Introduction to Spring MVC

Keywords: Spring Maven Junit JSP

Introduction to Spring MVC:

1. Create a maven project and import dependencies

maven project pom configuration:


			<!-- Junit test -->


	<!-- jstl -->

		<!-- Add to Spring package -->



		<!-- To facilitate unit testing, add spring-test package -->


2. Configure the core controller:

Configure Dispatcher Servlet Core Controller (Servlet) in web.xml

    <! - Configure Spring MVC Core Controller: -->
		<! - Configure the initial cu lt ural parameters of Dispatcher Servlet: Set the path and file name of the file - >.
		<! -- The point at which the object to configure the servlet is created: when the application is loaded. Values can only be non-zero positive integers, indicating the order of start-up - >.
	     <! - Servlet access paths, which requests need to be managed by Springmvc - >
   		 <! - / Indicates that all requests are managed - >

3. Create configuration files for spring MVC (as shown below):

	<!--scanning controller Controller Annotation Spring Framework creates objects for the control layer-->
	<context:component-scan base-package="com.springmvc.controller" />

	<!-- view resolver -->
		<!-- jsp Location -->
		<property name="prefix" value="/WEB-INF/values/" />
		<!-- jsp File suffix name -->
		<property name="suffix" value=".jsp" />

4. Write controllers and use annotations to configure:

 * Controller
@Controller//Note that this class is a controller class

//Action method
public class HelloSpringMvc {
    @RequestMapping(value = "/HelloSpringMvc")// Request mapping annotations
    public String hello(Model model){
        model.addAttribute("message","My first SpringMvc program");
        return "001";

5. Test Spring MVC:

Publish the project, through the browser, access the corresponding address of the current project +/HelloSpring Mvc can be


Posted by DarkShadowWing on Tue, 01 Oct 2019 04:30:25 -0700