\[", "\\]"]], //Intra-paragraph formula selector
      skipTags: ["script", "noscript", "style", "textarea", "pre", "code", "a"] //Avoid certain labels
    "HTML-CSS": {
      availableFonts: ["STIX", "TeX"], //Optional font
      showMathMenu: false //Close right-click menu display
  isMathjaxConfig = true; // 

if (isMathjaxConfig === false) { // If: MathJax is not configured

// If the third parameter is not passed in, the entire document is rendered
window.MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset", MathJax.Hub]);
// Because Vuejs are used, specify # app to increase speed
//window.MathJax.Hub.Queue(["Typeset", MathJax.Hub, document.getElementById('app')]);




Posted by putraaridana on Fri, 04 Oct 2019 21:00:45 -0700