Selenium 2 Java uses mysq to resolve token expiration when inserting cookies into browsers

Keywords: Programming Mobile SQL Database Java

When I study selenium 2 Java and insert cookies into the browser to simulate user login, I found a problem, that is, the token value expired. Later, I learned selenium 2 java to connect to the database and found a better solution. Every time you insert cookies, you always get the latest token from the database, which perfectly solves the problem of expiration.

This is the cookies I got from my browser after I logged in:

[Automatic_login=18436035355%7Ce3ceb5881a0a1fdaad01296d7554868d%7CStudent; expires=Tuesday, 21 March 2017 01:59:55 CST; path=/;, Hm_lvt_52b97b391587eb6d3e582caa097d6f91=1489471192; expires=Wednesday, 14 March 2018 01:59:56 CST; path=/;, MyName=18436035355; expires=Tuesday, 21 March 2017 01:59:54 CST; path=/;, User_token_Session=f24f16d472b222271e6dcf27077231b9; expires=Tuesday, 21 March 2017 01:59:54 CST; path=/;, User_identity_Session=1; expires=Tuesday, 21 March 2017 01:59:54 CST; path=/;, PHPSESSID=1s2uvdrj33d72qvj2qlqojhsl7; path=/;, Hm_lpvt_52b97b391587eb6d3e582caa097d6f91=1489471196;  path=/;]

After analysis and trial, it is found that only two items, MyName and user token session, can be inserted.   Following is my successful insert cookies:

[Hm_lvt_52b97b391587eb6d3e582caa097d6f91=1489472871; expires=Wednesday, 14 March 2018 02:27:53 CST; path=/;, MyName=18436035355; path=/;, User_token_Session=f24f16d472b222271e6dcf27077231b9; path=/;, PHPSESSID=uahgb7ll1405h0p5jhloipt7a2; path=/;, Hm_lpvt_52b97b391587eb6d3e582caa097d6f91=1489472873; path=/;]

Here is the code I wrote.

//Adding cookies to browsers
public static void addCookies(WebDriver driver, String mobile) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, IOException {
Cookie a = new Cookie("MyName", mobile);
Cookie b = new Cookie("User_token_Session", MySql.getNewToken(mobile));
//View Browser cookies
// Set<Cookie> cooies = driver.manage().getCookies();
// System.out.println(cooies);

The following is the getNewToken (String mobile) method:

    public static String getNewToken(String mobile) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, IOException {
// load driver
// Connect to the database
        Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url, user, password);
        if (!conn.isClosed())
            System.out.println("Succeeded connecting to the Database!");
//State is used to execute SQL statement s
        Statement statement = conn.createStatement();
// SQL statement to execute
        String sql = "select * from users where mobile = " + mobile;
// Result set
        ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(sql);
        System.out.println("The results of the query are as follows:");
        String id = null;
        while ( {
            // Select column data
            id = rs.getString("id");
            // Output result
            System.out.println(rs.getString("id") + "\t" + id);
        String sql2 = "select * from users_token where uid = " + id + " ORDER BY create_time DESC LIMIT 1";
        ResultSet rs2 = statement.executeQuery(sql2);
        String token = null;
        System.out.println("The results of the query are as follows:");
        while ( {
            token = rs2.getString(token);
            saveToFile(getNow() + token, "runlog.log", false);
        return token;

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Posted by jameslloyd on Fri, 04 Oct 2019 04:29:29 -0700